Valentine's Day in US : American landmarks and Valentine's Day symbols collage | Luxury Valentine's Day
Valentine’s Day in US | Luxury Valentine’s Day

From Galentine’s Day to Themed Events: Discover Valentine’s Day in the US

Valentine’s Day in the US is more than just a celebration of love between couples; it’s a vibrant tapestry of traditions, surprises, and unique festivities. Did you know that the US is home to some of the most diverse and creative Valentine’s Day celebrations in the world? From the increasingly popular “Galentine’s Day,” where friends celebrate their bonds, to elaborate themed events across various cities, Valentine’s Day in the USA offers something for everyone.

In this ultimate guide, I’ll take you on a journey through the origins, traditions, and cultural significance of American Valentine’s Day. You’ll learn about the key figures who shaped the holiday, discover how different demographics celebrate, and find inspiration for your own Valentine’s Day plans, whether you’re looking for romantic destinations, budget-friendly ideas, or unique regional celebrations. Plus, I’ll share fun facts and quirky traditions that make Valentine’s Day in the US truly special.

Stay tuned as we uncover the rich history, diverse customs, and exciting ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day in the US, ensuring your celebration is as unique and memorable as the love it honours.

When is Valentine’s Day in America?

When is Valentine's Day in America : Clock showing February 14th with romantic elements like red roses and hearts | Luxury Valentine's Day
When is Valentine’s Day in America | Luxury Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day in the US is celebrated annually on February 14th. This date is dedicated to expressing love and affection, whether through romantic gestures, heartfelt gifts, or simply spending quality time with loved ones. The significance of this date remains consistent, but the day of the week it falls on changes each year. Here’s a handy table showing the dates and corresponding days for Valentine’s Day from 2025 to 2031:

2025February 14Friday
2026February 14Saturday
2027February 14Sunday
2028February 14Monday
2029February 14Wednesday
2030February 14Thursday
2031February 14Friday

Regardless of the day of the week, Valentine’s Day in the USA is a time for couples, friends, and families to celebrate their bonds and share their affection in meaningful ways. Whether planning a romantic weekend getaway, a special dinner, or exchanging heartfelt gifts, the essence of Valentine’s Day remains the same year after year: celebrating love and connection.

Origins of Valentine’s Day in the USA

Origins of Valentine's Day in the US : 19th-century American woman creating handmade Valentine's cards | Luxury Valentine's Day
Origins of Valentine’s Day in the US | Luxury Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day, also known as Saint Valentine’s Day, has a rich history that traces back centuries, but its roots in the USA tell a fascinating story of cultural adoption and evolution. How did this day of love and romance become such an integral part of American culture? The origins of Valentine’s Day in the USA are marked by the influence of early European settlers, the creativity of entrepreneurs, and the evolving social customs of the 19th and 20th centuries.

Here, I will delve into the historical journey of Valentine’s Day in the USA, exploring how it started, the key figures who shaped its traditions, and the timeline of its evolution. From the introduction of Valentine’s Day cards by Esther Howland to the holiday’s transformation into a significant economic event, I will uncover the pivotal moments that made Valentine’s Day a beloved celebration across America. Join me as I explore the intriguing history of Valentine’s Day in the USA and discover how it has grown into the grand celebration of love it is today.

Discover why Valentine’s Day is celebrated here.

The Birth of American Romance: How Valentine’s Day Was Adopted in the USA

Valentine’s Day in the USA has a captivating history that blends old-world traditions with new-world innovations. It all began with the influence of European settlers who brought their customs and celebrations across the Atlantic. However, it wasn’t until the 19th century that Valentine’s Day truly started to take root in American society.

One of the key figures in the Americanization of Valentine’s Day is Esther Howland [1] , often referred to as the “Mother of the American Valentine.” In the 1840s, Esther Howland, a young woman from Worcester, Massachusetts, began producing and selling handmade Valentine’s cards. Inspired by an ornate English Valentine she had received, she saw an opportunity to create something special. Using lace, ribbons, and colourful pictures, she crafted elaborate cards that quickly gained popularity. Her entrepreneurial spirit led to the mass production of Valentine’s cards, making them accessible to a wider audience and cementing the practice as a cherished American tradition.

Learn more about the American history Valentine’s Day cards here.

Before Howland’s influence, Valentine’s Day was primarily celebrated through handwritten notes and simple tokens of affection. The introduction of commercially produced cards revolutionized the way Americans expressed their love and admiration. This period also saw the rise of Valentine’s Day as a more structured celebration, with schools and communities embracing the exchange of cards and gifts.

As the holiday evolved, other entrepreneurs and companies followed Howland’s lead, further popularizing Valentine’s Day in the USA. By the early 20th century, companies like Hallmark [2] had begun producing Valentine’s cards on a large scale, solidifying the holiday’s commercial success. The combination of these efforts transformed Valentine’s Day into a significant cultural and economic event, beloved by millions across the nation.

Through the pioneering work of figures like Esther Howland, Valentine’s Day in the USA grew from a modest exchange of handwritten notes to a grand celebration of love and romance, complete with cards, flowers, and heartfelt gestures that continue to define the holiday today.

From Simple Cards to Billion-Dollar Industry: The Evolution of Valentine’s Day in the USA

Evolution of Valentine's Day in US : ransition from handmade to mass-produced Valentine's cards in the 19th century USA | Luxury Valentine's Day
Evolution of Valentine’s Day in US | Luxury Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day in the USA has undergone a remarkable transformation from its humble beginnings of simple card exchanges to becoming a multi-billion dollar holiday. The journey of this evolution reflects changes in societal values, economic trends, and cultural practices.

In the early 19th century, Valentine’s Day was primarily about the exchange of handwritten notes and small tokens of affection. These personal and often poetic messages were a way for people to express their feelings in a heartfelt manner. However, as the century progressed, the industrial revolution brought about significant changes in manufacturing and commerce, paving the way for the commercialization of Valentine’s Day.

The pivotal moment in this transformation came with Esther Howland in the 1840s, who recognized the potential for mass-producing Valentine’s cards. Her beautifully crafted cards, adorned with lace, ribbons, and vibrant illustrations, captured the hearts of many and set the stage for the commercial boom. By making these cards widely available, Howland not only popularized the tradition but also introduced a new dimension of accessibility and appeal.

As the 20th century approached, the demand for Valentine’s cards continued to grow. Companies like Hallmark began to produce cards on an industrial scale, introducing a wide variety of designs and messages to suit different tastes and relationships. This period also saw the introduction of Valentine’s Day-themed advertisements and marketing campaigns, further embedding the holiday into American culture.

The mid-20th century marked another significant shift as Valentine’s Day expanded beyond cards. The holiday began to incorporate a broader range of gifts and activities. Flowers, particularly red roses, became synonymous with Valentine’s Day, thanks to their association with love and romance. Chocolates, often packaged in heart-shaped boxes, also became a popular gift choice, driven by the efforts of confectionery companies.

You can find out more about the history of chocolate Valentine’s Day right here.

By the late 20th century, Valentine’s Day had become an established commercial powerhouse. The holiday was no longer just about cards; it encompassed a wide array of gifts, from jewelry to romantic getaways. Restaurants and hospitality services started offering special Valentine’s Day packages, contributing to the economic impact of the holiday. Marketing strategies evolved to target not just couples but also friends, family members, and even pets, reflecting a more inclusive approach to celebrating love.

In the 21st century, the digital age has brought about new dimensions to Valentine’s Day celebrations. Online shopping, social media, and digital greetings have added layers of convenience and creativity. E-commerce platforms see a significant surge in sales during the Valentine season, as consumers purchase gifts ranging from traditional flowers and chocolates to personalized items and experiences.

Today, Valentine’s Day in the USA is a multi-billion dollar industry. According to the National Retail Federation [3], Americans spend billions each year on gifts, dining, and experiences related to the holiday. This economic impact highlights how deeply ingrained Valentine’s Day has become in American culture, evolving from simple gestures of love to a comprehensive celebration of affection and commercial success.

The progression of Valentine’s Day in the USA showcases a dynamic blend of tradition and innovation. From the simple exchange of cards to the grand celebrations we see today, the holiday continues to evolve, reflecting the changing ways in which we express love and appreciation.

Echoes of Europe: Early Valentine’s Day Celebrations in America

Early Valentine's Day Celebrations in America : 19th-century American town celebrating Valentine's Day | Luxury Valentine's Day
Early Valentine’s Day Celebrations in America | Luxury Valentine’s Day

The early celebrations of Valentine’s Day in America were deeply rooted in European traditions, brought over by settlers who sought to preserve their cultural heritage in the New World. These early festivities were modest yet heartfelt, reflecting the customs and social practices of the time.

In the 18th century, European immigrants, particularly from England, France, and Germany, brought with them the tradition of celebrating Saint Valentine’s Day. This day, traditionally marked by the exchange of love notes and tokens, quickly found a place in American hearts. Early American celebrations were simple and personal, often involving handwritten letters and poems. These love notes, sometimes adorned with sketches and symbols of love, such as hearts and doves, were exchanged between sweethearts and friends.

Handmade Valentines were the norm in this period, reflecting the personal touch and effort that went into expressing one’s affection. People used whatever materials were available to them, including scraps of paper, fabric, and natural dyes. The messages were often poetic and romantic, echoing the literary styles of European writers.

The influence of European customs was also evident in the communal nature of the celebrations. In many communities, Valentine’s Day was marked by social gatherings and parties where young people would draw names to find their ‘Valentine‘ for the day. This practice, known as ‘Valentine lotteries,’ was a playful way to foster connections and relationships. Such events were often accompanied by dancing, singing, and the sharing of sweet treats, further emphasizing the joyous and communal spirit of the holiday.

The early 19th century saw a gradual shift towards more structured and widely recognized celebrations of Valentine’s Day in the US. The introduction of commercially produced Valentine cards in the 1840s by figures like Esther Howland revolutionized the holiday. Howland’s intricate designs, inspired by English cards, made Valentine’s Day more accessible and popular among the general public. Her cards featured elaborate lace patterns, embossed borders, and colourful illustrations, setting a new standard for Valentine’s Day greetings.

These early American celebrations were not just limited to romantic love. They also encompassed familial and platonic affection. Parents would often give small gifts or notes to their children, and friends exchanged tokens of appreciation. This inclusiveness reflected the broader European tradition of celebrating love in all its forms.

Religious influences also played a role in shaping early Valentine’s Day traditions in America. Many European settlers were from Christian backgrounds, and they brought with them the story of Saint Valentine, a martyr who was said to have performed secret marriages for lovers during a time of persecution. The story of Saint Valentine added a layer of historical and religious significance to the celebrations, blending secular and sacred elements.

Do you know who Saint Valentine was? Click here to discover more.

As the 19th century progressed, these early traditions laid the groundwork for the more elaborate and commercialized celebrations that would follow. The influence of European customs remained strong, but American ingenuity and entrepreneurial spirit began to shape Valentine’s Day into a uniquely American holiday.

But what is the real story of valentine’s day? You will have to click to learn about the dark truths about this day of love.

In essence, the early celebrations of Valentine’s Day in America were a beautiful amalgamation of European traditions and emerging American practices. They were characterized by their simplicity, sincerity, and the communal joy of celebrating love in its many forms. These early roots paved the way for the vibrant and diverse Valentine’s Day celebrations we see across the USA today.

Valentine’s Day in the USA: Traditions & Culture

Valentine's Day US Traditions and Customs : Couple enjoying a romantic dinner on Valentine's Day in the USA | Luxury Valentine's Day
Valentine’s Day US Traditions and Customs | Luxury Valentine’s Day

When it comes to Saint Valentine’s Day USA, the traditions and culture surrounding this romantic holiday are as diverse as the nation itself. From coast to coast, people celebrate love in unique and heartwarming ways, reflecting the rich cultural tapestry of America. Whether it’s the classic exchange of cards and flowers, the growing popularity of Galentine’s Day, or the elaborate dinners and getaways, US Valentine’s Day is a vibrant celebration that brings people together in myriad ways.

In this section, I’ll take you on a journey through the beloved customs and rituals that define Valentine’s Day in America. We’ll explore how different demographics put their own spin on the holiday, delve into the cultural significance of these traditions, and uncover how Valentine’s Day has become a cherished part of American society. Join me as we discover the rich and varied ways that Valentine’s Day is celebrated across the USA, and learn how these traditions continue to evolve and bring joy to millions each year.

Cherished Customs: Traditions of Valentine’s Day in the USA

Americans celebrate Valentine’s Day each year on February 14th with a variety of cherished customs. These include sending cards or letters, giving gifts such as chocolates or flowers, and enjoying meals at restaurants. Many adults view Valentine’s Day as an opportunity to offer more expensive gifts, such as jewelry, to their sweethearts. Beyond these, traditions also encompass exchanging cards, romantic dinners, acts of kindness and appreciation, and celebrating friendship and family. These practices reflect the diverse and heartfelt ways in which love is celebrated across the USA.

Exchanging Cards

One of the most enduring traditions of Valentine’s Day is the exchange of cards, often adorned with heartfelt messages and romantic imagery. This custom dates back to the 19th century when Esther Howland began mass-producing Valentine’s cards. Today, Americans send millions of these cards annually, ranging from simple, handmade notes to elaborate, store-bought greetings. These cards often feature themes of love, friendship, and admiration, making them a perfect way to express one’s feelings to loved ones, friends, and family.


Flowers, particularly roses, play a central role in Valentine’s Day celebrations. Red roses, symbolizing deep love and passion, are the most popular choice. Florists across the country see a significant surge in sales as people purchase bouquets to gift their partners. Other flowers such as lilies, tulips, and carnations are also common, each carrying their own unique meanings and adding a personalized touch to the gift. Gifting flowers is a timeless gesture of love and appreciation, making it a staple of Valentine’s Day in the USA.


Chocolates are another quintessential Valentine’s Day gift in the USA. The tradition of giving chocolates on Valentine’s Day began in the late 19th century when Richard Cadbury, the son of the founder of the Cadbury chocolate company, started marketing chocolates in heart-shaped boxes. Today, chocolates are available in a variety of forms, from luxurious truffles to assorted boxes, often beautifully wrapped and paired with other gifts. This sweet treat has become a symbol of indulgence and affection, adding a delightful touch to Valentine’s celebrations.

Romantic Dinners

For many, Valentine’s Day is synonymous with a romantic dinner. Couples often mark the occasion by dining out at their favourite restaurants or enjoying a special meal at home. Many restaurants offer Valentine’s Day specials, featuring multi-course menus, intimate settings, and complimentary champagne or desserts. These dinners provide an opportunity for couples to spend quality time together, share meaningful conversations, and create lasting memories. The ambiance of a romantic dinner, with candlelight, soft music, and exquisite food, encapsulates the essence of this special day.

Gifts and Tokens of Affection

Beyond cards, flowers, and chocolates, a wide array of gifts are exchanged on Valentine’s Day. Jewelry, particularly items featuring hearts or personalized engravings, is a popular choice. Other common gifts include perfumes, books, and personalized items that hold special meaning for the recipient. These tokens of affection are not limited to romantic partners; they are also given to friends, family members, and even pets, reflecting the broad scope of love celebrated on this day.

Acts of Kindness and Appreciation

Valentine’s Day in the USA is not only about grand gestures but also about small acts of kindness and appreciation. Many people take this opportunity to perform thoughtful acts for their loved ones, such as preparing breakfast in bed, writing love notes, or planning surprise outings. These gestures, big or small, emphasize the importance of expressing love and gratitude, making Valentine’s Day a deeply personal and meaningful celebration.

Celebrating Friendship and Family

In recent years, Valentine’s Day in the USA has expanded to include celebrations of friendship and family love. Events like Galentine’s Day, celebrated on February 13th, focus on the bonds between friends, particularly among women. This trend underscores the inclusive nature of Valentine’s Day, which now encompasses all forms of love and relationships. Families often celebrate by sharing meals, exchanging small gifts, and participating in activities that foster togetherness and joy.

These customs and traditions make Valentine’s Day in the USA a rich and multifaceted celebration, reflecting the diverse ways in which love is expressed and cherished across the country. Whether through the exchange of cards, the giving of flowers and chocolates, or the sharing of special meals, these practices ensure that Valentine’s Day remains a beloved and enduring holiday.

Media Magic: How Movies, TV Shows, and Music Shaped Valentine’s Day in the USA

How Media Shaped Valentine's Day US : Couple watching a romantic movie at home on Valentine's Day | Luxury Valentine's Day
How Media Shaped Valentine’s Day US | Luxury Valentine’s Day

American Valentine’s Day has been significantly influenced by the media, including movies, TV shows, and music. These mediums have not only popularized the holiday but have also shaped the way people celebrate and perceive it. Let’s explore how the media has played a crucial role in embedding Valentine’s Day traditions into American culture.


Hollywood has been instrumental in popularizing Valentine’s Day, portraying it as the ultimate day of romance. Classic romantic films like Casablanca and An Affair to Remember set the stage for epic love stories that captivated audiences. More contemporary movies, such as Valentine’s Day and The Notebook, continue to reinforce the holiday’s significance by showcasing heartwarming and dramatic love stories that resonate with viewers.

Movies often highlight the quintessential elements of Valentine’s Day—exchanging gifts, romantic dinners, grand gestures, and heartfelt confessions of love. These cinematic portrayals inspire real-life celebrations, encouraging people to recreate the romantic scenes they see on screen. Iconic moments, such as Richard Gere’s grand gesture in Pretty Woman or the heartfelt love letters in The Notebook, have become cultural touchstones, influencing how Americans express their love on Valentine’s Day.

TV Shows

Television has also played a significant role in shaping Valentine’s Day traditions. Popular TV shows often feature special Valentine’s Day episodes that depict the joys and challenges of love and relationships. Sitcoms like Friends and How I Met Your Mother have dedicated episodes to Valentine’s Day, highlighting both the humorous and touching aspects of the holiday.

These episodes frequently depict common Valentine’s Day activities, such as planning romantic dates, giving and receiving gifts, and navigating relationship dynamics. By presenting these scenarios in relatable and entertaining ways, TV shows help to normalize and popularize Valentine’s Day customs. They also provide viewers with ideas and inspiration for their own celebrations, making the holiday more accessible and enjoyable.


Music has a profound impact on the celebration of Valentine’s Day, with love songs providing the perfect soundtrack for the holiday. Romantic ballads and love anthems set the mood for Valentine’s Day activities, from intimate dinners to slow dances. Songs like “My Heart Will Go On” by Celine Dion and “Endless Love” by Diana Ross and Lionel Richie have become timeless classics that evoke deep emotions and romantic sentiments.

Valentine’s Day playlists, filled with both contemporary hits and classic love songs, are a staple of the holiday. These playlists are often played during romantic dinners, parties, and other celebrations, enhancing the atmosphere and reinforcing the themes of love and affection. Music also plays a role in special events, such as Valentine’s Day concerts and serenades, adding a personal and emotional touch to the festivities.

Advertising and Commercials

In addition to movies, TV shows, and music, advertising has a significant influence on Valentine’s Day traditions. Commercials for chocolates, flowers, jewelry, and other romantic gifts flood the media in the weeks leading up to February 14th. These advertisements often depict idealized versions of Valentine’s Day celebrations, complete with candlelit dinners, lavish gifts, and expressions of love.

Advertising campaigns create a sense of urgency and excitement around the holiday, encouraging consumers to participate in the tradition of gift-giving. They also introduce new trends and products, shaping how people celebrate and what they consider to be appropriate Valentine’s Day gifts. The influence of advertising is evident in the commercial success of Valentine’s Day, making it one of the most profitable holidays of the year.

Social Media

Social media has become a powerful force in shaping Valentine’s Day traditions. Platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok are filled with posts and stories showcasing people’s Valentine’s Day celebrations. Influencers and celebrities share their romantic gestures, gifts, and experiences, setting trends and inspiring their followers.

Social media also provides a platform for people to share their own Valentine’s Day stories, creating a sense of community and connection. Hashtags like #ValentinesDay and #LoveInTheAir trend on these platforms, encouraging users to share photos, messages, and videos. This visibility reinforces the importance of Valentine’s Day and provides a constant stream of ideas and inspiration for how to celebrate.

The media, through movies, TV shows, music, advertising, and social media, has played a pivotal role in popularizing and shaping Valentine’s Day traditions in the USA. These mediums have not only amplified the romantic ideals associated with the holiday but have also provided countless ideas and inspirations for how to celebrate it. By depicting Valentine’s Day in various forms and contexts, the media has ensured that the holiday remains a beloved and enduring part of American culture.

Valentine’s Day Celebration in the USA

Valentines Day Celebration in the USA : Mixed-race family celebrating Valentine's Day at home with crafts and decorations | Luxury Valentine's Day
Valentines Day Celebration in the USA | Luxury Valentine’s Day

USA Valentines is a grand celebration of love, characterized by a variety of activities and traditions. From romantic dinners to grand gestures, Americans find numerous ways to make this day special for their loved ones. Here’s a detailed look at how this day is celebrated, the popular gifts exchanged, and some creative DIY ideas to add a personal touch.


  1. Romantic Dinners: One of the most cherished traditions is enjoying a romantic dinner. Couples often reserve tables at upscale restaurants, indulging in fine dining and intimate conversation. Many restaurants offer special Valentine’s Day menus, featuring multi-course meals, exquisite desserts, and complimentary champagne. For those who prefer a more personal setting, a homemade dinner with candles and soft music can create a magical atmosphere at home.
  2. Grand Gestures: Valentine’s Day is the perfect occasion for grand gestures. These can range from elaborate proposals and surprise getaways to extravagant gifts. Public displays of affection, such as proposing at a significant location or orchestrating a flash mob, add a dramatic flair to the celebrations. These grand gestures are often meticulously planned to leave a lasting impression on the recipient.
  3. Weekend Getaways: Many Americans take advantage of this holiday to plan romantic weekend getaways. Popular destinations include cozy bed-and-breakfasts in picturesque towns, luxury resorts, and vibrant cities known for their romantic ambiance. Whether it’s a beachside retreat, a mountain cabin, or a historic city tour, these getaways offer couples the perfect opportunity to relax and reconnect away from their daily routines.
  4. Family and Friends Celebrations: Valentine’s Day is not just for couples; it’s also a time to celebrate with friends and family. Events like Galentine’s Day, celebrated on February 13th, focus on female friendships and involve exchanging gifts, hosting parties, or simply spending quality time together. Families might celebrate with special dinners, movie nights, or crafting homemade valentines to share with each other.
  5. Community and School Activities: For children, Valentine’s Day is often celebrated in schools with classroom parties and activities. Students exchange valentine cards, enjoy themed snacks, and participate in crafts and games. These celebrations focus on friendship and inclusivity, ensuring that every child feels valued and appreciated. Community centers and local organizations might also host events such as dances, charity fundraisers, or themed festivals, bringing people together to celebrate love in all its forms.


  1. Jewelry: Jewelry is a timeless Valentine’s Day gift that symbolizes lasting commitment and love. From elegant necklaces and sparkling earrings to stunning bracelets and rings, jewelry offers a wide range of options to suit every taste and budget. Many choose personalized pieces, such as custom-engraved pendants or rings with significant dates and initials, adding an extra layer of meaning to the gift.
  2. Flowers: Flowers, particularly roses, play a central role in Valentine’s Day celebrations. Red roses, symbolizing deep love and passion, are the most popular choice. Florists across the country see a significant surge in sales as people purchase bouquets to gift their partners. Other flowers such as lilies, tulips, and carnations are also common, each carrying their own unique meanings and adding a personalized touch to the gift.
  3. Chocolates: Chocolates are another quintessential Valentine’s Day gift. From heart-shaped boxes filled with assorted truffles to gourmet chocolate bars and handcrafted confections, there are countless options to satisfy any sweet tooth. Many people choose to pair chocolates with other gifts, like flowers or jewelry, to create a luxurious and delightful present. Personalized chocolate boxes, with custom messages or names, add a special touch to this classic gift.
  4. Personalized Items: Personalized gifts are becoming increasingly popular, offering a unique and thoughtful way to celebrate Valentine’s Day. These can include custom-made jewelry, photo books, engraved keepsakes, and monogrammed accessories. Personalized gifts show extra effort and consideration, making them especially meaningful. For instance, a photo book filled with memories of special moments together or a custom-engraved piece of jewelry with a heartfelt message can make a lasting impression.
  5. Experience Gifts: Experience gifts are a great way to create lasting memories and enjoy shared activities. These can range from spa days and cooking classes to concert tickets and weekend getaways. Experience gifts cater to the interests and passions of the recipient, providing opportunities to try something new or indulge in a favorite hobby. A romantic dinner cruise, a wine tasting tour, or a surprise vacation are just a few examples of how experience gifts can make Valentine’s Day unforgettable.
  6. Scented Candles and Perfumes: Scented candles and perfumes are another popular choice, adding a sensory element to the Valentine’s Day experience. High-quality candles with romantic fragrances, such as rose, vanilla, or sandalwood, can set the mood for a cozy evening. Perfumes and colognes, chosen to match the recipient’s preferences, offer a personal and luxurious touch. Many brands offer Valentine’s Day gift sets that combine these items with other complementary products.

DIY Valentine’s

  1. Handmade Cards Creating handmade cards is a personal and heartfelt way to express love on Valentine’s Day. Using craft supplies like colored paper, markers, stickers, and glitter, you can design unique cards with personalized messages and decorations. Handmade cards show effort and creativity, making them a cherished keepsake.
  2. Photo Albums and Scrapbooks A photo album or scrapbook filled with pictures and mementos of shared experiences is a wonderful DIY gift. You can include photos, ticket stubs, love notes, and other memorabilia, along with captions and decorative elements. This gift captures memories and tells the story of your relationship in a tangible and creative way.
  3. Homemade Treats Baking homemade treats like cookies, cakes, or chocolates adds a sweet and personal touch to Valentine’s Day. You can package these treats in decorative boxes or jars, complete with ribbons and personalized labels. Homemade treats show that you took the time and effort to create something special from scratch.
  4. Customized Playlists Create a customized playlist of songs that are meaningful to your relationship. Include songs that remind you of special moments or that convey your feelings. You can present the playlist as a digital gift or create a CD with personalized artwork and a tracklist.
  5. DIY Spa Day Set up a relaxing spa day at home with DIY beauty treatments and pampering activities. Create homemade face masks, bath bombs, and scrubs using natural ingredients. Set the mood with scented candles, soft music, and a cozy atmosphere. This DIY gift provides a luxurious and intimate experience.
  6. Love Coupons Design a booklet of love coupons that your partner can redeem for special treats and activities. These can include coupons for a home-cooked meal, a movie night, a massage, or a day trip. Love coupons are a fun and interactive way to show your love and offer thoughtful gestures throughout the year.

Valentine Day holiday in usa is a vibrant and multifaceted celebration, encompassing a wide range of traditions and activities. From romantic dinners and grand gestures to thoughtful gifts and creative DIY projects, Americans find countless ways to express their love and appreciation. These celebrations reflect the diverse and heartfelt ways that love is honored across the nation, making Valentine’s Day a cherished and memorable holiday.

What to Do on Valentine’s Day in the USA?

What to Do on Valentine's Day in USA : Couple enjoying a romantic dinner at a fancy restaurant on Valentine's Day in the US | Luxury Valentine's Day
What to Do on Valentine’s Day in USA | Luxury Valentine’s Day

There are a plethora of activities and destinations within the United States to make the celebration special. Whether you’re planning a romantic getaway, looking for family-friendly events, or celebrating solo, there are countless ways to enjoy this holiday. Here are some top suggestions for romantic destinations, activities, special events, and budget-friendly options.


New York City: New York City [4] is a classic romantic destination with endless options for celebrating Saint Valentine’s Day USA style. You can take a romantic stroll through Central Park, enjoy a Broadway show, or dine at one of the city’s world-renowned restaurants. A visit to the Empire State Building or a cruise around Manhattan offers stunning views and unforgettable moments.

San Francisco: San Francisco’s [5] picturesque scenery and charming atmosphere make it an ideal destination for a valentine date in the USA. Walk hand-in-hand across the Golden Gate Bridge, explore the winding streets of Chinatown, or take a ferry to Alcatraz. A romantic dinner in the city’s famous Fisherman’s Wharf or a wine tasting tour in nearby Napa Valley adds to the experience.

Las Vegas: Las Vegas [6] offers a unique and vibrant celebration experience. With its luxurious hotels, fine dining, and endless entertainment options, it’s a perfect destination for couples looking for excitement. Attend a spectacular show, try your luck at the casinos, or enjoy a romantic gondola ride at The Venetian. The city’s vibrant nightlife ensures a memorable celebration.


Family-Friendly Events: Celebrations in the USA are not just for couples; families can also enjoy the holiday together. Plan a fun day out at a local amusement park, zoo, or aquarium. Many places offer special valentine’s day celebration in the USA activities and discounts for families. A movie night at home with heart-shaped snacks and a family-friendly film is another great way to celebrate.

Friend Gatherings: Galentine’s Day, celebrated on February 13th, is a day dedicated to celebrating female friendships. Host a Galentine’s Day brunch or dinner with your best friends, complete with themed decorations and delicious food. Group activities like spa days, painting classes, or wine tasting tours are also popular choices for celebrating with friends.

Solo Activities: The valentine’s day us holiday can be a wonderful opportunity for self-love and personal enjoyment. Treat yourself to a day of pampering with a spa visit or a relaxing bath at home. Explore a new hobby or activity, such as cooking a gourmet meal, taking a yoga class, or going for a hike. Solo travelers might enjoy a weekend getaway to a peaceful retreat or a vibrant city.


Parades: Some cities host parades, featuring colorful floats, live music, and festive decorations. These parades provide a fun and lively atmosphere for families, friends, and couples to enjoy together. Check local listings for parades and community events in your area.

Concerts: Concerts are a popular way to celebrate. Many cities offer special performances by local and national artists, ranging from romantic ballads to upbeat tunes. Attending a live concert with your loved one can create lasting memories and a shared experience of joy and music.

Themed Parties: Themed parties are another great way to celebrate. Whether it’s a formal masquerade ball, a casual house party, or a themed event at a local venue, these parties offer a chance to dress up, dance, and have fun. Look for events at clubs, bars, and community centers in your area.


Extravagant: For those looking to splurge, there are plenty of extravagant options to make the celebration unforgettable. Consider booking a luxury hotel suite with romantic amenities, such as a private hot tub, room service, and breathtaking views. Fine dining at a Michelin-starred restaurant, complete with a multi-course meal and wine pairings, is another luxurious option. Private helicopter tours, spa packages, and high-end shopping sprees add to the lavish experience.

Mid-Range: A mid-range budget can still offer a memorable and enjoyable celebration. Plan a romantic dinner at a nice restaurant, followed by a show or concert. Weekend getaways to charming bed-and-breakfasts or boutique hotels provide a cozy and intimate setting. Experience gifts, like cooking classes, wine tastings, or scenic hikes, offer quality time together without breaking the bank.

Budget-Friendly: Celebrating on a budget doesn’t mean sacrificing romance or fun. Cook a homemade meal together and enjoy a candlelit dinner at home. Plan a picnic in a local park or a scenic spot. DIY gifts, such as handmade cards, photo albums, or love coupons, show thoughtfulness and effort. Many communities offer free or low-cost events, such as outdoor concerts, art exhibits, and holiday markets.

Celebrations in America offer a wide array of options to suit every taste and budget. Whether you’re planning an extravagant getaway, a cozy evening at home, or a fun day with family and friends, there are countless ways to make the day special. By exploring romantic destinations, engaging in unique activities, attending special events, and considering budget-friendly options, you can create unforgettable memories and celebrate love in all its forms.

Beyond Couples: Celebrating Valentine’s Day in Different Ways

Celebrating Valentine's Day in Different Ways : Children celebrating Valentine's Day at school with crafts and decorations | Luxury Valentine's Day
Celebrating Valentine’s Day in Different Ways | Luxury Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is not just a celebration for couples. The holiday is also a time for schools, singles, and friends to join in the festivities. Here’s how these groups make the most of Valentine’s Day:

Schools and Children

In American schools, Valentine’s Day is a special event filled with fun activities and a spirit of inclusivity. Elementary schools often organize classroom parties where children exchange Valentine cards with all their classmates to ensure no one feels left out. These celebrations might include themed snacks, games, and crafts like creating handmade cards and decorations. Activities such as writing Valentine’s Day poems, participating in a “love campaign” to promote kindness, and engaging in class party games are common. Schools might also have contests, such as door decorating competitions, where students can display their creativity and teamwork [7].


Valentine’s Day can sometimes feel exclusive to couples, but there are plenty of ways for singles to celebrate and enjoy the day. Singles Awareness Day, often observed on February 15th, is a time for single individuals to focus on self-love and appreciation. Celebrations might include pampering oneself with a spa day, organizing a solo travel adventure, or simply enjoying a favorite hobby. Group activities like singles mixers, adventure outings, or movie nights can also make the day enjoyable and social. Additionally, some people use this time to volunteer and spread love within their communities, which can be a fulfilling way to celebrate [8].

Galentine’s Day

Galentine’s Day, celebrated on February 13th, is all about honoring female friendships. This concept, popularized by the TV show “Parks and Recreation,” involves friends gathering to celebrate their bond. Activities can range from brunches and dinner parties to spa days and group outings. It’s a day for women to express their appreciation for each other through thoughtful gifts, heartfelt messages, and shared experiences. Whether it’s hosting a themed party at home or booking a special activity like a painting class or wine tasting, Galentine’s Day offers a fun and meaningful way to celebrate friendship.

By embracing these diverse ways to celebrate, Valentine’s Day in the USA becomes an inclusive holiday that everyone can enjoy, regardless of their relationship status. Whether it’s through school activities, self-celebration, or honoring friendships, there are countless ways to make the day special and meaningful.

Regional Flavours of Love: Valentine’s Day Traditions Across the USA

Valentine's Day Traditions Across the US : Valentine's Day riverboat cruise in New Orleans with couples dancing and a live jazz band| Luxury Valentine's Day
Valentine’s Day Traditions Across the US | Luxury Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day in the USA is celebrated in various unique and charming ways across different regions. The local customs, urban versus rural celebrations, and special festivals add distinctive flavors to this beloved holiday.


New Orleans, Louisiana: New Orleans [9] offers a romantic and lively atmosphere with its famous riverboat cruises along the Mississippi River. Couples can enjoy a scenic ride complete with dinner and live jazz music. The city’s vibrant culture also means that Valentine’s celebrations often overlap with Mardi Gras, providing a festive and unique experience.

California’s Beachside Dinners: California’s [10] picturesque coastline provides the perfect backdrop for beachside dinners. From the scenic shores of Malibu to the romantic settings in Carmel-by-the-Sea, couples can enjoy sunset views while dining on fresh seafood. The mild February weather makes outdoor dining particularly appealing in this region.

Savannah, Georgia: Savannah [11] is known for its historic charm and Southern hospitality. Couples can take a romantic riverboat cruise or dine in one of the city’s elegant restaurants. Savannah’s rich history also makes it a popular spot for ghost tours, adding a spooky twist to the romantic holiday.

Urban vs. Rural

Urban Celebrations: In urban areas like New York City and San Francisco, Valentine’s Day often involves grand gestures and elaborate plans. High-end restaurants offer special menus, luxury hotels provide romantic packages, and the cities are adorned with festive decorations. The hustle and bustle of the city provide countless options for an extravagant celebration.

Rural Celebrations: Rural areas emphasize community and intimacy. Celebrations might include local events like barn dances, potluck dinners, and community fairs. These gatherings foster a sense of togetherness and often feature homemade gifts and local treats, reflecting the close-knit nature of rural communities.

Local Festivals

Virginia’s Romantic Getaways: Virginia, famously known as “Virginia is for Lovers,” offers numerous romantic getaways. Couples can explore historic sites, stay at cozy bed-and-breakfasts, or enjoy luxurious spa treatments. The state also hosts special Valentine’s Day events, such as wine tastings and historical tours [12].

Hawaii’s Cherry Blossom Festival: On the Big Island of Hawaii [13], Valentine’s Day coincides with the blooming of cherry blossoms. Couples can enjoy scenic drives and hikes to see the beautiful pink blooms. February is also prime whale-watching season, adding another unique activity to the romantic itinerary.

Telluride, Colorado: Telluride [14] is a picturesque ski town offering a laid-back yet romantic Valentine’s experience. Couples can enjoy skiing, horse-drawn sleigh rides, and hot springs. The intimate setting of this small town, combined with stunning winter landscapes, makes it a perfect destination for a cozy getaway.

Valentine’s Day in the USA is a diverse celebration with regional traditions that add unique flavors to the holiday. Whether it’s the vibrant festivities in New Orleans, the serene beachside dinners in California, the historic charm of Savannah, or the cozy community events in rural areas, there’s something for everyone. Local festivals and romantic getaways further enhance the experience, making Valentine’s Day a truly special occasion across the nation.

Sustainability and American Valentine’s Day

Sustainability and American Valentine's Day : Eco-friendly Valentine's Day gifts including locally sourced flowers and handmade soap bars | Luxury Valentine's Day
Sustainability and American Valentine’s Day | Luxury Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is a time for showing love and appreciation, and incorporating eco-friendly practices can make the celebration even more meaningful. By choosing sustainable options, you can reduce your environmental impact and still create a memorable and heartfelt experience. Here are some tips on how to celebrate in an environmentally friendly way and sustainable gift ideas.

Eco-friendly Celebrations

Sustainable Gifts

Incorporating sustainability into your Valentine’s Day celebrations can make the holiday even more special and responsible. By choosing eco-friendly celebrations and sustainable gifts, you can show your love for both your partner and the planet. Whether it’s through digital cards, plant-based meals, locally sourced flowers, or handmade gifts, there are countless ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day in an environmentally conscious way.

Valentine’s Day in the USA: Fun Facts

Valentine's Day in the USA Fun Facts : Valentine's Day cards, chocolates, and red roses with fun facts about Valentine's Day in the US | Luxury Valentine's Day
Valentine’s Day in the USA Fun Facts | Luxury Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day in the USA is filled with interesting and quirky facts that add to the charm of this romantic holiday. Let’s dive into some fun statistics, records, historical tidbits, and celebrity celebrations that make Valentine’s Day special.





These fun facts and records showcase the diverse and elaborate ways that Valentine’s Day is celebrated in the USA, adding to the excitement and joy of this beloved holiday.

Celebrating Love in America: My Final Thoughts

Celebrating Love in America : Diverse group of people celebrating Valentine's Day in America at a park | Luxury Valentine's Day
Celebrating Love in America | Luxury Valentine’s Day


Throughout this article, I’ve taken a deep dive into the diverse and rich ways Valentine’s Day is celebrated in the USA. Here’s a quick summary of the main points:


Valentine’s Day holds a special place in my heart and in the hearts of many Americans. It’s a day that goes beyond romantic love, embracing friendships, family bonds, and self-love. The variety in how we celebrate—from grand events in cities to gatherings in rural areas, and from traditional customs to modern, eco-friendly practices—reflects the rich diversity of American culture.

This holiday is not just about grand gestures or lavish gifts; it’s about genuine expressions of love and appreciation. Whether it’s a handwritten card, a heartfelt gift, or simply spending quality time together, Valentine’s Day is a chance for us to connect deeply with those we care about. The evolving nature of the holiday, incorporating new traditions and sustainable practices, shows how we can keep the spirit of love alive while also caring for our planet.

For me, Valentine’s Day is about creating special memories and showing the people in my life how much they mean to me. It’s a day that brings joy, warmth, and a sense of togetherness. The significance of Valentine’s Day lies in these authentic moments of connection that enrich our lives and strengthen our relationships.


[1] Esther Howland 1847, published on the Mount Hollyoke website

[2] History of Hallmark, published on the Hallmark website

[3] Holiday and Seasonal Trends, Valentine’s Day, published on the National Retail Federation website

[4] New York Tourism website

[5] San Francisco tourism website

[6] Las Vagas tourism website

[7] “These 13 Valentines Day Activities for School Will Allow Students to Celebrate and Learn” written by Simona Johnes and published on the Science and Literacy website

[8] “Valentine’s Day in the USA” published 13 Febraury 2017 on the Business English with Christian website

[9] New Orleans tourism website

[10] California tourism website

[11] Savannah, Georgia tourism website

[12] “Valentine’s Day in Virgina” published on the Virgina is Lovers website

[13] Hawaii tourism website

[14] Telluride, Colorado tourism website

[15] GreenVelope website

[16] Paperless Post website

[17] The Nature Conservancy website

[18] World Wildlife Fund website

[19] “Valentine’s Day Trivia: 49 Facts to Stump Any Love Expert” by Sydney Stephens, published 24 January 2024, on the Love to Know website

[20] “72 Lovely Valentine’s Day Facts” by Karin Lehnardt, Senior Writer, published 13 January 2017 on the Fact Retriever website

[21] “20 Facts You Might Not Know About Valentine’s Day” by Zoë Randolph, published 3 February, 2022, on the Menatl Floss website

[22] “Valentine’s Day Facts” published 27 October 2009, updated 14 February 2024, on the History Channel website

[23] “The Ellen DeGeneres Show, S16, Episode 181, Inspiring Stories #2, on teh Metacritic website