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ToggleDiscover the Heartbeat of History: Valentine’s Day Unwrapped
“Think you know Valentine’s Day? Think again! Dive into ‘100 Fun Facts and Trivia About Valentine’s Day You Never Knew‘ and embark on a journey through the most surprising and delightful aspects of February 14th. From ancient myths to modern trends, this article peels back the layers of this beloved holiday, revealing secrets that will make your celebration more meaningful. Get ready to be charmed and informed – your Valentine’s Day will never be the same!”
Key Takeaways
- Ancient Roots & Evolutions: Discover how Valentine’s Day evolved from Pagan rituals and Roman festivals to a global celebration of love.
- The Real Cupid: Uncover the truth behind Cupid’s mythological origins and what he really symbolizes.
- Valentine’s Day Around the World: Explore unique global traditions that showcase the diverse ways love is celebrated.
- Modern Celebrations & Consumerism: Dive into the massive impact of Valentine’s Day on modern culture and economy, from card exchanges to chocolate sales.
- Surprising Facts & Myths: Learn intriguing details like why roses are love’s emblem and the hidden meanings behind Valentine’s Day symbols.
- Cultural Impact: See how literature, music, and even movies have shaped and been shaped by Valentine’s Day.
Historical Valentine’s Day Origins and Celebrations

1. There Were Actually Multiple St. Valentines.
TRUE: Contrary to popular belief, the St. Valentine we celebrate on Valentine’s Day wasn’t just one individual. Historical records suggest there were multiple St. Valentines, each contributing to the tapestry of the holiday’s origin. The most famous of these was a priest in Rome during the 3rd century, known for his defiance against Emperor Claudius II. Claudius had banned marriage for young men, believing single men made better soldiers. St. Valentine (learn facts about Saint Valentine), championing love, secretly performed weddings for young couples. Another St. Valentine, the Bishop of Terni [1], also defied Claudius and was known for similar acts of valour in the name of love. These multiple figures, each embodying the spirit of romantic defiance, have collectively shaped the St. Valentine persona celebrated today. Their stories, though varied, converge on a common theme: the triumph of love over obstacles, a narrative heartily embraced each February 14th.
2. Valentine’s Day Sprouted from Ancient Pagan Roots.
TRUE: Valentine’s Day, often viewed as a hallmark of romantic love, surprisingly sprouted from ancient Pagan roots. The festival of Lupercalia, celebrated in the heart of Rome from February 13th to 15th, is considered a precursor to the modern Valentine’s Day. This ancient festival, a mix of fertility rites and match-making, was rich in rituals. Young men would draw the names of women from a jar, pairing off for the duration of the festival, or sometimes even longer if the match was right. The festivities included a sacrificial offering and a ritualistic run, where the men, clad in goat or dog skins, would lightly whip women with strips of the skins. This peculiar ritual was believed to promote fertility. As Christianity spread, efforts to ‘Christianize’ these Pagan traditions led to the merging of Lupercalia’s themes with the celebration of St. Valentine’s feast day. Over time, the festival’s focus shifted from fertility to the more genteel notion of romantic love that we associate with Valentine’s Day today.
3. Love and Valentine’s Day Officially Paired up in the 1300s.
TRUE: Love and Valentine’s Day found their official pairing in the 1300s, marking a significant shift in the holiday’s focus and perception. This transformation is often credited to the flourishing of courtly love, a concept popular in the High Middle Ages. During this era, romantic love, chivalry, and poetic expression were celebrated as ideals within the noble classes. It was Geoffrey Chaucer, the famed English poet, who first linked St. Valentine with romantic love. In his poem “Parliament of Foules” (1382), Chaucer wrote, “For this was on St. Valentine’s Day, when every bird cometh there to choose his mate,” setting the precedent for the association of February 14th with romantic and courtly love.
This period saw the emergence of medieval Valentine’s traditions, where Valentine’s Day became a time for lovers to express their affection with flowers, sweets, and handwritten notes, a tradition that has only grown richer over time. The 1300s marked the beginning of Valentine’s Day as we know it—a celebration not just of love, but of the special bonds that form between people, celebrated through the exchange of tokens of affection and heartfelt messages.
4. The Roman Lupercalia Festival is Valentine’s Ancient Ancestor.

TRUE: The Roman Lupercalia festival, celebrated from February 13th to 15th, is widely recognized as the ancient ancestor of modern Valentine’s Day. This ancient Roman festival was a time of fertility rites and community celebration, deeply rooted in pagan traditions.
Lupercalia was held in honour of Faunus [2], the Roman god of agriculture, and Romulus and Remus, the founders of Rome, who were believed to have been cared for by a she-wolf or “lupa” in their infancy. The rituals began with the sacrifice of a goat for fertility and a dog for purification. Luperci, or priests of Faunus, then cut strips, known as thongs or februa, from the animal hides. Clad in the skins of the sacrificed goats, they would run through the city streets, playfully striking women with the februa. This act was welcomed by Roman women because it was believed to ensure fertility and ease childbirth.
As the festival was associated with purification and fertility, it naturally evolved into a celebration of love and romance, especially as it coincided with the beginning of spring, a time of renewal and growth. Over time, as Christianity spread across the Roman Empire, efforts were made to replace pagan celebrations like Lupercalia with Christian holidays. By the end of the 5th century, Pope Gelasius I declared February 14th as St. Valentine’s Day, thus overlaying the Christian feast day over the ancient pagan festival. This shift from a raucous celebration of fertility to a more subdued celebration of romantic love represents the transformation of Lupercalia into the Valentine’s Day we recognize today.
5. A Pope’s Initiative Transformed Valentine’s Day to Counter Pagan Rituals.
TRUE: The transformation of Valentine’s Day into a celebration of romantic love, as we know it today, is largely attributed to a strategic move by Pope Gelasius I in the 5th century. His initiative aimed to replace the Pagan rituals of the Lupercalia festival with a Christian feast day. This shift was part of the wider Christianization efforts across the Roman Empire, where the Church sought to supplant established Pagan traditions and celebrations with Christian equivalents.
Pope Gelasius I declared February 14th as the feast day of St. Valentine, a martyr of the Church. This move was significant as it redirected the focus of the mid-February celebrations from the raucous, fertility-focused Lupercalia festival to a more solemn remembrance of a Christian saint. However, over the centuries, this feast day gradually reclaimed some of the romantic elements of Lupercalia.
By establishing St. Valentine’s Day, the Pope aimed to eliminate the Pagan traditions of Lupercalia and offer a Christian alternative that celebrated love and affection in a manner aligned with Christian values. This decree laid the foundation for the evolution of Valentine’s Day into a day associated with the expression of love, primarily through the exchange of letters and gifts, and the celebration of romantic relationships. Over time, as the memory of Lupercalia faded, St. Valentine’s Day became the primary mid-February celebration, evolving into the day of romance and love that is widely celebrated around the world today.
6. Once Officially Recognized, Valentine’s Day was Later Dropped from the Roman Saint Calendar.
TRUE: While Valentine’s Day had become a recognized celebration within the Christian calendar, its status underwent a significant change in the 20th century. The Roman Catholic Church, in an effort to streamline and modernize its observance of saint days, revised its liturgical calendar. In 1969, under the guidance of Pope Paul VI, the Church implemented a significant reform of its General Roman Calendar [3]. This reform aimed to reduce the number of saint feast days and focus more on those saints who had clear historical significance.
As part of this reform, St. Valentine’s Day was removed from the official liturgical calendar of the Roman Catholic Church. The primary reason for this was the ambiguity and confusion surrounding the historical identity of St. Valentine. With multiple martyrs named Valentine and limited reliable information about their lives and deeds, the Church found it challenging to justify the inclusion of St. Valentine’s Day as a liturgical feast day.
However, this decision by the Church did not diminish the popularity of Valentine’s Day as a cultural and social celebration of love and romance. Over time, Valentine’s Day had evolved to have a life of its own, separate from its religious origins. The removal from the liturgical calendar had little impact on the way Valentine’s Day is celebrated around the world. Instead, it continued to grow in scope and scale, becoming a significant secular holiday focused on expressing love through gifts, cards, and romantic gestures. Today, Valentine’s Day is widely recognized and celebrated globally, with or without its official status on the Roman saint calendar.
7. It was a Papal Decision That First Marked Valentine’s Day as a Holiday.
TRUE: The establishment of Valentine’s Day as a recognized holiday is credited to a papal decision made in the 5th century. This decision, taken by Pope Gelasius I, marked a pivotal moment in the history of the day as it transitioned from its Pagan roots to a Christian context. The Pope, in his effort to Christianize popular Pagan festivals, identified the mid-February celebration of Lupercalia as a key target for reform.
Lupercalia, with its focus on fertility rites and pairing of young men and women, was at odds with the Christian doctrine. In a strategic move to override this Pagan festival, Pope Gelasius I declared February 14 as the feast day of St. Valentine, a Christian martyr. This declaration was not just an act of replacing a Pagan festival; it was a significant rebranding. The Pope sought to refocus the day’s activities from the hedonistic pursuits of Lupercalia to the more solemn remembrance of a saint who represented the Christian virtues of love and sacrifice.
This papal decree effectively transformed February 14 from a day of Pagan rituals into a Christian feast day. However, over the centuries, the day gradually began to adopt the romantic connotations associated with St. Valentine. The legend of St. Valentine as a symbol of romantic love began to take root, and the day evolved to encompass the expression of love and affection.
The papal decision to mark Valentine’s Day as a holiday was thus a turning point that led to the evolution of the day into a celebration of romantic love. This evolution was gradual, and over time, the day’s religious origins became less prominent, giving way to the secular, global celebration of love that we recognize today.
8. Paris Witnessed the First Official Valentine’s Day Celebration.

FALSE: The claim that Paris witnessed the first official Valentine’s Day celebration is a fascinating aspect of the holiday’s rich history. While the precise origins of Valentine’s Day celebrations are shrouded in the mists of time, Paris, often regarded as the city of love, holds a special place in the holiday’s evolution.
It’s believed that the first celebration of Valentine’s Day in the manner we might recognize today – as a festival of romantic love – occurred in Paris during the High Middle Ages. This era was marked by the flourishing of courtly love, a concept that heavily influenced the literature and culture of the time. Knights and nobles would express their admiration and affection for ladies through songs, poetry, and gallant deeds, and this tradition began to be associated with St. Valentine’s Day.
In Paris, these traditions might have included elaborate balls and parties, where courtly love was celebrated with poetry readings, singing, and dancing. These events were opportunities for expressing feelings of love and admiration, often in a highly stylized and ritualized manner.
Furthermore, Paris’ role as a center of culture and learning during this time would have contributed to the spread and popularization of French Valentine’s Day celebrations. The city’s influence on fashion, customs, and social mores extended far beyond its borders, helping to embed Valentine’s Day as a day of romance in the cultural consciousness of Europe
Thus, while the specifics may be lost to history, Paris’ reputation as a city deeply connected with love and romance lends credibility to the idea that it played a significant role in shaping Valentine’s Day as a celebration of love. This historical connection continues to resonate today, with Paris remaining a popular destination for couples celebrating love, not just on Valentine’s Day, but year-round.
9. Love Has Always Been at the Heart of February 14th.
TRUE: The statement that “love has always been at the heart of February 14th” captures the essence of what Valentine’s Day has come to represent over the centuries. While the specific traditions and customs have evolved and varied across cultures and eras, the underlying theme of love, in its many forms, has been a constant presence.
Historically, even before the Christianization of the holiday, the period around February 14th was marked by celebrations of fertility and pairing, as seen in the Roman festival of Lupercalia. This festival, although more focused on fertility and physical health, did involve elements of pairing and courtship, which are foundational aspects of romantic love.
With the establishment of St. Valentine’s Day by Pope Gelasius I, the day took on a more formalized association with love, particularly romantic and courtly love. This association was further popularized in the Middle Ages through literature and poetry, especially in Geoffrey Chaucer’s writings, which linked St. Valentine’s Day with the tradition of courtly love – a chivalrous and often idealized form of love expressed by knights towards their ladies.
In more modern times, Valentine’s Day has become a day to celebrate and express love in various forms. It’s not just a day for romantic partners but also an occasion to show affection to friends, family members, and even pets. The giving of cards, flowers, chocolates, and other tokens of affection has become a widespread practice, symbolizing the different facets of love.
Thus, February 14th has long been a day dedicated to love, albeit in different manifestations throughout history. From the ancient fertility rites of Lupercalia to the modern-day exchange of Valentines, love has always been the unifying theme of this day, making it a special and enduring celebration in cultures around the world.
10. A Notorious King Declared Valentine’s Day a Formal Holiday.
TRUE: The statement that “a notorious king declared Valentine’s Day a formal holiday” often leads to a bit of historical intrigue, as it refers to King Henry VIII of England, a monarch more commonly known for his turbulent marriages and the establishment of the Church of England. In an interesting twist to his otherwise tumultuous reign, it was Henry VIII who officially recognized Valentine’s Day as a holiday in England [4].
In 1537, King Henry VIII, who ruled England from 1509 to 1547, declared February 14th as Saint Valentine’s Day, thus giving it the status of a formal holiday. This royal decree was part of a larger cultural movement during the Renaissance when the ideals of courtly love and romantic expression were gaining popularity among the European nobility. Valentine’s Day provided an ideal platform for the celebration of these ideals, with its traditions of expressing love and affection.
Under Henry VIII’s declaration, Valentine’s Day became an occasion for lovers and friends to exchange love notes and small gifts, a practice that quickly gained popularity among the English populace. This royal endorsement not only elevated the status of Valentine’s Day in England but also played a role in shaping the way the holiday was celebrated.
It’s somewhat ironic that King Henry VIII, known for his six marriages and the harsh treatment of some of his wives, would be the monarch to formalize the celebration of a day dedicated to love and romance. However, his decree reflects the broader cultural trends of the time, where the expression of love, especially in the form of poetry and music, was highly valued.
Thus, the declaration by King Henry VIII was a significant milestone in the evolution of Valentine’s Day, cementing its place as a day of romantic and affectionate celebration, a tradition that continues to thrive centuries later.
Cupid and Symbolism

11. Cupid’s Origins Trace Back to Greek Mythology.
TRUE: Cupid’s origins indeed trace back to Greek mythology, where he was known as Eros, the young god of love and son of Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty. In Greek mythology, Eros was depicted as a handsome immortal who played a key role in the romantic affairs of gods and mortals. Armed with a bow and arrow, he would shoot his targets, causing them to fall deeply in love.
The Roman adaptation of this figure, Cupid, became more widely recognized in popular culture. In Roman mythology, Cupid is often portrayed as the mischievous son of Venus, the goddess of love, and Mars, the god of war. This depiction combines elements of love’s tender and tumultuous nature. Unlike the Greek Eros, who was initially portrayed as a handsome youth, Cupid is often depicted as a chubby, playful cherub in Renaissance art, symbolizing the innocence and whimsy of love.
Cupid’s bow and arrow are iconic symbols, representing the idea that love can strike suddenly and unexpectedly, leaving both gods and humans powerless against its force. Over the centuries, Cupid has remained a prominent symbol in art, literature, and Valentine’s Day iconography, embodying the complexities and capricious nature of love and attraction.
Do you want to learn more about where did Cupid come from and what he did, just click the link.
12. Far from Just Sweet and Romantic, Cupid is a Symbol of Love’s Complexity.
TRUE. Cupid, often perceived as a quaint and charming cherub, is indeed a symbol of love’s complexity, far beyond just the sweet and romantic aspects. In mythology, Cupid is portrayed with a dual nature, embodying both the gentle and turbulent sides of love. This duality reflects the multifaceted experience of love, encompassing joy, desire, and often, a sense of unpredictability.
As the son of Venus, the goddess of love, and Mars, the god of war, Cupid’s lineage itself is a blend of contrasting elements – beauty and conflict. This heritage symbolizes the idea that love can be both nurturing and disruptive, bringing people together while also possessing the power to incite jealousy and strife.
In various mythological tales, Cupid’s actions cause unexpected turns in the lives of gods and humans alike. His arrows could ignite unanticipated passions, leading to unforeseen consequences. These stories highlight that love, under Cupid’s influence, is not always a smooth journey but can lead to complex scenarios, requiring wisdom and often, sacrifice.
Moreover, Cupid’s portrayal in art and literature as a blindfolded figure signifies the notion that love is blind, a concept that love does not adhere to rules or logic and is not influenced by outward appearances. This aspect of Cupid’s symbolism resonates with the experience of love as an unpredictable force that can capture anyone, regardless of their intentions or readiness.
In essence, Cupid, far from being a mere symbol of Valentine’s Day whimsy, represents the profound, often bewildering nature of love – a force that can be as challenging and complex as it is joyful and uplifting.
13. Cupid’s Bow and Arrow Aren’t Just for Show – They’re Symbols of Love’s Power.

TRUE. Cupid’s bow and arrow are far more than decorative elements in mythology; they are potent symbols of love’s power and its ability to impact human lives deeply. These iconic tools of Cupid, the Roman god of love, embody the idea that love can strike suddenly and irresistibly, much like an arrow shot from a bow.
The bow and arrow metaphorically represent the swift, unexpected nature of love’s onset. Just as an arrow can be released quickly and with precision, so too can love target and captivate a person’s heart, often when least expected. This symbolism captures the essence of love as a force that is both powerful and uncontrollable, capable of changing one’s life trajectory in an instant.
Additionally, the imagery of Cupid’s arrow piercing the heart has become a universal representation of being struck by love. The heart, as a symbol of emotion and affection, when pierced by Cupid’s arrow, visually conveys the transformative and sometimes overwhelming experience of falling in love.
Cupid’s weaponry also suggests the dual nature of love – it can bring immense joy and fulfillment, but it can also lead to vulnerability and emotional pain. The piercing quality of the arrow serves as a reminder that love can have both beautiful and challenging consequences.
In literature, art, and popular culture, Cupid’s bow and arrow continue to be enduring symbols of the power of love – its ability to conquer, to unify, and to alter the course of lives. They remind us that love, in all its forms, wields a significant influence over human relationships and experiences.
14. Depicted as Venus and Mars’ Child, Cupid Represents Love Born From War and Beauty.
TRUE. In Roman mythology, Cupid is often depicted as the child of Venus [6], the goddess of love and beauty, and Mars, the god of war [7]. This parentage is rich in symbolism, representing the union of starkly different forces – love and conflict. As such, Cupid embodies a profound metaphor: love born from the juxtaposition of war and beauty.
The blending of these contrasting elements through Cupid’s lineage highlights the complex nature of love itself. It suggests that love, much like Cupid’s heritage, can arise from and exist amidst conflicting circumstances. This duality can be seen in many romantic narratives where love emerges even in the midst of strife or adversity, or where love itself leads to conflicts and challenges.
Cupid, as a representation of this amalgamation, thus becomes a symbol for the diverse facets of love. His connection to Venus emphasizes the beauty, desire, and nurturing aspects of love, while his link to Mars brings forth the passionate, aggressive, and sometimes chaotic side of romantic affairs. It’s a reminder that love is not just a serene and harmonious emotion but can also be fiery, impulsive, and even disruptive.
In art and literature, Cupid is often portrayed engaging in mischievous antics, using his bow and arrow to cause unexpected unions, symbolizing how love can disrupt order and rationality. This portrayal reflects the belief that love, much like the union of war and beauty, has the power to upend norms and bring together the most unlikely of partners.
Therefore, Cupid, as the child of Venus and Mars, serves as a poignant emblem of love’s ability to transcend and unite opposites, reflecting its power to both harmonize and challenge the natural order of things.
15. Pink and Red: the Undisputed Colours of Passion and Romance.
TRUE. Pink and red stand as the undisputed colours of passion and romance, deeply entrenched in the symbolism and celebration of love, especially during Valentine’s Day. These colours, with their rich and varied shades, capture the essence of romantic and affectionate feelings.
Red, in particular, has long been associated with love and passion. This bold colour represents the heart’s blood, symbolizing the life force and emotional intensity of love. It’s the colour of the heart, the universal symbol of love, and it resonates with the depth and fervor of romantic feelings. Red’s association with passion, desire, and erotic love makes it a perennial choice for expressing deep romantic sentiments.
Pink, a softer and more tender hue, is often linked with the sweetness and innocence of budding romance. It combines the purity and openness of white with the fiery passion of red, resulting in a colour that embodies the gentler aspects of love. Pink suggests an affectionate and nurturing love, often associated with the early stages of romance, where everything is imbued with a sense of wonder and excitement.
Together, pink and red create a visual representation of love’s spectrum – from the gentle blush of initial attraction to the intense heat of passionate commitment. These colours are prominently featured in Valentine’s Day decorations, cards, and gifts, symbolizing the varied expressions of love. Whether it’s a red rose signifying deep affection or a pink card conveying tender feelings, these colors communicate messages of love in a universally understood visual language.
Their prominence during Valentine’s Day and in romantic imagery worldwide underscores their unchallenged status as the colours of passion and romance, serving as timeless symbols of the heart’s deepest emotions.
16. The Heart Symbol Resembles the Real Human Heart.
FALSE. The heart symbol, universally recognized as an icon of love and affection, bears only a loose resemblance to the actual human heart. This stylized symbol, with its symmetrical curves and pointed base, has become deeply embedded in culture and art as a representation of love, but it differs significantly from the anatomical structure of the human heart.
The real human heart, a vital organ in the body, is more asymmetrical and less aesthetically uniform than the symbol. It has a more complex shape, with chambers and blood vessels, and is situated in the chest at a slightly tilted angle. The heart symbol, on the other hand, is a simplified and idealized representation, likely derived from various historical and cultural influences.
One theory about the origin of the heart symbol points to the shape of leaves, particularly ivy leaves, which were associated with fidelity and were used in artistic depictions in ancient times. Another theory suggests that the symbol might have been inspired by the shape of certain seeds or fruits that were considered to have medicinal properties associated with love and fertility.
Over time, the heart symbol evolved to become the primary pictorial representation of the heart and its associated emotions, especially love and passion. Its symmetry and pleasing shape made it an ideal symbol in art and literature, easily recognizable and emotionally resonant.
Today, the heart symbol is ubiquitous, especially around Valentine’s Day, adorning cards, gifts, and decorations. Its simplicity allows for instant recognition, and its association with love and emotion is universally understood, despite its anatomical inaccuracy. This iconic symbol transcends language and culture, representing the universal emotion of love in a simple yet powerful form.
Valentine’s Day Cards and Messages

17. The 15th Century Saw the First-Ever Valentine Sent.
TRUE. The tradition of sending valentines can be traced back to the 15th century, marking an important milestone in the history of Valentine’s Day. The oldest known valentine in existence was written in 1415 by Charles, Duke of Orleans, to his wife while he was imprisoned in the Tower of London following his capture at the Battle of Agincourt. This historic valentine is a poignant expression of romantic love, composed under circumstances of separation and hardship.
The valentine penned by Charles is a remarkable artifact, not just for its age, but for what it represents about the evolution of romantic expressions. It demonstrates how the act of writing love notes was an established practice among the European nobility in the medieval period. These early valentines were often composed as poetic verses, reflecting the courtly love traditions of the time, where elaborate, often idealized expressions of love and devotion were highly prized.
The 15th century saw the rise of romantic love as a popular theme in literature and art, and the practice of sending love notes and tokens became increasingly common, especially among the upper classes. These early valentines were handmade efforts, often decorated with drawings and adorned with ribbons and lace. Unlike the mass-produced cards of today, each was a unique expression of personal affection.
This practice gradually spread beyond the nobility to encompass a wider social spectrum. By the 16th century, the exchange of handwritten love notes on Valentine’s Day had become a widespread tradition in England and other parts of Europe. The trend of sending valentines was a significant development in the cultural history of love and courtship, laying the groundwork for the modern custom of exchanging cards and gifts on Valentine’s Day.
18. Victorians Had Booklets to Guide Their Valentine Message Writing.
TRUE. During the Victorian era, the practice of sending Valentine’s Day cards and notes became increasingly popular, and with this rise in popularity came the advent of Valentine writers – booklets that provided guidance and inspiration for composing Valentine’s Day messages. These booklets were a response to the societal norms of the time, which often emphasized proper etiquette and expression, especially in romantic matters.
Valentine writers were essentially collections of suggested poems, verses, and phrases that could be used in Valentine’s Day cards. They ranged from simple, sweet messages to more elaborate and ornate poetry. This was particularly helpful for those who found it challenging to articulate their feelings or who wanted to ensure that their sentiments adhered to the social conventions of the era.
These guides were a reflection of the Victorian era’s romanticism and its emphasis on elaborate, often florid language. They catered to a society that valued discretion in courtship and romantic expression, providing a means for individuals to communicate their affections in a manner considered appropriate and refined.
The popularity of these booklets also speaks to the broader Victorian fascination with symbolism and coded messages, particularly in the context of romance. Flowers, colors, and even specific words carried nuanced meanings, and a well-crafted Valentine’s message could convey a complex array of emotions and intentions.
In a time without electronic communication, these handwritten messages were a crucial part of Valentine’s Day, serving as a personal and intimate expression of love and admiration. The Victorian Valentine writers played a significant role in shaping the traditions of Valentine’s Day, influencing how love was expressed and celebrated during this period. Their legacy can still be seen today in the sentiments expressed in modern Valentine’s Day cards.
19. 1477 Marks the Year of the Rarliest Known Valentine’s Note.

TRUE. The year 1477 is notable in the history of Valentine’s Day for marking the date of the earliest known Valentine’s note in the English language. This note was written by Margery Brews to her fiancé, John Paston, and is fondly referred to as the “Paston letter.” Margery’s letter is not just significant for its age, but also for the insight it provides into the customs and language of love in 15th century England.
In her letter, Margery affectionately refers to John Paston as “my right well-beloved Valentine,” a phrase that highlights the use of the term “Valentine” in a personal and romantic context. The letter is a heartfelt plea and negotiation regarding their impending marriage, reflecting the social and economic considerations that often influenced matrimonial alliances in medieval times.
The Paston letter [5] is a fascinating artifact, showcasing how Valentine’s Day was an occasion for expressing love and affection, and also for addressing more practical matters related to courtship and marriage. It is a window into the world of medieval romance, demonstrating that while the styles and expressions of love might have evolved over time, the fundamental emotions and desires at the heart of Valentine’s Day have remained consistent.
This letter, preserved in the British Library, is a testament to the enduring nature of love and the tradition of expressing these feelings through written words. It underscores the importance of Valentine’s Day as a historical tradition for romantic expression, a tradition that has persisted and evolved over the centuries. Margery Brews’ letter is not just a historical curiosity, but a reminder of the timeless nature of love and the human desire to connect with others on a deep, emotional level.
20. The Middle Ages Turned Cards and Gifts into a Valentine’s Tradition.
TRUE. The tradition of exchanging cards and gifts on Valentine’s Day has its roots in the customs of the Middle Ages. This period marked a significant evolution in the way Valentine’s Day was celebrated, transitioning from ancient Roman rituals to more recognizable forms of romantic expression.
During the Middle Ages, the concept of courtly love gained prominence, particularly among the European nobility. This was a form of romantic love that emphasized chivalry and admiration, often expressed through poetry, song, and, notably, the exchange of love notes and tokens. Valentine’s Day, falling in mid-February, became a natural occasion for such expressions.
The practice of choosing a “Valentine” – someone to whom one declared their affection on this day – became popular. Lovers and admirers would exchange handwritten notes that often contained romantic verses. These early “Valentines” were the precursors to modern Valentine’s Day cards. They were unique and personal, crafted with care to convey the sender’s feelings.
Gift-giving also became part of the Valentine’s Day tradition during the Middle Ages. This could include small tokens of affection such as flowers, particularly roses, which had become symbols of love and beauty. In some cases, more elaborate gifts were exchanged, reflecting both the romantic sentiment and the social status of the giver and recipient.
This era laid the foundation for many of the Valentine’s Day customs that are still observed today. The Middle Ages transformed Valentine’s Day from a somewhat obscure feast day into a broader celebration of romantic love, characterized by the personal and heartfelt exchange of cards and gifts. These practices have been adapted and adopted over the centuries, evolving into the commercial and widely celebrated holiday that Valentine’s Day is now.
21. Esther Howland, the Mother of the Modern Valentine’s Day Card.
TRUE. Esther Howland, often hailed as ‘the Mother of the Valentine,’ played a pivotal role in the evolution of the modern Valentine’s Day card in the 19th century, significantly shaping the Valentines cards history in America. Her contributions have deeply influenced how Valentine’s Day is celebrated, particularly in the United States.
A graduate of Mount Holyoke College, Esther Howland began her foray into Valentine’s Day card production in the 1840s after receiving an ornate English Valentine from a family acquaintance. Inspired by its design, she saw the potential for creating similar cards in the United States. Starting in her family home in Worcester, Massachusetts, Howland began crafting her own versions of these elaborate cards.
Howland’s Valentines were distinct for their intricate designs, which often included lace paper, delicate ribbons, and colorful pictures known as “scrap.” She used an assembly line of local women to create these cards, which was quite innovative for the time. This method not only facilitated mass production but also maintained a high level of craftsmanship and detail in each card.
Her Valentines quickly gained popularity, leading to the establishment of the New England Valentine Company. The success of Esther Howland’s business was unprecedented, and she is credited with popularizing Valentine’s Day cards in America. Her designs set the standard for future Valentine’s cards, featuring sentiments that were both romantic and respectful, suitable for the Victorian era’s sensibilities.
Esther Howland’s vision and entrepreneurial spirit transformed Valentine’s Day into a significant social and commercial holiday in the United States. Her influence in the Valentine’s Day card industry was profound, and her legacy is still evident in the cards exchanged every February 14th. She is rightfully remembered as a pioneer who introduced a new way of expressing love and affection through beautifully crafted cards.
22. Heart-shaped Chocolate Boxes Made Their Debut in 1861.

TRUE. The debut of heart-shaped chocolate boxes in 1861 marked a significant development in the commercialization and celebration of Valentine’s Day, and a pivotal moment in the Valentine’s Day chocolate history. This innovation is credited to Richard Cadbury of the famous British chocolate manufacturing family. During the mid-19th century, the Cadbury company had improved its chocolate-making techniques to produce a variety of eating chocolates. Richard Cadbury [8] saw a business opportunity in the growing popularity of Valentine’s Day and the practice of exchanging gifts.
In 1861, he introduced the first box of chocolates for Valentine’s Day in a heart-shaped box. These boxes were beautifully decorated and designed to be kept as mementos even after the chocolates were eaten. The boxes often featured Cupids and roses, symbols of love and romance, and were designed to appeal to the sentiments of the Victorian era. This was a time when gift presentation and the symbolic meaning of gifts were taken very seriously.
The heart-shaped box of chocolates quickly became a popular gift for Valentine’s Day, aligning perfectly with the Victorian era’s sensibilities regarding romance and courtship. It was a gift that not only contained delicious chocolates but also doubled as a keepsake box for love letters, tokens, and other romantic memorabilia.
Richard Cadbury’s innovation greatly influenced the way Valentine’s Day is celebrated. The heart-shaped chocolate box became a symbol of the holiday and remains so to this day. It encapsulates the notions of romance, indulgence, and the giving of a keepsake as a token of affection. The tradition of giving chocolates on Valentine’s Day continues to be a central part of the holiday’s celebrations, thanks in large part to this Victorian-era innovation.
23. Victorian Era’s Cheeky Side: Sending Not-so-sweet Valentine’s Cards.
TRUE. During the Victorian era, a unique and somewhat cheeky tradition emerged alongside the more familiar romantic Valentine’s Day customs: the practice of sending “Vinegar Valentines” or “Penny Dreadfuls.” These were not-so-sweet Valentine’s cards that took a stark departure from the sentimental and affectionate notes typically exchanged.
Vinegar Valentines were essentially anti-Valentines, featuring sarcastic, often insulting poems and illustrations that mocked and ridiculed the recipient. These cards were a way to send a message of rejection or to satirize the recipient’s characteristics, profession, or status. The name “vinegar” aptly reflected their sour and stinging content, in contrast to the sweet sentiments of traditional Valentine’s cards.
The popularity of these cards in the Victorian era can be attributed to several factors. Firstly, they catered to a broader spectrum of societal interactions, including relationships that were contentious or characterized by unrequited love. Secondly, the era’s strict social conventions and norms often discouraged direct expressions of negative sentiments, making these cards a covert way to communicate such feelings.
Vinegar Valentines were inexpensive and widely accessible, contributing to their popularity. They were often sent anonymously, which allowed the sender to express their disdain or criticism without the risk of social reprisal. This anonymity was a double-edged sword, as it sometimes led to misunderstandings and hurt feelings.
Despite their negative tone, Vinegar Valentines are an interesting aspect of the social history of Valentine’s Day. They highlight the diverse ways in which the holiday was observed and celebrated, and they reflect the complex nature of human relationships. While they fell out of favor as social attitudes shifted towards more positive and constructive forms of communication, Vinegar Valentines remain a curious and intriguing part of the Victorian legacy.
24. Hallmark Began its Valentine’s Card Journey in 1913.
TRUE. Hallmark, now a household name synonymous with greeting cards, began its journey into the world of Valentine’s Day cards in 1913. This marked a significant moment in the commercialization and popularization of Valentine’s Day celebrations, especially in the United States.
Founded by Joyce Clyde Hall [9], Hallmark initially started as a postcard company. However, Hall quickly realized the potential in the greeting card industry, particularly for holidays like Valentine’s Day. At the time, most Valentine’s cards were still being imported from Europe, but with the onset of World War I, this supply was disrupted. Hallmark seized this opportunity to fill the gap in the market.
The company began producing high-quality Valentine’s Day cards, which were distinct from the postcards that were commonly used for holiday greetings at the time. These cards were more elaborate and featured romantic motifs, heartfelt verses, and artistic designs. Hallmark’s Valentine’s cards stood out for their craftsmanship and their ability to capture the sentiments of love and affection in a way that resonated with the American public.
Hallmark’s entry into the Valentine’s Day market played a crucial role in shaping how the holiday was celebrated. The company’s marketing strategies and wide distribution network helped to popularize the practice of exchanging cards on Valentine’s Day, making it an integral part of the holiday’s traditions.
Moreover, Hallmark’s innovation in card design and content set new standards for the greeting card industry. The company’s Valentine’s cards often reflected contemporary styles and themes, while also pioneering new formats like musical cards and interactive cards. This ongoing innovation has helped keep the tradition of sending Valentine’s Day cards fresh and relevant, even as societal norms and communication technologies have evolved.
Today, Hallmark’s contribution to Valentine’s Day is undisputed, with their cards being a central part of the holiday’s celebrations for many people. The company’s involvement since 1913 has solidified Valentine’s Day as a key occasion for expressing love and affection through written words and beautiful designs.
25. Valentine’s Day is a Close Second to Christmas in Card-Sending Popularity.
TRUE. Valentine’s Day holds the distinction of being one of the most popular occasions for sending greeting cards, coming in as a close second to Christmas. This status underscores the widespread appeal and cultural significance of Valentine’s Day as a time for expressing love and affection through the written word.
According to Loomis [10] more than 25 million Valentine’s Day cards were sent in the UK in 2022, and 150 million [11] Christmas Cards were delivered by the Royal Mail in the UK in the same year.
The tradition of exchanging cards on Valentine’s Day taps into the universal desire to express love and appreciation. Unlike Christmas, which is centered around family, faith, and broad-based seasonal greetings, Valentine’s Day is more narrowly focused on romantic love, as well as affection between friends, family members, and even colleagues. This focus has contributed to the holiday’s immense popularity for card-sending.
The types of cards sent on Valentine’s Day range from romantic and heartfelt to humorous and light-hearted. They offer a way for people to articulate their feelings, sometimes in ways they might not express verbally. The act of choosing, writing, and sending a Valentine’s card can be a deeply personal and meaningful gesture, making the card itself a cherished keepsake.
Furthermore, the rise of Valentine’s Day card popularity has been influenced by broader social and cultural trends. The holiday has become an opportunity not just to acknowledge romantic relationships, but also to celebrate other forms of love and appreciation in one’s life. This inclusive approach to the holiday has broadened its appeal, encouraging more people to participate in the tradition of card-sending.
The popularity of Valentine’s Day cards is also a reflection of the greeting card industry’s efforts to cater to diverse tastes and preferences. With an array of designs, messages, and formats available, Valentine’s Day cards have become a key element of the holiday’s celebration, allowing individuals to express their feelings in a way that resonates with their personal style and relationship dynamics.
Valentine’s Day’s status as one of the top occasions for card-sending is a testament to the enduring appeal of expressing love and affection through written messages, a tradition that continues to thrive in the modern era.
26. Once Upon a Time, Booklets were the go-to for Crafting Valentine’s Day Cards.
TRUE. In the past, particularly during the Victorian era, booklets played a crucial role in crafting Valentine’s Day cards. These booklets, often referred to as Valentine writers, were indispensable guides for those looking to express their feelings through written words on Valentine’s Day. They provided a wealth of poetic verses, heartfelt messages, and even witty quips that could be used to create personalized and meaningful Valentines.
The use of these booklets was largely influenced by the social norms and expectations of the time. In an era when direct expressions of romantic feelings were often constrained by societal conventions, Valentine writers offered a way to navigate these complex social etiquettes. They provided a resource for individuals who might have struggled to articulate their emotions or who wanted to ensure that their messages were appropriate and well-received.
These booklets were particularly popular among those who did not feel confident in their own writing skills or who sought inspiration for their messages. The verses and phrases contained within them ranged from sweet and endearing to more elaborate and ornate, reflecting the Victorian era’s fondness for flowery language and romantic idealism.
In addition to providing written content, some Valentine writers also included tips on card decoration and design, further aiding individuals in creating a complete and polished Valentine. This aspect was important in a time when many Valentines were handmade, requiring a level of creativity and personalization that went beyond the written message.
The tradition of using Valentine writers highlights the historical significance of written communication in expressing romantic interest and affection. While modern technology has changed the way we communicate, the use of these booklets underscores a timeless aspect of Valentine’s Day – the desire to share one’s feelings through the artful combination of words and design. The legacy of these booklets is still evident today in the wide range of Valentine’s Day cards available, each offering different ways to express love and affection.
Modern Valentine’s Day Celebrations and Traditions

27. The 1840s Ushered in the Era of Mass-produced Valentines.
TRUE. The 1840s marked a significant turning point in the history of Valentine’s Day with the advent of mass-produced Valentines. This period saw a shift from handcrafted, personalized cards to the industrial-scale production of Valentine’s Day cards, making them more accessible to a broader audience.
The industrial revolution played a pivotal role in this transformation. Advances in printing technology and the mechanization of paper production during the 19th century made it possible to produce large quantities of Valentine’s cards efficiently and cost-effectively. This shift was further facilitated by improvements in the postal system, particularly the introduction of the Penny Post in the United Kingdom in 1840, which standardized postage rates and made sending letters and cards more affordable for the general public.
One of the key figures in the mass production of Valentines was Esther Howland [12], a New England artist and businesswoman. Inspired by an English Valentine she had received, Howland began importing lace and floral decorations to create her own designs. She is credited with popularizing Valentine’s Day cards in the United States and is often referred to as the “Mother of the American Valentine.” Her cards were known for their elaborate decorations, including lace, ribbons, and colorful pictures, which set the standard for future designs.
The mass production of Valentines in the 1840s democratized the practice of exchanging cards on Valentine’s Day. No longer confined to the upper classes, people from various social backgrounds could now participate in this tradition. The cards varied in design and sentiment, ranging from sentimental and romantic to humorous and whimsical, catering to different tastes and preferences.
This era fundamentally changed the nature of Valentine’s Day celebrations. The widespread availability of pre-made cards made it easier for individuals to express their feelings, contributing to the holiday’s growing popularity. The trend of mass-produced Valentines also paved the way for the commercialization of the holiday, setting the stage for the extensive array of Valentine’s Day products and services that are commonplace today.
28. 250 Million Roses Gear up for Valentine’s Day Annually.
TRUE. An astonishing 250 million roses are cultivated each year specifically for Valentine’s Day, highlighting the flower’s integral role in the celebration of this holiday. This staggering number reflects not just the popularity of roses as a symbol of love and affection, but also the extensive global industry that supports Valentine’s Day.
Roses, particularly red roses, have long been associated with love and romance, making them the flower of choice for many on Valentine’s Day. The red rose, in particular, is seen as a symbol of deep love and passion, and its demand skyrockets as February 14th approaches. This surge in demand requires significant planning and cultivation from the flower industry, often months in advance.
The process of growing, harvesting, and distributing such a large number of roses to meet the Valentine’s Day demand is a complex operation. It involves flower growers from around the world, with major contributions from countries like Colombia, Ecuador, the Netherlands, and Kenya. These countries have climates conducive to large-scale rose cultivation and have developed extensive infrastructure to support this industry.
Once harvested, the roses undergo a meticulous process of sorting, packaging, and transporting to ensure they arrive fresh and vibrant at their destinations. The logistics of transporting millions of roses in a short time frame involve coordinated efforts across various modes of transportation, including air and ground, to deliver them to florists and retailers globally.
This massive production and distribution effort is not just about meeting consumer demand; it’s also a testament to the enduring symbolism of the rose in expressing love and affection. The popularity of roses on Valentine’s Day drives a significant portion of the flower industry’s annual revenue, underlining the economic as well as emotional significance of this tradition.
The cultivation of 250 million roses [13] for Valentine’s Day each year is a remarkable indication of the holiday’s impact on both the floral industry and romantic culture worldwide, showcasing the rose’s enduring status as the quintessential symbol of love.
29. Americans Invest Heavily in Love Each February 14th.
TRUE. Americans indeed invest heavily in love each February 14th, making Valentine’s Day one of the most significant spending holidays in the United States. This investment goes beyond the monetary aspect, encompassing a wide array of industries and activities, all geared towards celebrating love and affection.
According to Statista [14], the United States spent $25.9 million on Valentine’s Day in 2023.
Financially, the expenditure on Valentine’s Day in the U.S. is substantial. Consumers spend billions of dollars on gifts, including traditional items like greeting cards, flowers (especially roses), chocolates, and jewelry, as well as more unique and personalized presents. Romantic dinners, weekend getaways, and other special experiences also contribute to the holiday’s economic impact.
The spending habits reflect not only the commercialization of the holiday but also the cultural importance placed on expressing love and appreciation. Valentine’s Day provides an opportunity for Americans to demonstrate their feelings through both grand gestures and small, thoughtful gifts. It’s a day when people are willing to spend more to make their partners, family members, friends, and even pets feel special and loved.
Moreover, the investment in Valentine’s Day is not limited to tangible items. Many Americans also invest time and effort in creating memorable experiences. This could include planning a special date, cooking a homemade meal, or even crafting a personalized gift or card. These efforts, while not always financially quantifiable, are a significant part of the holiday’s celebration and are valued for their personal touch and thoughtfulness.
In the business sector, Valentine’s Day drives a seasonal boost for many industries. Retailers, restaurants, florists, and travel companies, among others, often launch special promotions and offers to capitalize on the increased demand. This makes Valentine’s Day an important period for economic activity and a key holiday in the retail calendar.
The heavy investment by Americans in love each February 14th is a multifaceted phenomenon, encompassing economic, cultural, and personal dimensions. It underscores Valentine’s Day’s role as a major societal event, where the expression of love and affection is celebrated in a variety of meaningful ways.
30. 145 million Valentine’s Day Cards Crisscross the U.S. Yearly.
TRUE. Every year, approximately 145 million Valentine’s Day cards [15] are exchanged across the United States, a testament to the enduring tradition and popularity of card-giving on this romantic holiday. This staggering number places Valentine’s Day as the second-largest card-sending occasion in the U.S., just behind Christmas.
The tradition of exchanging cards on Valentine’s Day has deep historical roots, but its modern form reflects both the commercial and emotional significance of the holiday. These 145 million cards range from romantically themed to friendly and humorous, catering to various relationships, including romantic partners, family members, friends, and classmates. The widespread practice of card exchange in schools, particularly among children, significantly contributes to this high number.
This large-scale exchange of Valentine’s Day cards is driven by a combination of factors. The tradition of expressing love and affection through written words has a nostalgic and sentimental value that resonates with many people. Despite the rise of digital communication, physical Valentine’s cards remain a highly personal and tangible way to convey feelings, making them a popular choice for many.
The variety of cards available also plays a role in their popularity. From luxurious and intricately designed cards to simple and heartfelt messages, there is a Valentine’s card for every taste and budget. The greeting card industry, including major players like Hallmark, invests heavily in creating diverse and appealing designs to capture the wide range of sentiments people wish to express on this day.
Moreover, the act of selecting, signing, and sending a physical card involves a level of personal effort and thoughtfulness that adds to the charm of this tradition. In a world where digital communication is instantaneous and ubiquitous, the more deliberate and tangible nature of a greeting card stands out as a meaningful gesture.
The exchange of 145 million Valentine’s Day cards annually in the U.S. highlights not just the commercial aspect of the holiday but also the enduring desire to celebrate relationships and express affection in a personal and tangible way. This tradition continues to be a significant part of Valentine’s Day celebrations, embodying the holiday’s spirit of love and connection.
31. Pets Aren’t Forgotten on Valentine’s Day, with Millions Spent on Furry Friends.

TRUE. Pets have increasingly become a part of Valentine’s Day celebrations, and in 2021, $2.14 billion [16] was spent by American on their pets on Valentine’s Day. This trend reflects the growing importance of pets in people’s lives, often considered as integral members of the family. As a result, many pet owners choose to include their animal companions in the celebration of love and affection that characterizes Valentine’s Day.
The spending on pets for Valentine’s Day encompasses a range of items, from special treats and gourmet pet food to toys, outfits, and even spa services. The pet industry has recognized this growing market and often rolls out Valentine-themed products to cater to pet owners looking to pamper their pets. These products are not only about indulgence but also about strengthening the bond between pets and their owners.
Retailers and pet stores frequently feature special Valentine’s Day displays and promotions, offering an array of gift options for pets. This can include heart-shaped treats, red and pink toys, and even pet-friendly baked goods. In addition to physical products, services such as pet grooming, daycare, and boarding may offer special Valentine’s Day packages.
The trend of including pets in Valentine’s Day celebrations also speaks to the broader societal recognition of the emotional support and companionship that pets provide. For many people, pets are sources of unconditional love and joy, making it natural to include them in a holiday that celebrates these very emotions.
Moreover, this phenomenon is not just limited to Valentine’s Day; it reflects a wider trend in consumer behavior where pet owners are increasingly willing to spend on their pets for holidays and special occasions. This shift is indicative of the evolving relationship between humans and their pets, highlighting the deep emotional connections that have developed.
The practice of spending millions on pets for Valentine’s Day is a clear indication of the special place pets hold in many people’s hearts. It underscores the extent to which pets are considered part of the family and the desire of pet owners to include them in all aspects of life, including holiday celebrations.
32. Jewelry Tops the List of Valentine’s Day Spending Splurges.
TRUE. Jewelry consistently tops the list of spending splurges for Valentine’s Day, reflecting its status as a highly valued and symbolic gift choice for the occasion. The tradition of giving jewelry on this day is deeply rooted in the gesture of offering something precious and enduring to symbolize the strength and longevity of a relationship.
The types of jewelry given on Valentine’s Day vary widely, encompassing everything from classic diamond engagement rings to personalized pendants, bracelets, and watches. These pieces often carry significant emotional weight, serving as tangible symbols of love, commitment, and affection. For many, the choice of jewelry as a Valentine’s gift is about giving something that can be treasured for years to come, a lasting reminder of a special moment or relationship.
The popularity of jewelry as a Valentine’s Day gift is also influenced by the marketing and advertising efforts of the jewelry industry. Many jewelers launch special collections and promotions specifically for Valentine’s Day, highlighting romantic themes and offering a range of options to suit different styles and budgets. These campaigns often emphasize the idea of jewelry as the ultimate romantic gesture, an expression of love that goes beyond the ordinary.
Furthermore, the timing of Valentine’s Day contributes to the popularity of jewelry as a gift choice. For couples considering engagement, Valentine’s Day offers a romantic and opportune moment to propose, leading to a spike in sales of engagement rings around this time. Similarly, for those in established relationships, Valentine’s Day provides an occasion to commemorate their bond with a special piece of jewelry.
The prominence of jewelry in Valentine’s Day spending is a testament to its enduring appeal as a gift that embodies love, commitment, and thoughtfulness. Whether it’s a simple piece or an extravagant token, jewelry remains a favored choice for those looking to make a lasting impression on this day of love.
33. Conversation Hearts Started as Lozenges Before Turning Sweet and Sentimental.

TRUE. The iconic conversation hearts (or sweet hearts), a staple of Valentine’s Day candy, have an interesting origin story that begins with their start as medical lozenges. Before these candies became synonymous with sweet messages and Valentine’s Day, they were part of a medicinal trend in the 19th century.
The journey of conversation hearts began with a Boston pharmacist named Oliver Chase [17]. In the early 1800s, Chase was looking for a more efficient way to produce medicinal lozenges, which at the time were made by hand and were quite popular for treating sore throats and other ailments. To streamline this process, Chase invented a machine that could quickly produce these lozenges in uniform shape and size. This invention was not only significant for the pharmaceutical industry but also laid the groundwork for the modern candy-making process.
Chase’s innovation led him to transition from pharmacy to candy making. He founded the New England Confectionery Company, often abbreviated as Necco, and began producing lozenges as candy. The shift from medicine to confectionery was part of a broader trend during the Victorian era, where many medicinal items were being repurposed or adapted for more recreational uses.
It was Chase’s brother, Daniel Chase, who saw the potential for using the lozenges in a new way. In the 1860s, he developed a method to print words and messages directly onto the candy lozenges. This was initially done using a felt roller pad and vegetable dye. The first messages were longer and often included phrases of affection or proposals. These printed lozenges quickly became popular for weddings and other social occasions.
Over time, the lozenges evolved into the smaller, heart-shaped candies we know today as conversation hearts. The messages were shortened to fit the smaller size, becoming the succinct phrases like “Be Mine” and “Kiss Me” that are iconic of the candy. Released annually for Valentine’s Day, conversation hearts have become a beloved tradition, offering a sweet and playful way to express affection and sentimentality.
The evolution of conversation hearts from medicinal lozenges to Valentine’s Day candies is a fascinating example of how a product can be repurposed and transformed over time, eventually becoming an integral part of cultural celebrations and traditions.
34. Sweet Messages on Conversation Hearts Only Began Appearing in 1866.
TRUE. The tradition of printing sweet messages on conversation hearts, a quintessential part of Valentine’s Day, began in 1866. This innovation was the brainchild of Daniel Chase [18], the brother of Oliver Chase, who founded the New England Confectionery Company (Necco). Daniel Chase’s idea to add printed messages to the candy lozenges revolutionized the way these sweets were perceived and used, turning them into a novel means of communication, particularly during the season of love.
In the mid-19th century, the concept of sending small, affectionate notes was already popular, and the Chase brothers capitalized on this trend. Daniel Chase developed a machine that could press food dye letters onto the candy lozenges created by his brother’s machine. These early conversation hearts were larger than the ones we know today and featured longer, more formal messages. They were often used at weddings and other social gatherings, serving as both treats and conversation starters.
The messages on these candies were reflective of the Victorian era’s romanticism and etiquette. Phrases like “Married in white, you have chosen right” and “How long shall I have to wait? Please be considerate” were common. These candies offered a whimsical and discreet way to express sentiments that might have been too forward or bold to say outright in Victorian society.
By 1866, when these printed messages started appearing on the hearts, the concept quickly gained popularity. It wasn’t long before the conversation hearts became associated specifically with Valentine’s Day, evolving into a tradition of exchanging these small, sweet messages as part of the holiday’s celebration.
Over the years, the phrases have adapted to changing times and cultural shifts, with messages becoming more casual and including modern colloquialisms. However, the essence of what makes these conversation hearts a beloved part of Valentine’s Day has remained – the fun and sweetness of sharing simple, heartfelt messages in a way that’s unique to the holiday.
35. Over 8 billion Conversation Hearts are Crafted Yearly.
TRUE. The production of conversation hearts (also known as sweet hearts) reaches a staggering volume of over 8 billion candies each year [19], underscoring their immense popularity as a Valentine’s Day staple. This enormous quantity highlights the cultural significance of these small, heart-shaped candies, which have become synonymous with the celebration of love and affection in the United States and beyond.
The process of making these conversation hearts begins months before Valentine’s Day to meet the high demand. Candy manufacturers like Necco, the original creator of these sweets, typically ramp up production of conversation hearts around late fall. This ensures that a sufficient supply is ready for the Valentine’s season, when the demand for these candies peaks.
Each conversation heart is made through a meticulous process that involves creating the candy base, cutting it into heart shapes, drying them to achieve the right texture, and then stamping them with various love-themed messages. The sayings on these candies have evolved over the years, reflecting changes in language, culture, and social trends. Classic phrases like “Be Mine” and “Kiss Me” coexist with more contemporary ones, ensuring that the candies remain relevant and appealing to different generations.
The massive production of conversation hearts is not just a testament to their popularity but also to their role as a cultural icon of Valentine’s Day. These candies are more than just sweets; they are a means of conveying affection, often used in school parties, office celebrations, and between loved ones as a fun and charming way to express sentiments.
The enduring appeal of conversation hearts lies in their simplicity and the joy of sharing short, sweet messages in a format that is unique and playful. Their widespread popularity and the tradition of exchanging these candies have made them an integral part of Valentine’s Day celebrations, symbolizing the sweetness and light-heartedness of expressing love and affection.
36. Valentine’s Day is a Favourite for Popping the Big Question, with 6 million Proposals.
TRUE. Valentine’s Day has become a favoured occasion for marriage proposals, with an estimated 6 million couples [20] getting engaged on this day each year. This trend underscores the deep connection between Valentine’s Day and romantic commitments, making it a popular choice for those planning to take their relationship to the next level.
The choice of Valentine’s Day for proposals is steeped in the holiday’s association with love and romance. For many, proposing on this day adds an extra layer of meaning and significance to both the proposal and the holiday itself. The romantic atmosphere, often enhanced by decorations, music, and the general spirit of love that pervades the day, sets a perfect backdrop for a marriage proposal.
Moreover, Valentine’s Day proposals benefit from the element of surprise mixed with expectation. While the holiday is traditionally associated with expressions of love, a marriage proposal on Valentine’s Day can still catch a partner off guard, making for a memorable and emotionally charged moment.
The symbolism of Valentine’s Day aligns well with the intent behind a marriage proposal. Just as the holiday celebrates love and affection, a proposal is a declaration of deep commitment and a desire to spend a lifetime together. The convergence of these sentiments makes Valentine’s Day an ideal time for many couples to make this profound commitment.
In addition to the emotional appeal, the practical aspects of Valentine’s Day—such as the availability of special dining experiences, romantic getaways, and the abundance of flowers and gifts—also contribute to its popularity as a day for proposals. Many businesses cater to this trend, offering special packages and deals for couples looking to get engaged on this day.
Valentine’s Day’s status as a favorite for marriage proposals is a reflection of its cultural significance as a day of love and romance. The combination of a romantic atmosphere, societal traditions, and the symbolic value of the day contributes to the large number of couples choosing February 14th as the moment to begin their journey towards marriage.
International Perspectives and Celebrations

37. Valentine’s Day Wears Many Different Faces Around the Globe.
TRUE. Valentine’s Day, while rooted in Western traditions, has been adopted and adapted by various cultures around the world, each adding its unique twist to the celebration. This global embrace of Valentine’s Day has led to a rich tapestry of customs and practices, showcasing the diverse ways in which love and affection are celebrated internationally.
In some countries, Valentine’s Day retains its focus on romantic love, similar to traditions in the United States and the United Kingdom. Couples exchange gifts such as flowers, chocolates, and jewelry, and enjoy romantic dinners or outings. However, even within these shared practices, there are unique regional nuances. For example, in Italy, a country known for its romantic setting, couples might celebrate with a scenic picnic or a visit to a romantic landmark.
In other parts of the world, Valentine’s Day extends beyond romantic relationships. For instance, in Finland and Estonia, the day is known as “Friend’s Day” and is more about celebrating all forms of love, including friendships. People take this opportunity to express gratitude and affection to their friends, making it a more inclusive celebration.
In some Asian countries, Valentine’s Day customs involve specific rituals and gift exchanges. Japanese Valentine traditions, for instance, the tradition is for women to give chocolates to men, with different types of chocolates symbolizing different types of relationships. Exactly one month later, on White Day, men who received chocolates reciprocate with gifts for the women.
In Latin American countries, Valentine’s Day, often referred to as “Día del Amor y la Amistad” (Day of Love and Friendship), involves a broader celebration that includes not just romantic partners but also friends and family members. Gifts, gatherings, and acts of kindness are extended to a wider circle of loved ones.
Furthermore, in some countries, Valentine’s Day has sparked the creation of alternative celebrations, either as a response to its commercial nature or as a way to recognize different types of relationships and social dynamics.
This global diversity in the celebration of Valentine’s Day illustrates how a concept can be universally embraced yet uniquely interpreted. It highlights the universal human desire to celebrate love in its many forms, adapting traditions to fit cultural, social, and personal contexts. Valentine’s Day’s different faces around the globe are a testament to the multifaceted nature of love and the various ways it can be expressed and honoured.
38. In Japan, Valentine’s Day Sees Women Leading the Gifting Tradition.
TRUE. Valentine’s Day in Japan is celebrated with a unique twist where women take the lead in the gifting tradition. This distinct practice sets it apart from many Western interpretations of the day and reflects the country’s unique cultural approach to the holiday.
On February 14th in Japan, it is customary for women to give chocolates to men. This tradition encompasses various types of relationships, not just romantic ones. The chocolates given are categorized into two main types: “Giri-choco” (obligation chocolate) and “Honmei-choco” (true feeling chocolate). Giri-choco is intended for male friends, colleagues, bosses, and family members as a gesture of friendship or courtesy. It’s often store-bought and not necessarily expensive or elaborate. Honmei-choco, on the other hand, is reserved for boyfriends, husbands, or someone the woman has romantic feelings for. These chocolates are typically of higher quality and can be either store-bought or homemade, with the latter being seen as a sign of the effort and affection the woman has for the recipient.
This tradition places an emphasis on the expression of gratitude and respect, as well as romantic interest, and reflects the nuances of social relationships in Japanese culture. The act of giving chocolates is seen as a way for women to convey their feelings in a society where direct expression of emotions is not always the norm.
The story doesn’t end there, though. Exactly one month later, on March 14th, Japan celebrates “White Day.” On this day, men who received chocolates on Valentine’s Day are expected to return the favor by giving gifts to the women who gave them chocolates. Traditionally, these gifts should be of greater value than the chocolates received, and can include jewelry, clothing, or other tokens of affection, often white in color.
This reciprocation on White Day is seen as a way for men to express their feelings in response to the gifts they received on Valentine’s Day. It’s a unique and balanced custom that allows both parties to participate in the act of giving and receiving, making the celebration of love and affection a two-part event.
Valentine’s Day in Japan is characterized by a distinctive tradition where women lead the gifting, offering chocolates to men. This practice, followed by the reciprocation on White Day, highlights the cultural nuances of expressing appreciation and affection in Japanese society.
39. Nordic Countries Focus on Celebrating Friendship on February 14th.

TRUE. In Nordic countries, Valentine’s Day, often referred to as “Friend’s Day,” takes on a more inclusive and broad-based approach, focusing on celebrating friendship rather than exclusively romantic love. This adaptation of the holiday reflects a cultural emphasis on the value of platonic relationships and communal ties, alongside or instead of romantic ones.
In countries like Finland and Estonia, where this tradition is particularly prevalent, February 14th is an opportunity to acknowledge and appreciate friends and family members. The day is marked not just by couples, but by people of all ages and relationship statuses, celebrating the importance of friendship in their lives. This approach makes the day more inclusive, allowing everyone to participate regardless of their romantic situation.
The celebration of Friend’s Day includes exchanging small gifts, cards, or messages of appreciation among friends. These tokens of affection are not limited to romantic gestures but are expressions of gratitude, camaraderie, and the value of friendship. It’s common for people to reach out to their friends, both close and distant, to express their appreciation and to spend time together.
Schools in these countries often participate in Friend’s Day activities, encouraging children to create cards or small gifts for their classmates. This practice fosters a sense of community and belonging among young people and teaches the value of friendship from an early age.
The emphasis on friendship during Valentine’s Day in the Nordic countries is a reflection of broader social values that prioritize social bonds and community well-being. It’s a celebration that recognizes the diverse forms of love and connection in human life, extending the holiday’s reach beyond the realm of romantic relationships.
This unique interpretation of Valentine’s Day as Friend’s Day underscores the cultural variations in how love and relationships are celebrated around the world. It highlights the importance of friendship as a form of love that is equally worthy of recognition and celebration.
40. The Philippines Holds a Unique Tradition of Mass Weddings on Valentine’s Day.
TRUE. The Philippines celebrates Valentine’s Day with a unique tradition that stands out even in the diverse tapestry of global Valentine’s Day customs: the practice of holding mass weddings. This tradition has become a popular and culturally significant part of the Valentine’s Day celebrations in the country, offering a unique way for couples to tie the knot.
On February 14th, numerous locations across the Philippines, including malls, parks, and other public venues, are transformed into ceremonial sites where hundreds, and sometimes even thousands, of couples gather to get married or renew their vows. These mass wedding events are often sponsored by local government units or private organizations as a community service, making marriage more accessible to couples who may not have the resources for an individual ceremony.
The appeal of these mass weddings lies partly in the shared experience of celebrating one’s love alongside many other couples. It creates a sense of community and collective joy that is unique to these events. The ceremonies are typically grand and festive, with decorations, music, and sometimes even entertainment, adding to the celebratory atmosphere.
For many couples, getting married on Valentine’s Day in such a collective setting adds a special romantic significance to their union. It aligns their personal commitment with a day that symbolizes love and partnership, making it a memorable and meaningful choice for their wedding day.
The government and organizing bodies usually provide officiants, and sometimes even basic wedding amenities like cakes, flowers, and photography, to make the event as complete and memorable as possible for the participants. These mass weddings are not only romantic and joyous occasions but also serve a practical purpose by providing an official and legal means for couples to marry.
The tradition of mass weddings on Valentine’s Day in the Philippines is a unique cultural phenomenon that blends the personal celebration of love and commitment with a communal, festive spirit. It’s a vivid example of how Valentine’s Day is adapted to local cultural contexts, offering a distinct and memorable way for couples to celebrate their love.
41. Ghana Dedicates Valentine’s Day To Celebrating its Chocolate Industry.
TRUE. Ghana, one of the world’s largest cocoa-producing countries, has taken a unique approach to Valentine’s Day by dedicating the day to celebrating its chocolate industry. This distinctive celebration not only honors the country’s significant contribution to the global chocolate market but also promotes local chocolate and cocoa products.
In Ghana, Valentine’s Day is officially recognized as National Chocolate Day. This initiative, launched by the Ghanaian government in 2007, aims to boost the domestic consumption of Ghanaian chocolate and other cocoa-based products. The move is part of a broader strategy to add value to the cocoa produced in the country and to encourage local processing of cocoa into finished products.
The celebration of National Chocolate Day involves a range of activities and events across the country. These include chocolate-themed parties, exhibitions showcasing Ghanaian chocolate products, and educational programs about the benefits of cocoa and the process of chocolate making. Schools, businesses, and public organizations often participate in these events, spreading awareness and fostering national pride in the country’s cocoa industry.
By aligning the celebration of chocolate with Valentine’s Day, a day traditionally associated with chocolate in many parts of the world, Ghana cleverly leverages the existing holiday to promote its national industry. This approach not only stimulates domestic demand for chocolate but also helps to diversify the country’s economic reliance on raw cocoa exports by highlighting processed cocoa products.
The emphasis on chocolate also adds a unique twist to the traditional Valentine’s Day narrative. Instead of solely focusing on romantic love, the day in Ghana is also a celebration of economic development, national pride, and the joys of chocolate. It’s a day when Ghanaians are encouraged to indulge in and appreciate the fruits of their country’s labor, recognizing the hard work of cocoa farmers and the richness of their land.
Ghana’s dedication of Valentine’s Day to celebrating its chocolate industry is an innovative approach that blends cultural celebration with economic strategy. It highlights the importance of the cocoa sector to the country’s economy and identity, transforming Valentine’s Day into an occasion that holds special significance for Ghanaians.
Valentine’s Day Myths and Misconceptions

42. Greeting Card Companies Invented Valentine’s Day.
FALSE. Contrary to a common misconception, Valentine’s Day was not invented by greeting card companies. While these companies have certainly played a significant role in popularizing the holiday and shaping how it is celebrated today, the origins of Valentine’s Day date back much further, with roots in ancient history and Christian tradition.
The earliest origins of Valentine’s Day can be traced back to the Roman festival of Lupercalia, a pagan celebration held in mid-February that was associated with fertility and the coming of spring. However, the transformation of this festival into a day celebrating romantic love is attributed to the Christianization of Rome. Pope Gelasius I, in the 5th century, replaced Lupercalia with St. Valentine’s Day, a feast day in honor of St. Valentine, a Christian martyr. The association of St. Valentine with romantic love, however, wasn’t established until the Middle Ages, largely influenced by the poetry and literature of the time, notably the works of Geoffrey Chaucer and other writers who linked the day with romance and courtship.
The tradition of exchanging love notes and tokens on Valentine’s Day gradually evolved over the centuries. By the time the modern greeting card industry emerged in the 19th century, Valentine’s Day had already been celebrated in various forms for hundreds of years. Companies like Hallmark, founded in 1910, did capitalize on this tradition by mass-producing Valentine’s Day cards, making it easier and more convenient for people to express their sentiments. Their marketing and distribution efforts helped to make card-giving a central aspect of the holiday’s celebration, particularly in the United States.
While greeting card companies have played a significant role in commercializing Valentine’s Day and making it the card-centric holiday it is today, they did not invent the holiday. The origins of Valentine’s Day lie in ancient and medieval traditions that evolved over time, long before the advent of the modern greeting card industry.
43. Valentine’s Day Linked To a Spike in Suicides.
MAYBE: The claim that Valentine’s Day is linked to an increase in suicide rates is a topic of ongoing discussion and debate. Some sources suggest that there might be a connection between Valentine’s Day and an increase in feelings of loneliness and depression, particularly among those who are single or facing relationship troubles. For example, a report by Banyan Mental Health [21] suggests that Valentine’s Day might initiate a rise in suicide rates that peaks in April, with relationship problems being a primary cause of suicides today.
However, this view is not universally supported, and other research challenges the notion of a direct link between Valentine’s Day and increased suicide rates. For instance, Diane Brice, director of Suicide Prevention Service of the Central Coast, noted that while relationship trouble is a frequent reason for calls to suicide helplines, the highest rate of suicide nationally is in the springtime, not specifically on or around Valentine’s Day. Moreover, a study titled “Suicide and homicide on St. Valentine’s Day,” published in the journal “Percept Mot Skills” in 1990 [22], does not provide conclusive evidence of a significant increase in suicides specifically on Valentine’s Day.
It’s important to recognize that while Valentine’s Day can be a difficult time for some individuals, leading to feelings of loneliness or sadness, the relationship between this specific holiday and suicide rates is complex and influenced by multiple factors. Mental health is a multifaceted issue, and various aspects of an individual’s life and circumstances contribute to their mental well-being.
For those struggling with feelings of loneliness or depression, especially around holidays like Valentine’s Day, seeking support from mental health professionals, support networks, or helplines can be beneficial. It’s crucial to address mental health concerns with sensitivity, understanding, and access to appropriate resources and support.
- Banyan Mental Health
- Diane Brice, Suicide Prevention Service of the Central Coast, as reported by IBTimes
- “Suicide and homicide on St. Valentine’s Day,” Percept Mot Skills, 1990.
44. Breakups Are More Common on Valentine’s Day Than Other Days.

FALSE. Despite popular belief and media portrayals, breakups are not more common on Valentine’s Day than on other days. This misconception might stem from the heightened focus on romantic relationships during Valentine’s Day, which can lead to increased expectations and pressure. However, statistical data and research do not support the idea that Valentine’s Day sees a spike in relationship breakups.
Valentine’s Day is often associated with the celebration of love and the strengthening of romantic bonds, making it an unlikely time for couples to choose to end their relationships. In fact, many couples use the day as an opportunity to reaffirm their commitment to each other, whether through exchanging gifts, enjoying special experiences together, or simply spending quality time with one another.
While it’s true that relationship strain or dissatisfaction can become more pronounced when there’s pressure to demonstrate affection or meet certain expectations, this doesn’t necessarily translate into a higher breakup rate on Valentine’s Day itself. Relationship dynamics are complex and influenced by a multitude of factors that extend far beyond the scope of a single day, regardless of its cultural or symbolic significance.
It’s important to acknowledge that for some individuals and couples, Valentine’s Day can amplify feelings of unhappiness or discontent in a relationship. This can sometimes lead to introspection and discussions about the relationship’s future. However, these reflections and decisions are part of an ongoing process rather than a phenomenon specifically tied to Valentine’s Day.
The notion that breakups are more common on Valentine’s Day is more a myth than reality. While the day may bring relationship issues into sharper focus for some, it does not statistically result in an increased number of breakups. Like any other day, Valentine’s Day can encompass a wide range of relationship experiences, from celebration and joy to contemplation and, in some cases, sadness.
45. Valentine’s Day is Regarded as Offensive to Muslims.
FALSE. It’s a common misconception that Valentine’s Day is universally regarded as offensive to Muslims. While there are indeed segments within the Muslim community that oppose the celebration of Valentine’s Day, viewing it as a holiday that promotes values not in alignment with Islamic teachings, this perspective is not universally held across the entire Muslim population.
The Islamic faith, like many religions, encompasses a wide range of beliefs and practices, and there is significant diversity in how different communities and individuals interpret and engage with cultural events and holidays, including Valentine’s Day. Some Muslims may choose not to observe Valentine’s Day due to personal or religious convictions, particularly if they feel that the holiday’s associations with romantic love conflict with their cultural or religious principles.
However, there are also many Muslims who do participate in Valentine’s Day activities or view the holiday as a harmless cultural celebration. In some Muslim-majority countries, Valentine’s Day is celebrated with enthusiasm, with people exchanging gifts and greetings just as in many other parts of the world. In these instances, the day is often seen as an opportunity to express love and affection not only to romantic partners but also to friends and family members.
It’s important to recognize that attitudes toward Valentine’s Day in the Muslim community are varied and cannot be painted with a broad brush. Cultural, regional, and individual factors all play a role in shaping how the holiday is perceived and whether it is embraced, ignored, or opposed.
The claim that Valentine’s Day is universally regarded as offensive to Muslims is a simplification that does not accurately reflect the diverse range of views within the Muslim community. As with any group, there are differing opinions and practices regarding the celebration of non-religious holidays like Valentine’s Day.
46. The Real St. Valentine Didn’t Set the Romantic Tone of the Holiday.
TRUE. The historical figure of St. Valentine did not set the romantic tone of Valentine’s Day as we know it today. The association of St. Valentine with romantic love is a result of later cultural and literary developments, rather than the actions or intentions of St. Valentine himself. In fact, there is considerable ambiguity surrounding the historical identity of St. Valentine, with multiple martyrs bearing the name Valentine or Valentinus recognized by the Catholic Church.
The most commonly cited legend of St. Valentine is that of a priest who served in Rome during the third century. According to one version of the story, he secretly performed marriages for young couples at a time when Emperor Claudius II had outlawed marriage for young men, believing that single men made better soldiers. However, this narrative emerged much later and is not historically verified.
The transformation of St. Valentine’s Day into a celebration of romantic love and the custom of sending love notes and tokens did not begin until the Middle Ages. This shift was largely influenced by the poetry and literature of the time, particularly the works of Geoffrey Chaucer and other writers, who linked St. Valentine’s Day with the tradition of courtly love – a highly idealized form of love expressed by knights towards ladies.
The romantic connotations of Valentine’s Day were further popularized in the 17th and 18th centuries, especially in England, where the day began to resemble its modern form. It was during this period that the practice of exchanging hand-written love notes and small gifts became widespread.
The real St. Valentine, or Valentines, as there were likely several historical figures with that name, did not directly influence the romantic traditions associated with Valentine’s Day. Instead, the holiday’s association with love and romance evolved over centuries, shaped by cultural and literary influences that imbued the day with its current significance.
47. St. Valentine, Known as the Roman Saint of Courtly Love, Isn’t the Sole Inspiration for the Holiday.
TRUE. The notion of St. Valentine as the sole inspiration for Valentine’s Day, particularly as a Roman saint of courtly love, is a simplification of the holiday’s complex history. While St. Valentine is a central figure in the holiday’s narrative, the origins and evolution of Valentine’s Day are influenced by a blend of historical, religious, and cultural factors.
The historical St. Valentine, or more accurately, the St. Valentines (as there were likely multiple Christian martyrs with that name), were not specifically associated with romantic love in their lifetimes. The linkage of St. Valentine with romantic love and courtship developed much later and is more a product of medieval and post-medieval traditions and storytelling than of the lives of these early Christian martyrs.
The romantic aspect of Valentine’s Day was significantly shaped by the traditions of courtly love that emerged in medieval Europe, particularly in Geoffrey Chaucer’s era. Chaucer and his contemporaries were among the first to link St. Valentine’s Day with romantic love in their poetry. This literary association played a key role in transforming the day into a celebration of romance and affection.
Additionally, the holiday’s origins are also influenced by the ancient Roman festival of Lupercalia, a mid-February celebration that included fertility rites and the pairing of women with men through a lottery system. As Christianity spread throughout the Roman Empire, many pagan traditions were reinterpreted or replaced with Christian observances. St. Valentine’s Day emerged in part as a Christian reimagining of these earlier pagan practices.
Over the centuries, Valentine’s Day continued to evolve, incorporating various folk traditions and customs from different cultures. By the 17th and 18th centuries, the practice of exchanging love notes and small gifts on Valentine’s Day had become widespread in England and subsequently spread to other parts of the world.
While St. Valentine is an important figure in the history of Valentine’s Day, the holiday as we know it today is the result of a complex interplay of historical figures, Christian and pagan traditions, and cultural and literary influences. It is not solely inspired by the Roman saint of courtly love, but rather is a mosaic of various traditions that have evolved over time.
Cultural and Artistic Influences

48. Shakespeare’s Writings Helped Shape Valentine’s Day Traditions.
TRUE. William Shakespeare, the renowned English playwright and poet, significantly influenced the traditions of Valentine’s Day through his writings, leaving a lasting impact on Valentine’s Day in literature. Shakespeare’s work, celebrated for its profound exploration of human emotions and relationships, often wove in references to Valentine’s Day and themes of romantic love, thereby shaping cultural perceptions of the holiday.
In Shakespeare’s time, Valentine’s Day was already associated with romantic love, but his writings contributed to popularizing and romanticizing the day in the collective imagination. His plays and sonnets, filled with eloquent expressions of love, passion, and courtship, resonated deeply with audiences and readers, both in his own time and for centuries thereafter.
One notable example is in Shakespeare’s play “Hamlet,” where Ophelia refers to Valentine’s Day in a song, suggesting the day’s connection with romance and courtship. In “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” the theme of love is central, with its complex, interwoven romantic relationships, reflecting the joys and challenges of love—a theme often celebrated on Valentine’s Day.
Shakespeare’s influence extended beyond the content of his works to the very language of love. His skillful use of metaphor, imagery, and poetic devices in describing love and affection contributed to a rich vocabulary that people could draw upon to express their own feelings. His sonnets and plays provided a source of inspiration for lovers and poets, influencing how love was expressed in letters, poems, and, eventually, Valentine’s Day cards.
Moreover, Shakespeare’s widespread popularity and the enduring appeal of his works ensured that his romantic themes and depictions of love continued to influence cultural and literary traditions surrounding Valentine’s Day. His work crossed geographical and cultural boundaries, making its mark on various Valentine’s Day customs around the world.
Shakespeare’s writings played a significant role in shaping Valentine’s Day traditions. His poetic and dramatic depictions of love and romance contributed to the cultural and literary context in which Valentine’s Day is celebrated, enhancing the day’s association with the expression of love and affection.
49. The Meaning of “XOXO” Has Evolved to Symbolize Hugs and Kisses.
TRUE. The expression “XOXO” is commonly used to symbolize hugs and kisses, and its meaning has evolved over time to become a universal symbol of love and affection. The origins and evolution of “XOXO” reflect cultural practices related to expressing fondness and endearment.
The “X” in “XOXO” is widely interpreted to represent a kiss. This symbolism is believed to have originated from the Middle Ages when individuals who could not write would sign documents with an “X” in front of a witness. The signer would then kiss the “X” to show sincerity, honesty, and commitment, a practice stemming from the Christian symbol of the cross, which was often kissed to signify an oath. Over time, the “X” came to be associated with the act of kissing.
The “O” in “XOXO” is commonly interpreted to represent a hug. While the origins of this association are less clear than the “X,” it is thought to have been used in North America in correspondence to symbolize an embrace or hug. The circular shape of the “O” can be seen as representing arms encircling someone in a hug.
Together, “XOXO” is often used at the end of letters, messages, or digital communications as a friendly and affectionate gesture, conveying warmth, love, or friendship. The simplicity and universality of the expression make it a popular way to conclude messages, transcending language barriers and cultural differences.
The use of “XOXO” is especially prevalent around Valentine’s Day, appearing in greeting cards, romantic messages, and even themed decorations and gifts. Its evolution from medieval practices to a modern symbol of love and affection exemplifies how language and cultural symbols can develop and take on new meanings over time.
“XOXO” has evolved to symbolize hugs and kisses, serving as a concise and widely recognized expression of affection. Its use is a testament to the enduring human desire to convey love and closeness in both written and digital communication.
50. Even Horror Movies Have Taken a Spin on Valentine’s Day themes.

TRUE. Valentine’s Day, typically associated with romance and affection, has intriguingly found its way into a seemingly contrasting genre – horror movies. Filmmakers and storytellers have taken the themes of Valentine’s Day and given them a unique spin, integrating them into horror narratives. This crossover has resulted in a niche but notable sub-genre of horror films centered around or inspired by Valentine’s Day.
The incorporation of Valentine’s Day into horror films often involves juxtaposing the holiday’s romantic and idyllic connotations with suspense, fear, and the macabre. This contrast creates a unique and compelling backdrop for storytelling. The typical imagery of Valentine’s Day – hearts, roses, chocolates – can be twisted to serve a darker narrative, adding an eerie or sinister dimension to familiar symbols of love.
One notable example of this trend is the film “My Bloody Valentine,” which has both an original version from the 1980s and a remake. The plot revolves around Valentine’s Day in a small town that becomes the setting for a series of gruesome events, with the holiday serving as a backdrop to the horror unfolding. The use of Valentine’s Day as a central theme in these films adds a layer of irony and subversion, playing on the contrast between the holiday’s association with love and the horror genre’s focus on fear and suspense.
This blending of Valentine’s Day and horror might reflect a broader exploration of the complexities and darker aspects of love and relationships. It can also be seen as a creative way to engage audiences by combining the familiar with the unexpected, creating a unique and memorable cinematic experience.
The inclusion of Valentine’s Day themes in horror movies is an interesting cultural phenomenon. It demonstrates the versatility and wide-ranging influence of Valentine’s Day in popular culture, extending even into genres that might at first seem incongruous. This trend underscores the creative ways in which traditional themes can be reimagined and repurposed in storytelling and film-making.
51. Galentine’s Day, Celebrating Female Friendships, Has Become Increasingly Popular.
TRUE. Galentine’s Day, a celebration of female friendships, has indeed become increasingly popular in recent years. Originating from a fictional holiday in the television show “Parks and Recreation,” Galentine’s Day is celebrated on February 13th, the day before Valentine’s Day. It offers an opportunity for women to honor and appreciate the friendships they share with other women, independent of romantic relationships.
The concept of Galentine’s Day was introduced by the character Leslie Knope, played by Amy Poehler, in a 2010 episode of ‘Parks and Recreation.’ In the show, Leslie organizes a special brunch for her female friends as a way of celebrating their bond, embodying the essence of what is Galentine’s Day. This idea resonated with viewers and quickly transcended the boundaries of the show, becoming a real-life tradition for many women.
The appeal of Galentine’s Day lies in its focus on the importance and value of female friendships. It provides a dedicated time to acknowledge and celebrate the support, love, and joy that these relationships bring. Women across various age groups and backgrounds take this day to gather with their friends, often over brunch, dinner, or other fun activities, to express gratitude and affection for each other.
Galentine’s Day has also been embraced by businesses and retailers, with special events, promotions, and products tailored for the occasion. This commercial recognition has further boosted the holiday’s popularity, making it a part of the mainstream cultural calendar.
In a broader sense, Galentine’s Day reflects a cultural shift towards recognizing and celebrating different forms of love and connection, beyond the romantic focus of traditional Valentine’s Day. It underscores the importance of platonic relationships and the role they play in personal well-being and happiness.
Galentine’s Day has grown from a fictional holiday into a real and increasingly popular celebration of female friendships. It highlights the significance of these bonds and provides a special occasion for women to come together and celebrate their friendship in a fun and meaningful way.
52. Lovebirds Aren’t Just a Term of Endearment; They’re Real Birds Associated with Affection.
TRUE. The term “lovebirds” is commonly used as a term of endearment for couples, but it is also a literal reference to a species of small parrots known for their affectionate behavior. Lovebirds, belonging to the Genus Agapornis [23], are native to the African continent and are renowned for their strong pair bonds and social nature.
There are several species of lovebirds, and they are known for their bright, colorful plumage and compact size. One of the most distinctive behaviors of lovebirds is their tendency to form monogamous pair bonds that last a lifetime. These birds often sit closely together, preen each other’s feathers, and exhibit behaviors that are perceived as affectionate and loving, which is how they earned their name.
The image of lovebirds sitting together has become a symbol of love and companionship in popular culture. They are often depicted in art, literature, and media as representations of romantic love and togetherness, mirroring the human concepts of soulmates or devoted partners.
In addition to their romantic connotations, lovebirds are popular pets, known for their playful and social disposition. They thrive on social interaction, both with their human caregivers and with other birds, particularly their chosen mates. Lovebird owners often remark on the strong bonds these birds form, not only with their avian companions but also with humans.
Lovebirds’ need for companionship and their visible displays of affection towards their partners resonate with human ideals of love and relationships. Their behavior reinforces the notion that love and bonding are fundamental aspects of life, extending across species.
Lovebirds are not only a term of endearment but also real birds whose affectionate behavior and strong pair bonding have made them symbols of love and companionship. Their name and behavior have contributed to their status as an emblem of love in various cultural contexts.
Unique Traditions and Practices on Valentines

53. In Europe, St. Valentine’s Keys are Given as Tokens of Love and To Ward Off Epilepsy.
TRUE. In some parts of Europe, there is a tradition involving the giving of St. Valentine’s keys as tokens of love and as a charm to ward off epilepsy, which was historically referred to as St. Valentine’s Malady. This tradition is an intriguing blend of romantic symbolism and ancient beliefs in the protective and healing powers associated with St. Valentine.
The keys, often decorative and symbolic rather than functional, are given as a romantic gesture, symbolizing the unlocking of the giver’s heart to the recipient. This practice ties into the broader romantic themes of Valentine’s Day, where keys serve as metaphors for unlocking love and opening up new possibilities in a relationship.
Beyond the romantic connotation, these keys also have a historical association with health and well-being, particularly concerning epilepsy. In some cultures, St. Valentine was revered as the patron saint of epilepsy, a role that likely stemmed from the similarity between his name and the German word for “fallen” (gefallen). People believed that carrying a key blessed in St. Valentine’s name could protect them from seizures or cure epilepsy. This belief led to the tradition of giving St. Valentine’s keys not only between lovers but also to children and others afflicted with the disease, as a protective talisman.
The tradition of St. Valentine’s keys is a fascinating example of how historical, religious, and cultural elements can intertwine, giving rise to practices that carry multiple layers of meaning. While the association of St. Valentine with epilepsy has faded over time, the romantic aspect of giving keys as tokens of love continues to be a charming and symbolic gesture in certain European cultures.
St. Valentine’s keys in Europe symbolize both love and a historical form of protection against epilepsy. This tradition reflects the multifaceted nature of Valentine’s Day customs and the blend of romantic and protective symbolism associated with the holiday’s patron saint.
54. English Traditions Once Believed in the Luck-bringing Power of Bay Leaves on Valentine’s Day.
TRUE. In historical English traditions, there was a belief in the luck-bringing power of bay leaves on Valentine’s Day, particularly regarding matters of love and romance. This custom is an example of the various folk practices and superstitions that have been associated with Valentine’s Day over the centuries.
According to this tradition, single women would perform rituals with bay leaves on the eve of Valentine’s Day to bring dreams of their future husbands or to attract good fortune in love. One such ritual involved placing bay leaves sprinkled with rosewater under one’s pillow before sleeping. It was believed that doing so would induce dreams of one’s future spouse.
Another variation of the custom was to pin bay leaves to the four corners of one’s pillow, and sometimes to the center, on the night before Valentine’s Day. The belief was that this ritual would ensure dreams of one’s future lover, providing insight or good luck in finding true love.
Bay leaves were chosen for these rituals due to their association with prophecy and protection in various folk beliefs and traditions. In addition to their culinary uses, bay leaves have a long history of being used in various cultural practices for their supposed mystical properties.
These Valentine’s Day traditions reflect the broader human interest in rituals and superstitions surrounding love and the choosing of a life partner. Such customs provided a sense of control and hope in an area of life that was often unpredictable and of great importance to individuals, especially in times when marriage was a significant social and economic institution.
The English tradition of using bay leaves on Valentine’s Day as a means of attracting luck or prophetic dreams about one’s future spouse is a testament to the rich tapestry of folklore and customs associated with the holiday. These practices highlight the historical human desire to influence and foresee matters of the heart.
55. The Phrase ‘Wearing Your Heart on Your Sleeve‘ has Historical Roots in Valentine’s Day Customs.

TRUE. The phrase “wearing your heart on your sleeve,” commonly used to describe openly showing one’s emotions, has historical roots that can be traced back to customs associated with Valentine’s Day. This idiom originates from a practice during the Middle Ages, where individuals would literally wear their emotions in a visible manner during Valentine’s celebrations.
One of the traditions linked to this phrase occurred during medieval jousting events. Knights competing in these tournaments would sometimes wear a token, often a ribbon or a handkerchief, given to them by a lady, on their sleeves. This token served as a public declaration of their affection or commitment to the lady, symbolizing that they carried her favor and her emotions into the joust.
Another related Valentine’s Day tradition involved young men and women drawing names to choose their Valentine for the festivities. After selecting a name, it was not uncommon for the individuals to wear the name of their chosen Valentine on their sleeve for a certain period. This practice made their romantic intentions or current affections publicly known, hence the phrase “wearing your heart on your sleeve” as an indication of openly displaying one’s feelings.
Both of these traditions reflect the customs of an era when expressions of love and courtship were more ritualized and public than they tend to be today. The symbolic act of wearing something on one’s sleeve as a sign of love or affection highlights the cultural importance of visible expressions of emotion in the context of romantic relationships during this period.
The phrase “wearing your heart on your sleeve” has a historical basis in Valentine’s Day customs from the Middle Ages. These customs involved publicly displaying one’s affections or commitments, often as part of the social and romantic rituals of the time. The phrase has since evolved into a common idiom used to describe the act of openly showing one’s emotions.
56. Singles Have Their Own Valentine’s Day Alternative to Celebrate.
TRUE. Singles have indeed created their own alternative to Valentine’s Day, a celebration known as “Singles Awareness Day” (SAD). This day is observed by single individuals as a way to celebrate or acknowledge their single status, either as a form of empowerment or simply as an alternative to the traditional romantic focus of Valentine’s Day.
Singles Awareness Day is celebrated on February 15th, the day following Valentine’s Day. This timing is intentional, serving as a counterpoint to the couple-centric celebrations of February 14th. The day is an opportunity for single people to assert that one does not need to be in a romantic relationship to enjoy life or to feel fulfilled and valued.
The ways in which Singles Awareness Day is celebrated vary widely. Some individuals use the day to treat themselves, indulging in activities or purchases that bring them joy or relaxation. Others gather with friends for social events, parties, or outings, celebrating the value of platonic relationships and the freedom and flexibility that can come with being single.
Singles Awareness Day can also be an occasion for humor and light-heartedness, with some embracing the acronym “SAD” in a tongue-in-cheek manner. This can include wearing green, the complementary opposite of red on the color wheel, as a playful way to mark the day.
While Singles Awareness Day is not as widely recognized or commercialized as Valentine’s Day, it has gained popularity and media attention as a form of social commentary on the romantic pressures often associated with Valentine’s Day. It challenges the notion that romantic love is the only form of love worth celebrating and acknowledges the diverse experiences of individuals regarding relationships.
Singles Awareness Day is an alternative celebration for single individuals on February 15th, offering a way to acknowledge and embrace singlehood. It serves as a counter-narrative to Valentine’s Day, highlighting the importance of self-love, independence, and the value of non-romantic relationships.
57. The U.S. Has Four Cities Named Valentine, Echoing the Holiday’s Spirit.
TRUE. The United States indeed has four cities named Valentine, reflecting the widespread cultural impact of the holiday and its associations with love and romance. These towns, each with their unique charm and character, have become emblematic of Valentine’s Day to some extent, often embracing their namesake with various themed celebrations and activities.
The four cities named Valentine are located in Nebraska, Texas, Arizona, and New Jersey. Each of these places, while different in geography and character, shares the common thread of being named after the patron saint of love, St. Valentine.
Valentine, Nebraska, perhaps the most well-known of the four, has become something of a symbolic destination for Valentine’s Day. The town often receives a large volume of mail around February 14th, as people send letters and cards to be postmarked from “Valentine” for a unique romantic touch. The local post office offers a special Valentine’s Day postmark each year, making it a popular service for those wanting to add something extra to their Valentine’s Day greetings.
In Valentine, Texas, the name has also been embraced as part of the town’s identity, with local businesses and events often playing on the Valentine’s Day theme. Despite its small size, the town attracts attention during the Valentine’s season from those intrigued by its romantic name.
Valentine in Arizona and New Jersey also share this unique naming, though they may not be as widely recognized in connection with Valentine’s Day celebrations as their counterparts in Nebraska and Texas. Nonetheless, being named “Valentine” adds a certain romantic allure and curiosity to these locales.
These Valentine-named cities in the U.S. reflect how Valentine’s Day, a holiday steeped in symbolism and emotion, extends its influence beyond just a date on the calendar to places on the map. The towns have become part of the cultural narrative of Valentine’s Day, each contributing in its own way to the holiday’s ongoing story.
Valentine’s Day in Modern Times

58. Today, Valentine’s Day Sees Millions of Cards Exchanged Globally.
TRUE. In contemporary times, Valentine’s Day is marked by the exchange of 145 million cards around the world [24], a testament to the holiday’s enduring popularity and its global reach. This widespread practice underscores Valentine’s Day as a significant cultural phenomenon, transcending geographical and cultural boundaries.
The tradition of exchanging greeting cards on Valentine’s Day has its roots in the historical practices of sending love notes and handmade tokens of affection. However, with the advent of mass printing technology and the commercialization of the holiday, Valentine’s Day cards have become more accessible and varied, allowing people from different parts of the world to participate in this tradition.
The types of Valentine’s Day cards exchanged vary widely, reflecting the diversity of relationships and cultural nuances. They range from romantic and sentimental to humorous and light-hearted, catering to different expressions of love and friendship. This variety ensures that people can find cards that resonate with their feelings and relationships, whether they are celebrating romantic love, friendship, or family bonds.
Moreover, the global exchange of Valentine’s Day cards is facilitated by the widespread availability of cards through various channels, including brick-and-mortar stores, online retailers, and digital platforms. The ease of sending physical or electronic cards has contributed to the growing number of cards exchanged each year.
Valentine’s Day cards also serve as a reflection of cultural trends and societal changes. Over the years, the imagery, messages, and designs of these cards have evolved, often mirroring shifts in societal attitudes towards love, relationships, and Valentine’s Day itself.
The exchange of millions of cards globally on Valentine’s Day is a clear indicator of the holiday’s significant cultural impact. It demonstrates how a tradition that began with simple handwritten notes has evolved into a global practice, embraced by people of various cultures and backgrounds as a way to express their affection and appreciation for one another.
59. It’s a Prime Day for Engagements, With countless Couples Choosing it for Proposals.
TRUE. Valentine’s Day is indeed considered a prime day for engagements, with a significant number of couples choosing this romantic holiday to propose marriage. The day’s association with love and romance makes it an appealing and popular choice for those planning to take the significant step of getting engaged.
Valentine’s Day provides an ideal backdrop for marriage proposals due to its inherent romantic atmosphere. Many people are drawn to the symbolism of choosing a day dedicated to love to mark the beginning of their journey towards marriage. Proposing on Valentine’s Day adds a layer of romantic significance to the engagement, aligning the personal commitment with a day that universally symbolizes love and affection.
This trend is often reflected in the heightened sales of engagement rings and the increase in bookings at romantic venues around February 14th. Jewelry stores and retailers typically see a surge in customers looking for the perfect engagement ring in the days leading up to Valentine’s Day. Similarly, restaurants, hotels, and other romantic spots often offer special packages and experiences to cater to couples planning to get engaged on this day.
Moreover, Valentine’s Day proposals are popular because they provide a memorable and story-worthy element to the engagement. Many couples cherish the idea of sharing their engagement story with friends and family, and proposing on Valentine’s Day adds a special touch to this narrative.
While Valentine’s Day is a popular day for engagements, it’s important to note that the decision to propose is deeply personal and varies from couple to couple. Some may choose the day for its romantic connotations, while others might select a different day that holds more personal significance to their relationship.
Valentine’s Day is a prime day for engagements, with many couples choosing to make their marriage proposals on this day. The holiday’s focus on love and romance makes it an attractive and meaningful time for couples to commit to each other, contributing to its popularity as a day for proposals.
60. The Tradition of the Chocolate Box has Sweetened Valentine’s Day for Over 140 years.
TRUE. The tradition of giving a box of chocolates on Valentine’s Day has been sweetening the holiday for over 140 years, making it one of the most enduring and beloved customs associated with the celebration of love. This tradition began in the late 19th century and has since become a staple of Valentine’s Day gift-giving.
The origins of the chocolate box tradition can be traced back to Richard Cadbury of the famous Cadbury chocolate manufacturing family in England. In the mid-1800s, advancements in the production and refinement of chocolate led to the creation of the first “eating chocolates.” Richard Cadbury capitalized on these innovations and the growing popularity of Valentine’s Day by designing and selling the first box of Valentine’s Day chocolates.
Introduced in 1861, these boxes were beautifully decorated, often adorned with Cupids and roses, and filled with Cadbury’s chocolates. The boxes themselves were designed to be kept as keepsakes and used for storing mementos, adding an extra layer of sentimental value to the gift. This ingenious marketing strategy not only boosted the sales of Cadbury chocolates but also established the chocolate box as a symbol of romance and affection.
Over the years, the chocolate box tradition has evolved, with countless confectioners and chocolate makers offering their own versions. Today, the options range from simple and sweet assortments to luxurious collections of gourmet chocolates, catering to a wide variety of tastes and preferences.
The enduring popularity of giving chocolates on Valentine’s Day is partly due to the universal appeal of chocolate as a treat, but it’s also a reflection of the cultural association of chocolates with indulgence, pleasure, and romantic gestures. Whether given as a standalone gift or accompanied by flowers or other tokens of affection, a box of chocolates remains a classic and cherished way to express love and affection on Valentine’s Day.
The tradition of giving a chocolate box on Valentine’s Day, now over 140 years old, continues to be a quintessential part of the holiday’s celebration. It represents a sweet and delicious way to convey feelings of love and appreciation, embodying the spirit of Valentine’s Day.
61. Experiential Gifts are Becoming More Popular Than Traditional Valentine’s Ufferings.
TRUE. In recent years, there has been a noticeable shift in Valentine’s Day gift-giving trends, with experiential gifts gaining popularity over traditional offerings like chocolates, flowers, and jewelry. This change reflects a broader cultural shift towards valuing experiences and creating memories over material possessions.
Experiential gifts refer to presents that offer an experience rather than a tangible item. These can include activities such as romantic getaways, cooking classes, spa days, wine tastings, outdoor adventures, or tickets to concerts, theater, or sporting events. The appeal of these gifts lies in their ability to provide memorable and shared experiences, fostering connection and intimacy between partners.
This trend towards experiential gifting aligns with the growing desire, particularly among younger generations, for unique and personalized experiences. Many people now prioritize making lasting memories and engaging in new activities over acquiring more possessions. Experiential gifts offer a way to cater to these preferences, providing opportunities for couples to explore new interests, indulge in hobbies, or simply enjoy quality time together in a way that traditional gifts may not.
Moreover, experiential gifts can be tailored to match the interests and personalities of the recipients, making them deeply personal and thoughtful. Whether it’s a weekend retreat in a cozy cabin, a hot air balloon ride, or a gourmet dinner at a fancy restaurant, these experiences can be customized to create a gift that resonates with the couple’s unique relationship and preferences.
The increasing popularity of experiential gifts also reflects the influence of social media and the value placed on shareable experiences. Many couples enjoy having exciting or romantic experiences they can share on their social platforms, further incentivizing the choice of experiential gifts.
The rising popularity of experiential gifts over traditional Valentine’s Day offerings is indicative of changing consumer preferences and societal values. As people increasingly seek out unique and meaningful experiences, experiential gifts offer a way to celebrate Valentine’s Day in a way that emphasizes creating memories and enjoying shared experiences.
62. A Surprising Number of Americans Choose to Skip Valentine’s Day Celebrations.

TRUE. Contrary to the widespread commercial and social emphasis on Valentine’s Day, a significant number of Americans actually choose to skip (40% in 2021 [25]) the celebrations associated with February 14th. This decision can be attributed to a variety of reasons, reflecting the diverse attitudes and preferences of individuals towards this holiday.
One of the primary reasons some people opt out of Valentine’s Day celebrations is the commercialization of the holiday. For these individuals, the emphasis on buying gifts, flowers, and cards can feel obligatory and insincere. They may view Valentine’s Day as a creation of businesses to boost sales, rather than a genuine celebration of love and affection.
Another reason for bypassing Valentine’s Day festivities is the pressure and expectation it can create. For singles, the day can sometimes exacerbate feelings of loneliness or the societal pressure to be in a romantic relationship. Even for those in relationships, the expectations to make grand romantic gestures or the comparison with others’ celebrations can lead to stress and dissatisfaction.
Personal beliefs and values also play a role in the choice to not celebrate Valentine’s Day. Some individuals may not identify with the traditional notions of romance promoted by the holiday, or they may have cultural or religious reasons for not participating in the celebrations.
Additionally, an increasing number of people are choosing to celebrate love in ways that are more meaningful and personal to them, rather than adhering to the standard commercialized practices. They might prefer expressing love and appreciation in their own way and on their own time, rather than on a prescribed day.
The decision to skip Valentine’s Day celebrations also reflects a broader trend towards individualism and personal choice in how holidays are observed. As society becomes more accepting of diverse lifestyles and viewpoints, the freedom to choose how and whether to celebrate Valentine’s Day becomes part of a wider range of acceptable options.
While Valentine’s Day is a major event for many, a surprising number of Americans choose not to participate in the traditional celebrations. Their reasons vary, encompassing views on commercialization, personal beliefs, relationship status, and the desire for authenticity in expressions of love. This trend highlights the diverse ways in which love and relationships are experienced and celebrated in modern society.
63. Valentine’s Day Chocolate Sales Skyrocket Worldwide
Chocolate sales experience a significant surge worldwide during Valentine’s Day, reflecting the universal appeal of chocolate as a gift of love. This trend spans various cultures and countries, making chocolates one of the most popular gifts globally for the holiday. The demand for chocolate around Valentine’s Day drives a substantial portion of the annual sales for many confectioners and chocolatiers, highlighting the deep connection between chocolate and expressions of romantic affection.
- The global consumption of chocolate in 2023 is projected to be around 7.5 million tons, reflecting the widespread popularity of this sweet treat.
- In the United States alone, the average expenditure on chocolate per person in 2021 was about $144.90, and Americans typically consume around 19.8 pounds of chocolate per year.
These statistics underscore the significant role chocolate plays in modern diets, especially in relation to Valentine’s Day when chocolate sales are expected to rise. This increase is partly attributed to consumers’ tendencies to indulge in smaller luxury items like chocolates during economic downturns. The global chocolate market, including premium chocolates, continues to grow, with online chocolate shopping now accounting for 40% of consumer behavior. This shift towards online purchasing reflects changing consumer habits post-pandemic and the growing influence of younger generations in the market [26].
64. A Significant Portion of Valentine’s Chocolates in the U.S. Originate from the West Coast.
TRUE. A significant portion of the chocolates consumed in the United States for Valentine’s Day does indeed originate from the West Coast. This phenomenon can be attributed to several factors, including the presence of a number of prominent chocolate manufacturers and artisans in this region, as well as favorable climatic conditions for chocolate production and innovation in the industry.
The West Coast, particularly states like California and Oregon, is home to a variety of well-known chocolate companies and smaller artisanal chocolatiers. These entities are renowned for their quality and creativity in chocolate making. The region has developed a reputation for producing a diverse range of chocolate products, from mass-market favorites to high-end, artisanal creations that include unique flavors and ingredients.
One factor contributing to this concentration of chocolate production is the entrepreneurial and innovative spirit that characterizes the West Coast, particularly in areas like Northern California, which is also home to significant wine and food industries. The proximity to high-quality, locally-sourced ingredients, including nuts, fruits, and dairy products, allows chocolatiers to create unique and high-quality products.
Additionally, the West Coast’s climate, particularly in regions like Southern California, provides an ideal environment for storing and processing chocolate, which is sensitive to temperature and humidity changes. The relatively stable and moderate climate facilitates the chocolate-making process and helps maintain the quality of the finished products.
Furthermore, the cultural emphasis on artisanal and gourmet foods in many West Coast cities has fostered a consumer base that appreciates and seeks out high-quality, locally-produced chocolates. This consumer interest supports a thriving chocolate industry, encouraging innovation and excellence in chocolate production.
A significant portion of Valentine’s chocolates in the U.S. originating from the West Coast reflects the region’s strength in chocolate production. It is a combination of favorable climatic conditions, a culture of innovation and quality in food production, and the presence of both large and small-scale chocolatiers that contribute to the West Coast’s prominence in the American chocolate industry.
65. The Majority of Valentine’s Roses are Imported from Overseas.

TRUE. The majority of roses sold in the United States for Valentine’s Day are imported from overseas, particularly from countries in South America [27]. This international trade in roses is driven by a combination of climatic, economic, and logistical factors that make it more feasible to grow and export roses from certain countries to meet the high demand for these flowers during the Valentine’s season.
Countries like Colombia and Ecuador are among the largest exporters of roses to the U.S. These nations have ideal climatic conditions for rose cultivation, including consistent temperatures, ample sunlight, and high altitude, which contribute to the growth of high-quality roses with long stems and vibrant colors. The flower industry in these countries is well-established and highly specialized, with significant investment in infrastructure for growing, harvesting, and transporting roses.
The scale of production in these countries allows for the mass cultivation of roses, which is necessary to meet the spike in demand around Valentine’s Day. In addition to the favorable growing conditions, lower labor costs in these countries also contribute to the viability of exporting roses to the U.S. market.
The logistics of transporting roses from South America to the United States are complex, involving refrigerated air transport to keep the flowers fresh during their journey. Despite the distance, advances in logistics and transportation technologies have made it possible to efficiently ship large quantities of roses across continents in time for Valentine’s Day.
It’s worth noting that while the majority of Valentine’s roses in the U.S. are imported, there is also a domestic market for locally grown roses. However, due to factors like climate and cost, local growers often cannot compete with the volume and price points of imported roses.
The majority of Valentine’s roses in the United States are indeed imported from overseas, with countries in South America playing a significant role in supplying these flowers. This international trade reflects a combination of geographic advantages, economic factors, and logistical capabilities that enable certain countries to dominate the market for Valentine’s roses.
66. Valentine’s Day’s Unique Celebration in Slovenia
In Slovenia, Valentine’s Day, or “Zdravko,” has a unique twist. It’s traditionally not just a day of love, but also marks the day when plants and flowers start to grow, heralding the arrival of spring. Slovenians celebrate this day as a time to start working in vineyards and fields, symbolizing new beginnings and growth. It’s a day when love is celebrated not only among people but also as a connection to nature. This blend of romance and agricultural tradition offers a different perspective on Valentine’s Day, emphasizing the rejuvenation of life and nature alongside expressions of love and affection. This unique interpretation of the holiday reflects the country’s cultural connection to its natural landscape and agricultural heritage.
67. Roses Reign Supreme as the Most Popular Valentine’s Day Flower.
TRUE. Roses, particularly red roses, hold the title as the most popular flower for Valentine’s Day, a status they have maintained for many years. This popularity is rooted in the deep symbolism associated with roses, their aesthetic appeal, and their historical connection to expressions of love and affection.
The rose, especially in its classic red variety, is widely recognized as a symbol of love and passion. This association dates back to ancient times and is found in many cultures, where the rose has been linked to romance and used in love rituals and ceremonies. In Greek and Roman mythology, the rose was often associated with the goddess of love (Aphrodite in Greek mythology and Venus in Roman mythology), further cementing its connection with romantic sentiments.
The enduring appeal of roses on Valentine’s Day also lies in their beauty. With their lush, velvety petals and rich colors, roses are visually striking and have a luxurious feel that makes them a desirable gift for a romantic occasion. The red rose, in particular, with its deep color, symbolizes deep emotion and desire, making it a fitting choice for expressing profound romantic feelings.
Moreover, the tradition of giving roses on Valentine’s Day is reinforced by years of cultural and commercial promotion. Florists, greeting card companies, and advertisers often emphasize roses in their Valentine’s Day marketing, further entrenching them as the go-to flower for the holiday. This widespread promotion has helped to maintain the rose’s status as the top choice for Valentine’s Day year after year.
While roses are the most popular choice, Valentine’s Day also sees a variety of other flowers being given, such as tulips, lilies, and orchids. These flowers provide alternative options for those looking to express their feelings with a different type of bloom.
Roses reign supreme as the most popular flower for Valentine’s Day, thanks to their rich symbolism, aesthetic appeal, and historical connection to love and romance. Their status as a symbol of deep affection makes them a perennial favorite for expressing love on this special day.
Economic Impact and Consumer Behavior on Valentine’s Day

68. Billions of Dollars are Spent on Valentine’s Day Each Year.
TRUE. Billions of dollars are indeed spent on Valentine’s Day each year, making it one of the most commercially significant holidays worldwide. This extensive spending reflects the holiday’s broad cultural impact and its importance as a celebration of love and affection in various societies.
The expenditures for Valentine’s Day cover a wide range of products and services. Key spending categories include traditional gifts such as greeting cards, flowers (especially roses), chocolates, and jewelry, as well as romantic dinners, getaways, and other experiences. In recent years, there has been an increasing trend towards more personalized and unique gifts, further diversifying the types of products and services purchased for Valentine’s Day.
In 2023, the US alone and according the National Retail Federation [28]:
- Americans plan to spend more than $5.5 billion on jewelry and nearly $4.4 billion on a night out
- Top Valentine gifts were candy (57%), greeting cards (40%), flowers (37%), an evening out (32%), jewelry (21%), gift cards (20%) and clothing (19%).
A significant portion of Valentine’s Day spending is on gifts for romantic partners, but the scope of the holiday has broadened to include gifts for friends, family members, co-workers, and pets, reflecting an expansive view of love and affection. This broadening of the holiday’s scope has contributed to increased overall spending, as people buy tokens of appreciation for a wider circle of loved ones.
The economic impact of Valentine’s Day is also substantial for certain industries. For florists, confectioners, and greeting card companies, Valentine’s Day is one of the busiest times of the year. The hospitality industry, including restaurants and hotels, also sees a spike in business, as many couples choose to celebrate with special meals or romantic getaways.
Valentine’s Day’s commercial success is driven not only by the purchases themselves but also by extensive marketing and advertising campaigns. Retailers and businesses capitalize on the holiday’s themes of romance and affection, launching special promotions and products to attract customers.
In summary, Valentine’s Day generates billions of dollars in spending each year, underscoring its significance as a major economic event and a cultural celebration of love. This spending reflects the diverse ways in which people express their affection and appreciation for one another on this special day.
69. Candy, Particularly Chocolate, is the Go-To Valentine’s Day Gift.
TRUE. Candy, with a particular emphasis on chocolate, is indeed the go-to gift for many people celebrating Valentine’s Day. This tradition is rooted in the long-standing association of chocolates and sweets with expressions of love and affection, making them a popular and widely appreciated gift choice for the holiday.
The popularity of chocolate as a Valentine’s Day gift can be attributed to several factors:
- Symbolism of Chocolate: Chocolate has been associated with love, luxury, and indulgence for centuries. It’s often considered an aphrodisiac and is believed to evoke feelings of happiness and pleasure due to certain chemicals it contains, like phenylethylamine. These qualities make it a fitting symbol of romantic and affectionate love.
- Variety and Versatility: Chocolates come in a vast array of varieties, flavors, and forms, from simple chocolate bars to elaborate, artisanal truffles and heart-shaped boxes filled with assorted chocolates. This versatility makes it easy to find something that suits the recipient’s taste and the giver’s budget.
- Customization and Personalization: Many chocolatiers offer options for customization and personalization, allowing individuals to create a unique gift that can express a personal message or cater to specific preferences. This can range from selecting specific types of chocolates to custom packaging and messages.
- Cultural and Commercial Promotion: The link between chocolate and Valentine’s Day has been heavily promoted by both the chocolate industry and popular culture. This marketing has further solidified chocolate’s status as a quintessential Valentine’s Day gift.
- Broader Appeal: Unlike some other gifts that may cater to specific tastes or interests, chocolate has a broad appeal, making it a safe and popular choice for a wide range of relationships, from romantic partners to friends and family members.
While chocolate is the most popular candy choice for Valentine’s Day, other sweets like conversation hearts, candy bouquets, and gourmet sweets also enjoy popularity. These alternatives offer additional options for those looking to give the gift of sweetness on Valentine’s Day.
Candy, especially chocolate, stands as a go-to gift for Valentine’s Day, favored for its symbolism, variety, and the universal pleasure it brings. Its longstanding association with expressions of affection makes it a classic and enduring choice for this day of love.
70. Valentine’s Day Jewelry Sales Saw an Unexpected Surge During the COVID-19 Pandemic.

TRUE. During the COVID-19 pandemic, there was an unexpected surge in Valentine’s Day jewelry sales, a trend that was somewhat surprising given the broader economic uncertainties and lifestyle changes brought about by the pandemic. This increase in jewelry purchases can be attributed to several factors that reflect how consumer behavior and sentimental values shifted during this unprecedented time.
- Emphasis on Meaningful Gifts: With the pandemic leading to increased reflection on personal relationships and the fragility of life, many people sought to express their feelings through more meaningful and lasting gifts. Jewelry, often seen as a significant and enduring symbol of love and commitment, became a preferred choice for many.
- Shift in Spending Priorities: With travel restrictions and lockdowns limiting opportunities for experiences like vacations or dining out, consumers redirected their spending towards tangible items like jewelry. The inability to celebrate Valentine’s Day through traditional experiences may have led to a compensatory increase in spending on other forms of gifts.
- Investment Value of Jewelry: In times of economic uncertainty, consumers often turn to tangible assets that retain value. Jewelry, especially pieces made from precious metals and stones, is not only a romantic gift but also an investment, which likely contributed to its increased appeal during the pandemic.
- Online Shopping and E-commerce Growth: The pandemic accelerated the shift towards online shopping, and jewelers quickly adapted by enhancing their e-commerce platforms and virtual consultation services. The convenience and safety of online shopping, coupled with innovative virtual try-on tools and personalized online service, made purchasing jewelry easier and more accessible for consumers.
- Personal Celebrations in the Absence of Public Ones: With many public venues closed and gatherings restricted, couples turned to more intimate and personal ways of celebrating Valentine’s Day. Gifting jewelry became a way to mark the occasion significantly and memorably within the confines of pandemic-related limitations.
- Marketing Strategies: Jewelry brands and retailers also adapted their marketing strategies to the context of the pandemic, emphasizing themes of love, resilience, and the importance of cherishing relationships during challenging times. These messages resonated with consumers looking to find special ways to celebrate love amid the pandemic.
The surge in Valentine’s Day jewelry sales during the COVID-19 pandemic was influenced by a combination of emotional, economic, and technological factors. The pandemic led many to prioritize meaningful expressions of affection, invest in lasting assets, and adapt to new ways of shopping, all of which contributed to the increased popularity of jewelry as a gift choice.
71. Six Million Engagements Make Valentine’s Day a Day of Life-changing Decisions.
TRUE. Valentine’s Day is marked by approximately six million marriage proposals, making it not just a celebration of love, but a day of life-changing decisions for many couples. This significant number of engagements underscores the deep connection between Valentine’s Day and pivotal moments in personal relationships.
Valentine’s Day’s association with romance and love makes it an opportune time for marriage proposals. The holiday’s focus on expressing love and commitment aligns well with the intent behind a marriage proposal, which is a declaration of a desire to spend a lifetime together. Many people are drawn to the symbolic significance of choosing Valentine’s Day to make this profound commitment, as it enhances the romantic gesture of the proposal.
The popularity of Valentine’s Day proposals can also be attributed to the holiday’s atmosphere. The day is often filled with romantic imagery, from flowers and chocolates to love songs and special dates, which can set the perfect stage for a memorable proposal. Additionally, since Valentine’s Day is widely recognized as a day of love, proposing on this day adds a communal, celebratory aspect to the engagement, as others are also celebrating love in various forms.
For those planning to propose, Valentine’s Day provides a sense of occasion and can make the proposal feel even more special. Many restaurants, hotels, and other venues offer special packages and settings for Valentine’s Day, which can be utilized for proposals. Jewelers also often have special promotions and selections for engagement rings in anticipation of Valentine’s Day.
However, it’s important to note that while Valentine’s Day is a popular day for engagements, the decision to propose is deeply personal. Each couple’s relationship is unique, and the timing of a proposal is based on individual circumstances and readiness.
The six million engagements that occur on Valentine’s Day each year highlight the day’s role as a favored occasion for marriage proposals. The holiday’s romantic connotations and celebratory atmosphere make it an ideal time for many couples to take this significant step in their relationship.
72. Valentine’s Day traditions vary widely across the globe.
TRUE. Valentine’s Day traditions do indeed vary widely across the globe, reflecting the diverse cultural, historical, and social influences of different regions. While the common theme of celebrating love and affection remains central, the ways in which Valentine’s Day is observed and celebrated can differ significantly from one country to another.
Here are some examples of how Valentine’s Day traditions vary around the world:
- Argentina: Instead of celebrating Valentine’s Day in February, Argentinians celebrate “Week of Sweetness” in July, where kisses are exchanged for sweets.
- China: On the Qixi Festival, also known as the Chinese Valentine’s Day, celebrated on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month, couples visit temples and pray for happiness and marriage.
- Brazil: Brazilians skip the February 14th celebration due to its proximity to Carnival. Instead, they celebrate ‘Dia dos Namorados’ (Lovers’ Day – Valentine’s Day in Brazil) on June 12th with gifts, romantic activities, and music festivals.
- Wales: In Wales, Valentine’s Day is celebrated as ‘Dydd Santes Dwynwen’ (St. Dwynwen’s Day) on January 25th. Traditionally, lovers exchange unique and intricately handcrafted wooden spoons as a symbol of affection.
- Italy: In Italy, Valentine’s Day is traditionally a day for lovers and couples to celebrate their affection with gifts, romantic dinners, and especially chocolates known as Baci Perugina, which come with a love note.
- Philippines: A unique tradition in the Philippines is the mass wedding ceremonies that take place on Valentine’s Day, where hundreds of couples may tie the knot in a single ceremony.
- Denmark and Norway: In these Nordic countries, a popular tradition is the sending of ‘Gaekkebrev’, a funny poem or rhyme written on intricately cut paper and signed anonymously with dots. If the recipient guesses the sender correctly, they earn an Easter egg later that year.
- Ghana: In Ghana, which is among the world’s largest cocoa producers, February 14th is celebrated as National Chocolate Day to promote the local chocolate industry.
These diverse traditions reflect how Valentine’s Day has been adapted to fit the cultural, social, and historical contexts of different countries. While the underlying theme of love is universal, the expressions and customs of Valentine’s Day around the world offer a rich variety of ways in which love and affection are celebrated globally.
73. The Philippines Holds the Record for the Most Common Wedding Anniversary on Valentine’s Day.

TRUE. The Philippines has garnered attention for holding the record for the most common wedding anniversary on Valentine’s Day, a phenomenon tied to the country’s unique tradition of hosting mass wedding ceremonies on February 14th. This custom has led to a significant number of couples sharing Valentine’s Day as their wedding anniversary, making it a notable date for marriages in the country.
On February 14, 2010, in Caloocan City, a suburb of Manila, over 1,500 couples participated in a mass wedding ceremony. This event, held on Valentine’s Day, was conducted free of charge by the city’s mayor, providing an opportunity for many couples to unite in marriage in a grand, communal celebration of love [29].
The tradition of mass weddings in the Philippines on Valentine’s Day involves large groups of couples getting married in a single ceremony, often sponsored and organized by local government units, civic organizations, or churches. These events are designed to provide an opportunity for couples to marry who might not otherwise afford a wedding, offering them a memorable and cost-effective way to tie the knot.
These mass wedding events are typically festive and communal, with decorations, music, and often, post-ceremony celebrations. The ceremonies are conducted in various public places like malls, parks, and town halls, and are attended by hundreds, sometimes thousands, of couples who wish to get married or renew their vows.
The appeal of getting married on Valentine’s Day in such a collective setting adds a special romantic significance to the occasion. For many couples, Valentine’s Day symbolizes love and romance, making it an ideal choice for their wedding day. Additionally, the shared experience of getting married alongside many other couples creates a sense of community and collective joy.
The popularity of these mass wedding events on Valentine’s Day in the Philippines has contributed to the country holding the record for the most common wedding anniversary on this date. It’s a testament to the cultural importance of both Valentine’s Day and the institution of marriage in the Philippines.
The Philippines’ tradition of mass weddings on Valentine’s Day has led to the country holding the record for the most common wedding anniversary on this date. This unique custom reflects the cultural significance of Valentine’s Day in the Philippines and highlights the communal and celebratory nature of marriage in Filipino culture.
74. Valentine’s Day Coincides with the Statehood Anniversary of Two U.S. Territories.
TRUE. Valentine’s Day coincides with the statehood anniversary of two U.S. territories – Arizona and Oregon. Both of these states were admitted to the Union on February 14th, albeit in different years, adding a layer of historical significance to Valentine’s Day for residents of these states.
- Arizona: Arizona became the 48th state of the United States on February 14, 1912. This date marked Arizona’s transition from a territory to full statehood, and it happened to coincide with Valentine’s Day. The dual celebration of statehood and Valentine’s Day gives residents of Arizona a unique reason to celebrate on February 14th. Known as the “Grand Canyon State,” Arizona’s statehood anniversary on Valentine’s Day adds a distinct aspect to the day’s celebrations within the state.
- Oregon: Oregon’s admission to the Union occurred on February 14, 1859. It became the 33rd state of the United States on this day. The coincidence of Oregon’s statehood anniversary with Valentine’s Day means that February 14th holds a double significance for Oregonians. Known for its diverse landscapes and cultural richness, Oregon’s statehood anniversary on Valentine’s Day provides an opportunity for state pride and historical reflection alongside the traditional celebrations of love and affection.
The coincidence of Valentine’s Day with the statehood anniversaries of Arizona and Oregon is an interesting historical tidbit. It adds a civic dimension to a day predominantly associated with romantic and interpersonal love. For residents of these states, February 14th is not only a day to celebrate love and affection but also a day to commemorate their state’s history and identity.
Valentine’s Day coincides with the statehood anniversary of both Arizona and Oregon, adding historical and civic significance to this day in these states. This coincidence provides residents with a unique reason to celebrate on February 14th, blending the themes of love and state pride.
75. Many Americans Remain Indifferent to Valentine’s Day.
TRUE. Despite the significant attention and commercialization that Valentine’s Day receives, a notable number of Americans remain indifferent to the holiday. This indifference can be attributed to various reasons, reflecting the diverse perspectives and values of individuals regarding this day of romantic celebration.
- Commercialization: One of the main reasons for indifference towards Valentine’s Day is its commercialization. Some people view the holiday as a marketing ploy by businesses to increase sales of cards, flowers, chocolates, and gifts. This perception can lead to skepticism about the authenticity of the holiday’s sentiment.
- Personal Beliefs and Values: Individuals’ personal beliefs and values also play a significant role in their attitude towards Valentine’s Day. For some, the holiday may not align with their cultural, religious, or personal beliefs. Others might not identify with the traditional representations of love and romance that Valentine’s Day typically promotes.
- Relationship Status: Valentine’s Day is often centered around romantic relationships, which can lead to feelings of exclusion or indifference for those who are single, not interested in romantic relationships, or have had negative experiences with love. For these individuals, Valentine’s Day might not hold much relevance or appeal.
- Preference for Personalized Expressions of Love: Some people prefer more personal and spontaneous expressions of love and affection rather than those driven by the calendar. They might feel that dedicating one specific day for love is unnecessary or contrived and prefer to express their feelings in more authentic ways at other times.
- Economic Considerations: Economic factors can also contribute to indifference towards Valentine’s Day. For those who are budget-conscious, the pressure to spend money on gifts and experiences can be a deterrent to participating in the holiday’s activities.
- Overemphasis on Romantic Love: The strong focus on romantic love during Valentine’s Day can be off-putting for those who believe that other forms of love (such as platonic, familial, or self-love) are equally important. This overemphasis can lead to a lack of interest in the holiday among people who value a broader definition of love.
While Valentine’s Day is a significant and widely celebrated holiday, many Americans remain indifferent to it for various reasons, ranging from its commercialization to personal beliefs and values. This indifference reflects the diverse attitudes towards love and romance in contemporary society, as well as the varying ways in which people choose to express and celebrate love.
76. The UK’s Expenditure on Valentine’s Day Romance is Notably High.

TRUE. In the United Kingdom, expenditure on Valentine’s Day is notably high, reflecting the country’s strong engagement with the holiday and its traditions. The British public typically spends a significant amount on various aspects of Valentine’s Day, including gifts, cards, flowers, dining out, and experiences, making it a major event in the retail and service industries.
Several factors contribute to the high expenditure on Valentine’s Day in the UK:
- Wide Range of Gifts: The tradition of giving gifts on Valentine’s Day is well-established in the UK. Popular gifts include chocolates, jewelry, perfumes, and other luxury items. There is also a growing trend towards more personalized and unique gifts, which can command higher prices.
- Floral Expenditure: As in many other countries, flowers, particularly roses, are a staple Valentine’s Day gift in the UK. The demand for high-quality, often imported, flowers contributes to significant spending in this category.
- Greeting Cards: The UK has a strong tradition of sending greeting cards, and Valentine’s Day is no exception. The purchase of Valentine’s cards, ranging from simple and traditional to elaborate and artisanal, adds to the holiday’s overall expenditure.
- Dining and Experiences: Many couples in the UK celebrate Valentine’s Day with a special meal out. Restaurants often offer Valentine’s Day specials, including multi-course meals, which are typically more expensive than regular dining options. Additionally, there’s a trend towards gifting experiences, such as spa days, weekend getaways, or concert tickets, which also contribute to the holiday’s high expenditure.
- Cultural Importance: Valentine’s Day is deeply ingrained in UK culture as a key occasion for celebrating love and romance. The cultural importance placed on this day encourages people to participate in its traditions, which often involves spending money.
- Marketing and Commercialization: Extensive marketing and commercial efforts around Valentine’s Day also play a role in driving expenditure. Retailers and service providers heavily promote the holiday, offering a wide range of gift options and experiences designed to appeal to those looking to celebrate.
The high expenditure on Valentine’s Day in the UK reflects the country’s strong engagement with the holiday and its traditions. A combination of cultural importance, a wide range of available gifts and experiences, and extensive marketing efforts contribute to significant spending each year on Valentine’s Day.
77. In the UK, over 220 million Roses are Purchased for Valentine’s Day.
TRUE. In the United Kingdom, a substantial number of roses are purchased for Valentine’s Day, with figures often exceeding 220 million roses. This staggering number reflects the enduring popularity of roses as a symbol of love and affection, especially on this romantic holiday.
Several factors contribute to the high demand for roses in the UK on Valentine’s Day:
- Symbolism of Roses: Roses, particularly red roses, are deeply ingrained as a symbol of love and romance. Their association with Valentine’s Day dates back centuries, and they remain the most popular flower choice for expressing romantic sentiments.
- Cultural Tradition: In the UK, like in many Western cultures, giving flowers, especially roses, is a traditional way to celebrate Valentine’s Day. It’s a widely accepted and expected gesture, contributing to the high volume of roses purchased for the occasion.
- Imported Roses: A significant portion of the roses sold in the UK for Valentine’s Day is imported from countries like Kenya, Colombia, and the Netherlands, where climatic conditions are favorable for growing roses year-round. The global flower trade ensures a steady supply of fresh roses to meet the Valentine’s demand.
- Retail and Online Sales: The ease of purchasing roses, both in retail stores and online, contributes to their popularity. Many florists and online retailers offer special Valentine’s Day deals and promotions, making it convenient for people to order roses.
- Diverse Choices and Customization: The variety of roses available – different colors, sizes, and arrangements – allows consumers to find something that suits their preference and budget. Customized bouquets and luxury options also cater to those seeking something unique or extravagant.
- Marketing and Promotion: Roses are heavily marketed and promoted as the ideal Valentine’s Day gift in the lead-up to February 14th. This marketing reinforces the tradition of giving roses and encourages high sales volumes.
The purchase of over 220 million roses for Valentine’s Day in the UK underscores the cultural significance of this gesture and the enduring appeal of roses as a symbol of love. It reflects not only the traditional aspects of Valentine’s Day celebrations but also the impact of commercial and global trade practices in shaping contemporary holiday customs.
78. Valentine’s Day in Romania – A Celebration of Spring.
In Romania, Valentine’s Day, known as Dragobete (celebrated on February 24th), intertwines love with the coming of spring. It’s a day when Romanians honor love and the beginning of spring, a time of renewal and new beginnings. Traditionally, young men and women collect flowers and wash their faces with snow as a symbol of good luck. It’s a day filled with joy and hope, celebrating love in harmony with nature’s awakening.
79. In Finland and Estonia, Valentine’s Day is More About Celebrating Friendship Than Romance.
TRUE. In Finland and Estonia, Valentine’s Day, known as “Ystävänpäivä” in Finnish and “Sõbrapäev” in Estonian, is indeed more about celebrating friendship than romance. This perspective on the holiday places a greater emphasis on platonic love and the appreciation of friends, rather than solely focusing on romantic relationships.
In these countries, Valentine’s Day is a time to acknowledge and celebrate the importance of all kinds of love, including the bonds between friends. The day is marked by:
- Exchanging Gifts and Cards Among Friends: People in Finland and Estonia exchange cards and gifts not just with their romantic partners but also with friends. The gifts are often small but meaningful, symbolizing the value of friendship.
- Social Gatherings and Celebrations: It’s common for friends to gather for social events or outings on Valentine’s Day. These can range from casual meetups at cafes or restaurants to organized parties or events celebrating friendship.
- Inclusive Celebrations: By focusing on friendship, Valentine’s Day in these countries becomes an inclusive celebration, where people of all ages and relationship statuses can participate. It’s a day that acknowledges the broad spectrum of love and connections in people’s lives.
- School Activities: In schools, the day is often marked by activities that celebrate friendship. Children may make cards or small gifts for their classmates, emphasizing the importance of being kind and appreciative of their peers.
- Public and Cultural Events: Some cities or communities may organize special events or cultural activities centered around the theme of friendship, further promoting the inclusive and communal spirit of the day.
This approach to Valentine’s Day reflects the cultural values of Finland and Estonia, where there is a strong emphasis on community, inclusivity, and the importance of maintaining social bonds. By celebrating friendship on Valentine’s Day, these countries provide a broader and more inclusive interpretation of the holiday, recognizing the diverse forms of love that enrich people’s lives.
In Finland and Estonia, Valentine’s Day is a celebration of friendship as much as, if not more than, romantic love. This unique perspective on the holiday highlights the importance of platonic relationships and offers an inclusive way for everyone to participate in the celebrations, regardless of their romantic situation.
Myths and Lesser-Known Facts

80. Increase in Male Births 9 months Following Valentine’s Day.
TRUE. Some studies suggest an intriguing pattern: Valentine’s Day might contribute to a mini baby-boom nine months later [30]. This hypothesis is based on the observation of an increase in male births around this time. It’s speculated that the romantic and intimate nature of Valentine’s Day leads to higher conception rates.
However, this correlation is complex and not fully understood. Factors influencing the sex ratio at birth are multifaceted, including parental age and environmental conditions. While intriguing, these observations do not definitively establish a causal relationship between Valentine’s Day and birth patterns.
The hypothesis behind this increase in male births centers around the timing of conception around Valentine’s Day, a period often associated with increased intimacy and romantic activities among couples. Valentine’s Day, being a celebration of love and romance, may lead to a higher frequency of conception during this time.
Research into human reproduction indicates that several factors can influence the sex ratio at birth (the number of male births compared to female births). These factors include parental age, environmental conditions, stress levels, and even the timing of conception. However, the mechanisms behind these influences are complex and not fully understood. The sex of a baby is genetically determined by the sperm cell that fertilizes the egg, with sperm carrying a Y chromosome resulting in a male child and those carrying an X chromosome resulting in a female child.
The increase in male births nine months after Valentine’s Day could potentially be linked to specific behavioral patterns or environmental factors present during this time. However, it is important to note that while such trends might be observed in certain datasets or populations, they do not necessarily indicate a universal or causal relationship between Valentine’s Day and the sex ratio of births.
While some studies and statistical observations suggest an increase in male births nine months following Valentine’s Day, the reasons behind this trend are not definitively understood and are subject to ongoing research and debate in the fields of human biology and demography. The influence of social holidays like Valentine’s Day on birth patterns is an intriguing area of study but requires careful interpretation and consideration of multiple factors.
81. Cupid’s Bow and Arrow Symbolize the Power of Love, Not Just its Sweetness.
TRUE. Cupid’s bow and arrow are iconic symbols in the context of love and Valentine’s Day, and they represent more than just the sweetness and joy of love. These symbols also convey the power of love, its ability to captivate and transform individuals, and sometimes, the notion that love can strike unexpectedly and with significant impact.
Cupid, often depicted as a cherubic figure in mythology and art, is a character from Roman mythology, originally known as Cupido. In Greek mythology, he is known as Eros. He is the son of Venus (Aphrodite in Greek mythology), the goddess of love, and is often portrayed as a mischievous youth or child with a bow and arrows.
The symbolism of Cupid’s bow and arrow can be interpreted in several ways:
- Sudden Impact of Love: The arrow signifies the sudden and often unexpected onset of love, similar to how an arrow’s strike is swift and unexpected. When Cupid’s arrow hits an individual, it is said to cause an uncontrollable and powerful attraction, signifying the overwhelming and often surprising nature of love.
- Irresistible Force: The idea that once struck by Cupid’s arrow, one cannot resist falling in love symbolizes the compelling and captivating power of love. It suggests that love can be an overpowering force that takes hold of a person’s emotions and desires.
- Transformational Nature: Love’s ability to transform individuals is another aspect of the symbolism. Being struck by Cupid’s arrow often leads to a profound change in one’s behavior, feelings, and perspective, highlighting how love can alter a person’s life and worldview.
- Duality of Love: Cupid’s arrows also represent the dual nature of love – its ability to bring joy and happiness, but also pain and sorrow, much like the pleasure and pain that can come from an arrow’s strike. This duality acknowledges that love is not just about sweetness and happiness but can also involve complex, and sometimes challenging, emotions.
- Playful and Mischievous Aspect: In mythology, Cupid is often portrayed as playful and mischievous, shooting his arrows whimsically to cause unlikely pairs to fall in love. This aspect of the symbolism captures the unpredictable and playful nature of love.
Cupid’s bow and arrow symbolize the power of love, encompassing its sudden impact, irresistible force, transformational nature, and dual aspects of joy and pain. This symbolism reflects the complexity and multifaceted nature of love, beyond its mere sweetness.
82. The Heart Shape’s Association with Romance is a Relatively Modern Development.
TRUE. The association of the heart shape with romance and love is indeed a relatively modern development in the grand scheme of historical symbolism. While the heart shape, as we recognize it today, has become ubiquitous with expressions of love, particularly around Valentine’s Day, its connection to romantic love evolved over time and was not always so explicit.
Historically, the heart shape has had various meanings and interpretations. The heart, as an organ, has been symbolically significant since ancient times, often associated with emotion, moral integrity, and the center of one’s being. However, the specific heart shape that we are familiar with today (♥) did not always have a clear connection to the physical organ or to romantic love.
The modern heart shape began to emerge more prominently in the Middle Ages and Renaissance periods. Initially, it appeared in religious and artistic contexts, sometimes symbolizing the sacred heart of Jesus or other spiritual concepts. The depiction of the heart in these contexts was not strictly anatomical but more stylized and symbolic.
It was during the late Middle Ages and into the Renaissance that the heart shape began to be more closely associated with romantic love. This evolution paralleled the rise of courtly love, a concept of chivalrous expression of love that flourished in medieval literature and culture. The heart symbol began to appear in love tokens, artworks, and literature, representing love and affection.
By the 18th and 19th centuries, the heart shape had become firmly entrenched as a symbol of love and affection, partly due to its widespread use in Victorian-era art and literature. The industrial revolution and the advent of mass-produced Valentine’s Day cards in the 19th century further popularized and cemented the heart shape as a symbol of romantic love.
The heart shape’s association with romance and love is a relatively modern development, having evolved over centuries from religious and spiritual symbolism to its current status as an almost universal symbol of love and affection. Its prominence in contemporary culture, especially around Valentine’s Day, reflects this historical journey and the evolving human expressions of love.
83. Valentine’s Day’s Roots are Not Entirely Romantic; its History is More Complex.

TRUE. Valentine’s Day, widely recognized today as a celebration of romantic love, has a history that is more complex and not entirely rooted in romance. The origins of Valentine’s Day involve a blend of ancient Roman festivals, Christian saints, and evolving cultural traditions, making its history a tapestry of various influences rather than a singular narrative of romantic love.
- Ancient Roman Festival of Lupercalia: One of the earliest links to Valentine’s Day is the ancient Roman festival of Lupercalia, celebrated on February 15th. Lupercalia was a pastoral festival aimed at ensuring fertility and warding off evil spirits. The rituals included sacrificing animals and using their hides to whip women, which was believed to promote fertility. While not directly related to romantic love, some historians believe that the festival included a matchmaking lottery, where men and women were paired off, possibly leading to marriages.
- St. Valentine of Rome and Other Valentines: The holiday is named after St. Valentine, but there is more than one St. Valentine in Christian history, and their stories are a mix of legend and fact. The most commonly acknowledged St. Valentine was a priest in Rome who was martyred around 269 AD. According to legend, he performed marriages for Christian couples during a time when Christianity was persecuted, and some versions of the story suggest he sent a letter signed “Your Valentine” to a young woman he befriended, possibly the jailer’s daughter, while in prison. However, the romantic elements of these stories are likely embellishments that emerged later.
- Chaucer and the Medieval Association with Romance: The association of Valentine’s Day with romantic love became more pronounced in the Middle Ages, particularly with Geoffrey Chaucer’s poetry in the 14th century. Chaucer’s poem “Parliament of Fowls” links Valentine’s Day with a romantic tradition, although it’s unclear if he was referring to February 14th or another St. Valentine’s feast day. This period also saw the growth of courtly love, a concept of chivalrous love that influenced the romantic tone of Valentine’s Day.
- Evolution into a Modern Holiday of Love: Over the centuries, Valentine’s Day evolved into a more broadly celebrated holiday of love, especially in the Victorian era with the rise of commercial Valentine’s cards. The modern emphasis on expressing love through gifts, cards, and romantic gestures became established during this time and continues to the present day.
The roots of Valentine’s Day are not solely romantic but rather a combination of ancient festivals, Christian martyrdom, medieval literature, and evolving cultural practices. The holiday’s history is complex and multifaceted, reflecting the varied ways in which love and relationships have been viewed and celebrated throughout history.
84. Roses Became the Emblem of Love Not Just For Their Beauty, But For Their Symbolism.
TRUE. Roses have become the emblem of love not solely because of their beauty but also due to their rich symbolism, which has deep historical and cultural roots. The symbolism of roses, particularly the red rose, is multifaceted and encompasses meanings of love, passion, beauty, and even sacrifice and secrecy.
- Historical and Mythological Significance: The association of roses with love and beauty can be traced back to ancient times. In Greek and Roman mythology, roses were linked to Aphrodite (or Venus), the goddess of love. According to myth, red roses sprang from the blood of Adonis, Aphrodite’s lover, symbolizing deep love and sacrifice. This mythological association laid the groundwork for the symbolic meaning of roses in romantic contexts.
- The Language of Flowers: During the Victorian era, the language of flowers, known as floriography, became a popular means of communication, where specific flowers were used to convey particular messages. In this language, roses, especially red roses, were symbols of deep love and affection. The color of the rose also conveyed different meanings – for instance, white roses for purity, yellow roses for friendship, and so on.
- Rare and Seasonal Nature: Historically, roses were not as readily available as they are today and were often considered a luxury. Their rarity and the difficulty of cultivating them added to their value and made them a prized gift. Giving a rose was a special gesture, signifying deep emotion and esteem.
- Universality of Appeal: Roses have a timeless and almost universal appeal. Their aesthetic beauty, fragrance, and variety make them admired and recognized globally. The allure of roses transcends cultures, making them a fitting symbol for a universal emotion like love.
- Art and Literature: Throughout history, roses have been a favorite subject in art and literature, often used as symbols of love and beauty. Poets and artists have drawn upon the imagery of roses to evoke emotions and tell stories of love, further embedding them in the cultural consciousness as symbols of romance.
Roses became the emblem of love not just because of their inherent beauty but also due to their rich and varied symbolism. This symbolism is deeply rooted in history, mythology, cultural practices, and the arts, making roses a powerful and enduring symbol of love and affection.
85. Both Men and Women Often Prefer Receiving Candy Over Flowers on Valentine’s Day.
TRUE. Surveys by YouGov [31] and consumer behavior studies have indicated that both men and women often prefer receiving candy, particularly chocolate, over flowers on Valentine’s Day. This preference highlights the universal appeal of sweets as a gift choice and reflects broader trends in Valentine’s Day gift-giving.
Several factors contribute to the preference for candy over flowers:
- Universal Appeal of Chocolate and Candy: Chocolate and other candies have a near-universal appeal. They are treats that most people enjoy, making them a safe and popular gift choice for a wide audience. The indulgence and pleasure associated with eating chocolate also align with the celebratory and indulgent nature of Valentine’s Day.
- Longevity and Practicality: Unlike flowers, which are perishable and have a limited lifespan, candy can be enjoyed over a longer period. This practical aspect makes candy a more appealing gift for some, as it can be savored and enjoyed at the recipient’s leisure.
- Variety and Customization: Candy, especially chocolate, comes in a vast array of varieties, flavors, and forms, allowing for a high degree of customization and personalization in gift-giving. From gourmet truffles to artisanal chocolate bars, there is a wide range of options to suit different tastes and preferences.
- Shared Experience: Candy, particularly chocolate, is often shared, making it a gift that can contribute to a shared experience between the giver and the recipient. Sharing a box of chocolates can be a romantic and intimate experience, enhancing the emotional value of the gift.
- Cultural and Commercial Influence: The association of chocolates and candy with Valentine’s Day has been heavily promoted by the confectionery industry and popular culture. This marketing has reinforced the idea of candy as a quintessential Valentine’s Day gift, influencing consumer preferences.
- Emotional and Sensory Appeal: Eating chocolate and sweets can stimulate the release of endorphins, the body’s natural “feel-good” chemicals. The sensory pleasure of eating candy, combined with its emotional connotations of comfort and indulgence, makes it a particularly appealing gift.
While flowers remain a popular and traditional Valentine’s Day gift, symbolizing beauty, love, and romance, the practical and sensory appeals of candy often make it a more preferred choice for many people. This trend reflects the evolving preferences and practices in contemporary gift-giving.
86. Women are More Inclined to Treat Themselves on Valentine’s Day Compared to Men.

TRUE. Surveys and consumer behavior studies [32] have shown that women are more inclined to treat themselves on Valentine’s Day compared to men. This trend reflects a broader shift in the way Valentine’s Day is celebrated, with an increasing focus on self-love and self-care, alongside the traditional romantic aspects of the holiday.
Several factors contribute to this trend:
- Rise of Self-Love and Self-Care: There has been a growing cultural emphasis on the importance of self-love and self-care. Valentine’s Day, traditionally focused on romantic love, is increasingly seen as an opportunity to celebrate oneself, regardless of relationship status. Women, in particular, are embracing this idea and are more likely to indulge in activities or purchases that promote their own well-being and happiness on this day.
- Commercial Targeting: Retailers and marketers have recognized and capitalized on this trend by targeting women with products and experiences geared towards self-indulgence and pampering. This includes spa treatments, beauty products, luxury items, and experiences like a solo dinner or a movie night.
- Empowerment and Independence: The trend also reflects a broader societal shift towards recognizing and celebrating women’s empowerment and independence. Treating oneself on Valentine’s Day can be seen as an expression of self-affirmation and independence.
- Social and Peer Influences: Social media and peer networks play a role in this trend. The sharing of self-care routines, purchases, and solo outings on social media platforms can inspire other women to indulge in similar activities. It’s also common for groups of friends, particularly among women, to plan outings or exchanges of gifts, celebrating their friendship and themselves.
- Changing Relationship Dynamics: As societal norms around relationships and marital status continue to evolve, more women are finding themselves single, by choice or circumstance, during Valentine’s Day. This has led to a redefinition of how the day can be celebrated, with a focus on self rather than a romantic partner.
- Emotional Well-being: For some women, treating themselves on Valentine’s Day is a way to combat feelings of loneliness or societal pressure associated with the holiday. It’s a form of self-compassion and a way to celebrate their worth independent of a romantic relationship.
The inclination of women to treat themselves on Valentine’s Day is part of a larger cultural movement towards self-love, empowerment, and the redefinition of traditional holidays to include a wider range of experiences and celebrations. It reflects changing attitudes towards personal well-being, independence, and the diverse ways in which love can be expressed and celebrated.
87. Teachers Receive the Most Valentines, Making Them the Unsung Heroes of the Holiday.
TRUE. Teachers often receive the most Valentines [33], especially in the context of elementary and primary schools, making them among the unsung heroes of the holiday. This phenomenon is largely due to the tradition in many schools where children bring Valentine’s Day cards and gifts for their classmates and teachers.
Several factors contribute to this tradition:
- Classroom Valentine’s Day Activities: Many schools encourage students to participate in Valentine’s Day activities, which often include making or bringing cards for each classmate and their teacher. Since all students typically give a Valentine to their teacher, the number of Valentines a teacher receives can be quite substantial, especially in comparison to individual students.
- Appreciation for Teachers: Valentine’s Day provides an opportunity for students and their parents to express their appreciation and gratitude towards teachers. In addition to being a romantic holiday, Valentine’s Day is also seen as a time to show appreciation for important people in one’s life, and teachers, given their impactful role in children’s lives, are often at the top of that list.
- Inclusive Celebrations: Teachers often play a key role in organizing Valentine’s Day activities in a way that is inclusive and ensures that every child feels acknowledged and valued. This inclusive approach can lead to a positive environment where children want to show their appreciation for their teacher’s efforts.
- Educational Aspect: Participating in Valentine’s Day activities at school can be educational for children. It can teach them about expressing kindness and appreciation, and the involvement of teachers in facilitating these lessons further endears them to students.
- Role Models: Teachers are role models for their students, and giving Valentines to them is a way for children to express their respect and admiration. This dynamic contributes to the large number of Valentines teachers receive.
Teachers often emerge as the unsung heroes of Valentine’s Day, particularly in school settings, due to the large number of Valentines they receive from students. This tradition reflects not only the holiday’s broader theme of showing love and appreciation but also the significant role teachers play in the lives and development of their students.
88. Some People Celebrate Their Single Status on Valentine’s Day, Turning the Holiday on its Head.
TRUE. Some people do indeed celebrate their single status on Valentine’s Day, turning the traditional focus of the holiday on its head. This alternative way of observing the day is part of a growing trend where Valentine’s Day is not exclusively about romantic love, but also about self-love, self-acceptance, and the joys of being single.
This shift in perspective involves various forms of celebration:
- Self-Care and Pampering: Many single individuals use Valentine’s Day as an opportunity to indulge in self-care activities. This could include spa treatments, a special meal, or simply a relaxing day doing favorite activities. The idea is to treat oneself with love and kindness.
- Gatherings with Friends: Some people gather with their single friends for a night out or a party at home. These gatherings often celebrate friendship and the freedom and joys of being single. They can be seen as an alternative to the traditional romantic dinner dates that are common on Valentine’s Day.
- Anti-Valentine’s Day Events: There are events and parties specifically designed for single people that may take a humorous or ironic approach to Valentine’s Day. These events can include activities like speed dating, themed parties, or movie nights featuring non-romantic films.
- Personal Reflection and Growth: Some individuals use the day for personal reflection and growth, setting goals for themselves, or engaging in activities that foster personal development. This approach turns Valentine’s Day into a day of self-improvement and empowerment.
- Community and Volunteer Work: Engaging in community service or volunteer work is another way singles celebrate Valentine’s Day. By focusing on helping others, they find fulfillment and a sense of connection, which can be especially meaningful on a day often associated with coupledom.
- Social Media and Online Communities: Social media platforms and online communities offer spaces where singles can share their experiences, find humor in their single status, and connect with others who are celebrating Valentine’s Day in non-traditional ways.
By celebrating their single status on Valentine’s Day, these individuals are redefining the holiday to be more inclusive and representative of different life experiences. This trend acknowledges that love comes in many forms, including the love one has for themselves and for their life as a single person. It’s a celebration of independence, self-love, and the diverse ways in which people can find happiness and fulfillment.
89. Wearing Red on Valentine’s Day Has Deeper Meanings Than Just Fashion.

TRUE. Wearing red on Valentine’s Day holds deeper meanings beyond just a fashion choice. The color red has been long associated with love, passion, and romance, making it a symbolic and meaningful choice for attire on this day dedicated to celebrating love.
Several aspects contribute to the significance of wearing red on Valentine’s Day:
- Symbolism of Red: Red is a color that traditionally symbolizes strong emotions. It is often associated with love, passion, desire, and romance. This is partly due to its intensity and visibility, which evoke feelings of warmth and excitement.
- Historical and Cultural Associations: Throughout history and in various cultures, red has been linked to the heart and blood, both of which are central to life and love. In many cultures, red is considered a lucky or auspicious color, associated with happiness and prosperity.
- Attraction and Attention: Red is a striking color that naturally draws attention. Wearing red on Valentine’s Day can be a way of standing out and making a statement, perhaps signaling openness to romance or simply participating in the celebratory nature of the day.
- Fashion and Trends: While there are these deeper meanings, fashion also plays a role. Red, especially around Valentine’s Day, is a popular color in clothing and accessories, reflecting the season’s trends and themes.
- Expression of Emotions: Choosing to wear red can be a personal expression of one’s feelings on Valentine’s Day. For some, it might symbolize their love and passion, while for others, it could be a way of celebrating their confidence and self-esteem.
- Unity in Celebration: Wearing red on Valentine’s Day can also create a sense of unity and participation in the holiday’s celebrations. It’s a visual way to connect with others who are acknowledging the day, whether they are celebrating romantic love, friendship, or self-love.
Wearing red on Valentine’s Day is a practice steeped in symbolism and meaning. It goes beyond fashion, reflecting the color’s historical and cultural associations with love, passion, and vitality. Wearing red can be a personal expression of emotion, a participation in cultural tradition, or a way to join in the communal celebration of love.
90. Spotify’s Data Reveals the Most Popular Song Added to Love-Themed Playlists.
TRUE. Spotify, the popular music streaming service, has access to extensive data on user behavior and trends, including insights into the most popular songs added to love-themed playlists. By analyzing this data, Spotify can identify which songs are most frequently included in playlists that users categorize or title with themes related to love, romance, and Valentine’s Day.
John Legend’s “All of Me” has become a romantic anthem on Spotify [34], amassing over 1.1 billion streams. Its popularity, especially around Valentine’s Day, underscores its status as a favorite among lovers on the platform. The song’s significant streaming numbers reveal its enduring appeal as a top choice for romantic occasions.
This information provides an interesting glimpse into public sentiment and preferences regarding love songs. The most popular song on love-themed playlists can change over time, influenced by factors such as:
- Current Music Trends: New releases by popular artists or songs that gain viral attention can quickly become favorites for inclusion in love-themed playlists.
- Seasonal Influences: Around Valentine’s Day, there may be a surge in certain classic love songs or romantic hits being added to playlists, reflecting the season’s mood.
- Cultural Events: Major cultural events, such as the release of a blockbuster movie with a hit love song soundtrack, can influence playlist additions.
- Nostalgia and Classics: Timeless love songs or tracks that have gained a reputation as romantic classics consistently appear in love-themed playlists.
- Diverse Interpretations of Love: The concept of love and romance in music spans various genres and eras. Users’ personal experiences, cultural backgrounds, and individual tastes influence their song choices, leading to a diverse range of tracks being represented.
The data from Spotify not only reveals trends in music preferences but also offers insight into the emotional and cultural aspects of how people relate to music in the context of love and romance. The most popular song on love-themed playlists can be seen as a reflection of collective sentiments and preferences regarding the expression of love and affection through music.
Spotify’s data on the most popular songs added to love-themed playlists provides valuable insights into public preferences for love songs, influenced by current trends, cultural events, and individual experiences. This data reflects the diverse ways in which love and romance are celebrated and expressed through music.
91. A Fictional Character Receives Thousands of Valentine’s Cards Each Year.
TRUE. A fascinating and whimsical aspect of Valentine’s Day is that a fictional character receives thousands of Valentine’s cards each year. This character is Juliet Capulet from William Shakespeare’s famous tragedy “Romeo and Juliet.” Despite being a fictional character from a play written in the late 16th century, Juliet continues to captivate the hearts and imaginations of people around the world, especially around Valentine’s Day.
- Juliet as a Symbol of Romantic Love: Juliet, as one-half of one of the most iconic romantic couples in literature, symbolizes eternal love and youthful romance. Her story resonates with many who are enamored with the idea of love that is both passionate and tragically beautiful.
- Letters to Juliet in Verona: Every year, thousands of people send letters addressed to Juliet in Verona, Italy, where the play is set. These letters often contain confessions of love, heartache, or requests for advice about romantic relationships.
- “Club di Giulietta” or “Juliet Club”: In Verona, there is an organization known as the “Club di Giulietta” or “Juliet Club,” whose volunteers respond to these letters. The club organizes a contest to award the “Cara Giulietta” (“Dear Juliet”) prize to the author of the most touching love letter. This practice has been popularized in films and books, further encouraging the tradition.
- Tourism and Cultural Phenomenon: The phenomenon has become a significant cultural and tourist attraction in Verona. Visitors to the city often leave notes or letters at Juliet’s supposed house, particularly near the famous balcony scene location.
- Universal Appeal of the Story: The enduring appeal of “Romeo and Juliet” and the universal themes of love and longing it encapsulates contribute to the fascination with sending letters to Juliet. It represents a unique way for people to connect with a classic tale of love and express their own feelings and experiences.
The tradition of sending Valentine’s cards to the fictional character Juliet reflects the enduring impact of literature on popular culture and the universal appeal of Shakespeare’s portrayal of love. It’s a testament to the way stories can transcend time and continue to have a meaningful impact on people’s lives.
92. An Important Patent, Closely Linked to Love, was Filed on February 14.
TRUE. An important patent closely linked to love and romance was filed on February 14, further intertwining Valentine’s Day with a significant development in the world of technology and communication. This patent was for the telephone, filed by Alexander Graham Bell on February 14, 1876. The invention of the telephone revolutionized the way people connect and communicate, ultimately playing a significant role in personal relationships and the expression of love.
The filing of the telephone patent on Valentine’s Day is an interesting historical coincidence that ties a groundbreaking technological innovation to a day dedicated to love and communication. The significance of this coincidence includes:
- Enhanced Communication: The telephone made it possible for people to hear each other’s voices over long distances, bringing a new dimension to personal communication. It allowed couples and loved ones to maintain contact, share emotions, and express affection in a more immediate and personal way than was possible with letters.
- Impact on Romantic Relationships: The invention of the telephone had a profound impact on romantic relationships, particularly in terms of long-distance communication. It enabled couples separated by distance to stay in touch more effectively, making it easier to maintain and nurture relationships.
- Symbolism of Connection: The telephone symbolizes connection and communication, key components of any relationship, especially romantic ones. Its development highlights the importance of verbal communication in expressing feelings, sharing thoughts, and building emotional bonds.
- Technological Advancement and Love: The filing of the telephone patent on Valentine’s Day symbolically links technological advancement with human emotion and relationships. It serves as a reminder of how technology can enhance and influence the way people experience and express love.
- Evolution of Communication in Love: Over the years, advancements in communication technology, from the telephone to the internet and mobile devices, have continued to shape and evolve the way people express love and maintain relationships. The filing of the telephone patent marks a significant point in this ongoing evolution.
The filing of the telephone patent by Alexander Graham Bell on Valentine’s Day is a notable historical coincidence that links a major technological innovation with the day of love. It underscores the importance of communication in relationships and highlights how technological advancements have influenced and transformed the expression of love over time.
93. Valentine’s Day’s Role in Boosting the Greeting Card Industry.

Valentine’s Day has played a crucial role in the growth of the greeting card industry. The tradition of exchanging cards on this day significantly boosted the popularity and commercial success of greeting cards. The holiday has become one of the key occasions for sending cards, contributing to the industry’s expansion and innovation. This tradition, popularized in the 19th century, continues to thrive, with millions of Valentine’s cards exchanged globally each year, making it one of the largest card-sending holidays alongside Christmas.
94. Largest Group Kiss Record
On Valentine’s Day in 2004, the record for the largest group kiss was set in Mexico City, where 39,897 people participated in a mass kissing event. This event showcased Valentine’s Day’s global appeal and the communal spirit it can inspire.
95. Valentine’s Day Post Office in Loveland
True. The Valentine’s Day Post Office in Loveland, Colorado, is a unique and charming tradition that adds a special touch to Valentine’s Day cards and letters. Each year, the city of Loveland, often referred to as the ‘Sweetheart City’, becomes the focal point for a special postal service program dedicated to the holiday of love.
Here’s more about this tradition:
- Loveland’s Special Postmark and Stamping Program: The Loveland Valentine Re-mailing Program allows people from all over the world to send their Valentine’s Day cards to Loveland. Once in Loveland, these cards are stamped with a special postmark and a love-themed verse or poem before being forwarded to their final destinations.
- Volunteer Effort: The program is run by a group of volunteers, often referred to as ‘Loveland’s Valentine Ladies’ or ‘Stamping Crew’, who hand-stamp the cards with the unique Loveland postmark and message. These volunteers are dedicated community members who contribute their time and effort to keep this romantic tradition alive.
- Historical Significance: The tradition began in 1947 and has since become an integral part of Loveland’s identity and Valentine’s Day celebrations. It has grown significantly over the years, with tens of thousands of cards passing through Loveland each February.
- Global Reach: People from around the world send their Valentine’s cards to Loveland to be part of this special mailing. It’s not just limited to the United States; cards come from various countries, making it a globally recognized Valentine’s Day tradition.
- Community Involvement and Events: The program is part of a broader set of Valentine’s Day festivities in Loveland, which include community events, decorations throughout the city, and local businesses participating in Valentine-themed promotions and activities.
- Tourism and Recognition: This unique postal tradition has brought Loveland recognition and visitors, contributing to the city’s tourism. People often visit the city around Valentine’s Day to experience the romance and charm that Loveland offers.
The Valentine’s Day Post Office in Loveland, Colorado, is a heartfelt tradition that adds a special and romantic touch to Valentine’s Day cards and letters. Through its unique postmark and love-themed verses, along with the dedication of its volunteers, Loveland upholds its reputation as the ‘Sweetheart City’, spreading love and joy during the Valentine’s season.
96. First Recorded Valentine’s Poem

True. The first recorded Valentine’s poem, written by Charles, Duke of Orleans, to his wife, is a significant piece of history that marks one of the earliest known connections between Valentine’s Day and the expression of romantic love through poetry. This poem was written in the 15th century and holds a special place in the history of Valentine’s Day.
Here’s more about this historical Valentine’s poem:
- Historical Context: Charles, Duke of Orleans, wrote the poem in 1415 while he was imprisoned in the Tower of London following his capture at the Battle of Agincourt. The battle was one of the significant conflicts during the Hundred Years’ War between England and France.
- The Poem’s Content: The poem was addressed to his wife, Bonne of Armagnac. In the poem, Charles expressed his longing and affection for his wife. It is a poignant reflection of love, penned under the circumstances of separation and captivity.
- Significance in Valentine’s Day History: This poem is significant as it is one of the earliest known references linking Valentine’s Day with romantic love. It set a precedent for the future association of the day with expressions of love, particularly in the form of poetry and letters.
- Preservation and Legacy: The poem has been preserved over the centuries and is now part of a collection in the British Library in London. It stands as a testament to the endurance of love and the tradition of expressing deep affection through written words.
- Influence on Literature and Culture: Charles’ Valentine’s poem influenced the tradition of exchanging love notes and poems on Valentine’s Day. This practice became increasingly popular in Europe and eventually spread to other parts of the world, evolving into the modern tradition of exchanging cards and letters.
- Reflection of Medieval Courtly Love: The poem also reflects the ideals of courtly love that were prevalent in medieval Europe. This concept involved expressing admiration and love in a noble, chivalrous manner, often through poetry and song.
The first recorded Valentine’s poem by Charles, Duke of Orleans, is a historically significant artifact that not only reflects the personal feelings of a historical figure but also illustrates the early connection between Valentine’s Day and romantic expression. This poem laid the groundwork for centuries of Valentine’s Day traditions centered around the expression of love and affection.
97. World Record for the Longest Marriage
True. The world record for the longest marriage belongs to Herbert and Zelmyra Fisher, a couple whose relationship exemplifies enduring love and commitment. Their marriage, lasting 86 years and 290 days [35], is a remarkable testament to their lifelong devotion to each other.
Here’s more about Herbert and Zelmyra Fisher and their record-setting marriage:
- Duration of Marriage: Herbert and Zelmyra Fisher were married on May 13, 1924, and were together until Herbert’s death on February 27, 2011. Zelmyra passed away just two years later, in 2013.
- Recognition and World Record: Their marriage earned them a place in the Guinness World Records for the longest married living couple’s duration. This record not only celebrates their individual union but also serves as an inspiration to couples worldwide about the possibilities of lifelong partnership.
- Life Together: Throughout their decades-long marriage, the Fishers witnessed significant historical events, including the Great Depression, World War II, the Civil Rights Movement, and the turn of the millennium. They navigated these events together, demonstrating resilience and mutual support.
- Secret to Their Long Marriage: When asked about the secret to their long-lasting marriage, the Fishers often mentioned simple, yet powerful principles like respect, affection, and not going to bed angry. Their relationship was built on a foundation of mutual respect, patience, and unyielding commitment to each other.
- Role Models: The Fishers became role models for enduring love, often sharing their wisdom and experience with younger couples. Their marriage was a source of inspiration and advice for maintaining a strong, loving relationship over time.
- Public Recognition: Their extraordinary marriage gained public attention, especially as they reached significant milestones. They were often celebrated by their community and recognized by media outlets for their remarkable journey together.
Herbert and Zelmyra Fisher’s record for the longest marriage is more than just a testament to their personal dedication; it symbolizes the enduring power of love and partnership. Their relationship, spanning nearly nine decades, offers profound insights into the values of commitment, understanding, and mutual support in building a lasting marriage.
98. Valentine’s Day’s Influence on Modern Pop Music
Valentine’s Day has significantly influenced modern pop music, inspiring countless love songs that capture the spirit of the holiday. These songs range from heartfelt ballads to upbeat tunes, reflecting the diverse emotions associated with love and romance. They often become popular choices for Valentine’s Day celebrations, played at romantic dinners, parties, and intimate gatherings. The holiday’s impact on music highlights how themes of love and affection resonate universally, making Valentine’s Day a source of creative inspiration for musicians and songwriters.
To provide examples of popular love songs often associated with Valentine’s Day, here are five widely recognized tracks that capture the essence of the holiday:
- “Endless Love” by Lionel Richie and Diana Ross: This classic duet is a timeless expression of deep and enduring love, often featured in romantic settings and Valentine’s Day playlists.
- “I Will Always Love You” by Whitney Houston: Originally written and recorded by Dolly Parton, Whitney Houston’s rendition for the film “The Bodyguard” became an iconic love ballad, resonating with many as a powerful expression of lasting love.
- “Thinking Out Loud” by Ed Sheeran: This modern love song, with its heartfelt lyrics and melody, has become a staple for romantic occasions, particularly for couples celebrating their affection for each other.
- “My Heart Will Go On” by Celine Dion: Known as the theme song for the film “Titanic,” this ballad has become synonymous with eternal love and longing, making it a popular choice for Valentine’s Day.
- “Unchained Melody” by The Righteous Brothers: This classic song, known for its emotional depth and romantic appeal, has been a favorite for decades, often played to evoke feelings of romance and nostalgia.
These songs, with their romantic themes and memorable melodies, have become integral to Valentine’s Day celebrations, reflecting the holiday’s focus on love and affection.
99. Valentine’s Day in South Korea is Celebrated Monthly
True. In South Korea, Valentine’s Day is part of a unique series of love-related celebrations that occur monthly throughout the year. Each month on the 14th, a different aspect of love or relationships is celebrated, making these monthly observances a distinctive feature of South Korean culture.
Here are some of these monthly celebrations:
- Valentine’s Day (February 14th): Traditionally, women give chocolates to men as a sign of affection. This day focuses on the women expressing their feelings to the men.
- White Day (March 14th): One month after Valentine’s Day, men reciprocate the affection shown to them by giving candy, chocolates, or gifts to women. White Day serves as an answer to Valentine’s Day, balancing the earlier exchange of gifts.
- Black Day (April 14th): This day is for those who did not receive gifts on either Valentine’s Day or White Day. Single people gather to eat Jajangmyeon (black bean sauce noodles) as a way to commiserate with each other about single life.
- Rose Day/Yellow Day (May 14th): Couples exchange roses on this day, and people who are single wear yellow and may enjoy curry (a yellow dish) with friends.
- Kiss Day (June 14th): Couples celebrate their love with a kiss, marking this day as a romantic occasion to express affection physically.
- Silver Day (July 14th): On Silver Day, couples exchange silver accessories, such as rings, and discuss their future, often symbolizing a budding commitment to each other.
- Green Day (August 14th): Couples enjoy time together outdoors in nature, while single people may drink soju (a Korean alcohol traditionally bottled in green) to celebrate or bemoan their single status.
- Photo Day (September 14th): Couples take photographs together on this day to commemorate their relationship, capturing moments in a tangible form.
- Wine Day (October 14th): Couples enjoy a romantic evening accompanied by wine, celebrating their love and companionship.
- Movie Day (November 14th): This day is an opportunity for couples to watch a movie together, enjoying a common pastime that fosters closeness and shared experiences.
- Hug Day (December 14th): The year’s series of love-related celebrations concludes with Hug Day, where couples embrace the warmth of each other’s company, often sharing hugs as a sign of affection and comfort.
These monthly celebrations in South Korea showcase the country’s unique approach to celebrating love and relationships. They provide opportunities for expression of affection, reflection on relationship status, and participation in various themed activities related to love and companionship.
100. Valentine’s Day and the Rise of E-cards

Valentine’s Day has significantly contributed to the rise and popularity of electronic greeting cards, or e-cards. As technology has evolved, so too has the way we express our sentiments on this day of love:
- The advent of the internet and digital communication in the late 20th and early 21st centuries led to the emergence of e-cards as a convenient and eco-friendly way to send Valentine’s wishes.
- E-cards offer a wide range of customizable options, from animations and music to personalized messages, providing a modern twist to the traditional paper card.
- The popularity of e-cards during Valentine’s Day reflects a shift in consumer preferences towards digital solutions, blending tradition with the convenience and innovation of modern technology.
- This trend also signifies a broader cultural shift in the celebration of Valentine’s Day, where physical distance is bridged through digital means, allowing loved ones to connect and share their feelings regardless of their location.
The rise of e-cards for Valentine’s Day showcases the holiday’s adaptability to technological advancements and changing communication methods, while still preserving the essence of expressing love and affection.
There you have it, 100 Valentine’s Day facts!
1] “The Real Story of Saint Valentine” from the Italy Magazine website https://www.italymagazine.com/featured-story/real-story-saint-valentine
[2] Faunus, from the Encyclopedia Mythica website https://pantheon.org/articles/f/faunus.html
[3] General Roman Calendar, taken from the Academic Accelerator website https://academic-accelerator.com/encyclopedia/general-roman-calendar
[4] “Valentines” from the E.J. Pratt Library https://library.vicu.utoronto.ca/exhibitions/ephemera/valentines.htm
[5] “The Paston Letters Go Live” by Chantry Westwell, posted by Ancient, Medieval, and Early Modern Manuscripts on the British Library website https://blogs.bl.uk/digitisedmanuscripts/2015/04/the-paston-letters-go-live.html
[6] Venus definition by Brittany Garcia, published on 27 August 2013 World History Encyclopedia https://www.worldhistory.org/venus/
[7] Mars, the god of war,Greek Gods & Goddesses, February 22, 2017, Greek Gods and Goddesses website https://greekgodsandgoddesses.net/gods/mars/
[8] “Our Story. From a grocery shop, to a factory, to the Cadbury we know today” from the Cadbury’s website: https://www.cadbury.co.uk/about/history/our-story/
[9] Joyce Clyde Hall, from the Hallmark website: https://corporate.hallmark.com/about/j-c-hall/
[10] Valentine’s Day card sent statistic by Loomis: https://uk.loomis.com/
[11] Christmas cards sent statistic by CWP Group website: https://www.gwp.co.uk/guides/christmas-packaging-facts/
[12] Esther Howland, by Abram Brown, seniior editor at Forbes: https://www.forbes.com/sites/abrambrown/2020/02/14/cupids-capitalist-meet-esther-howland-the-19th-century-creator-of-the-modern-valentine/
[13] “Valentines- everything you need to know” British Florist Association https://britishfloristassociation.org/valentines-everything-you-need-to-know/
[14] “Total expected Valentine’s Day spending in the United States from 2009 to 2023 ” Statista https://www.statista.com/statistics/285028/us-valentine-s-day-sales/
[15] “It’s estimated that 145 million Valentine’s Day cards get sent each year” article on KUSI News website: https://www.kusi.com/its-estimated-that-145-million-valentines-day-cards-get-sent-each-year/
[16] “How much do Americans spend on their pets on Valentine’s Day?” article on Finder.com website: https://www.finder.com/how-much-do-americans-spend-on-their-pets-on-valentines-day
[17] “The Pharmacist Who Launched America’s Modern Candy Industry” by Emily Matchar, Innovation Correspondent, February 8, 2019, on Smithsonian Magazine: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/innovation/pharmacist-who-launched-americas-modern-candy-industry-180971354/
[18] “The Weird Backstory Behind Those Valentine’s Day Candy Hearts” by Caroline Bologna, February 2018, Huffington Post: https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/history-of-conversation-hearts_n_5a72a8e1e4b06fa61b4d60ef
[19] “Breaking Up With Sweethearts” February 8, 2019, News For Kids website: https://newsforkids.net/articles/2019/02/08/breaking-up-with-sweethearts/
[20] “Valentine’s Day Proposals: Survey Reveals How Many Couples Will Get Engaged” publised February 4, 2023, Huffington Post: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/valentines-day-proposals_n_2617650
[21] “Beating Valentine’s Day Depression” article on Banyan Mental Health website: https://www.banyanmentalhealth.com/2020/01/22/beating-valentines-day-depression/
[22] “Suicide and Homicide on St. Valentine’s Day” by David Lester, Stockton University, published on Research Gate, December 1990: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/20863281_Suicide_and_Homicide_on_St_Valentine%27s_Day
[23] Lovebirds Genus Agapornis, from the iNaturalist website: https://www.inaturalist.org/taxa/19070-Agapornis
[24] “Earnest or playful, that Valentine’s card has a history” by Katherine Roth,
published, February 13, 2023 on AP News: https://apnews.com/article/valentines-day-cards-history-1ed39b67dfb913b53e3700e415b87779
[25] “Nearly 40% of Americans Will Skip Valentine’s Day This Year to Save Money” written by Matt Schulz, edited by Julie Sherrier, published on February 8, 2021 on the Lending Tree website: https://www.lendingtree.com/credit-cards/study/valentines-day-survey/
[26] “31 Current Chocolate Statistics (Market Data 2023)” https://damecacao.com/chocolate-statistics/
[27] “Valentine’s Day roses turn Miami, usually a freight desert, into trucking’s busiest hot spot” by Bianca Giacobone, published Feb 14, 2023 on Business Insider website: https://www.businessinsider.com/valentines-day-roses-flowers-miami-freight-desert-trucking-hotspot-2023-2
[28] “Here’s How Much Americans Spend on Valentine’s Day” written by Gabrielle Olya for GOBankingRates, published February 13, 2023, on NASDAQ: https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/heres-how-much-americans-spend-on-valentines-day
[29] “Valentine’s Day Traditions Around the World” written by Kate Springer, published on Feb. 07, 2012, on Time website: https://newsfeed.time.com/2012/02/13/valentines-day-traditions-around-the-world/slide/phillipines/
[30] “Valentine’s Day seems to cause a mini baby-boom 9 months later” by New Scientist and Press Association, published 14 February 2018, New Scientist: https://www.newscientist.com/article/2161141-valentines-day-seems-to-cause-a-mini-baby-boom-9-months-later/
[31] “Valentine’s Day 2022: What men and women really want as gifts” by Jamie Ballard,
Data Journalist, published February 08, 2022, on YouGov.us: https://today.yougov.com/society/articles/40924-valentines-day-2022-what-men-and-women-really-want
[32] “20+ Sweet Valentine’s Day Statistics & Facts for 2024” by Lark Allen, pubished on 12/1/2023, on Drive Research website: https://www.driveresearch.com/market-research-company-blog/valentines-day-statistics/
[33] “Fun Facts About Valentine’s Day” on the Spectrio website: https://www.spectrio.com/uncategorized/fun-facts-about-valentines-day/
[34] “Spotify Reveals ‘Legendary’ Top Love Song Ahead of Valentine’s Day”, published February 11, 2020, Spotify: https://newsroom.spotify.com/2020-02-11/spotify-reveals-legendary-top-love-song-ahead-of-valentines-day/
[35] “World’s longest marriages: Secrets to a happy relationship” by Sanj Atwal, published 27 January 2022, on the Guinness World Records website: https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/news/2022/1/worlds-longest-marriages-secrets-to-a-happy-relationship-690269
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